Monday, December 28, 2009

...And the Rest of the Days.

Well, due to the amount of snow and the recent holiday, my 30 day challenge of a Healthier Me sort of went out with a flop!. I do, however, continue to take long walks outside (but that will most likely come to an end when I get up to Idaho, seeing as their is twice as much snow) and often think about what I might do if I ever go to the on-campus gym... That counts as exercise right? Thinking? Well. Anyway. I best be finishing. I have better things to blog about. I think.

My Book.

When I was sixteen years old I wrote a book with one of my dear friends. It was based on the book "Sorcery and Cecilia" (which is really good, by the way) in which there are two characters writing back and forth to each other in a series of letters. The book took us about six or so months to complete and there is a total of seventy letters.

Anyway, my dear friend moved away for school and soon married. While I've been home during my off-track I took the liberty of typing The Game up with my dear friend's younger sister, who is, in fact, another dear friend of mine. After a while we finished typing and I sent off (via-website) the manuscript to a self-publishing company called Lulu. The book was very inexpensive, considering, and it took about two weeks to get here.

I got the finished product weeks ago, but was unable to post about it due to the fact that this dear friend of mine had no idea of its existence. It was a surprise Christmas present.

Here is the finished product:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I watched the new movie "Avatar" today. I got to watch it in 3D! If you have a choice, see it in 3D. It's totally worth the extra $2.

Directed by the oh-so-famous James Cameron, "Avatar" is a futuristic movie about a paraplegic war veteran, Jake Sully, who is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture. And I won't say any more than that because if I do, I'll be giving away the entire plot.

Anyway. "Avatar" was A-MA-ZING! I totally give it an A+. I loved it! Loved it! Loved it! ...But, I'd prefer it if you didn't blame me when you go to see it with huge expectations and you end up hating it. But you shouldn't. I will be sad.

It's rated PG-13. To put it plainly, there is quite a bit of swearing and a kissy scene, but I suppose for most of you that's not a big deal. Well, moving right along. The soundtrack is totally awesome. The graphics, the plot, everything is very well done! If you haven't seen it, do. And if you can see it in 3D, do to!

Day 27

Lots of water, lots of fruit, went outside and ran in the rain (ish). I also went and watched the new movie "Avatar." And it was A-MA-ZING! So I'm making this post short so I can blog about the movie!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 26.

Well, I skipped out on running since my allergies are getting worse and I had this terrible cough that was practically cured by Delsym. I spent most of the day just being bored; surfing the internet, watching TV, reading a book, visiting friends. ...I am very bored. I think that's usually what happens right before I go to school. Sort of like a calm before the storm. Super bored then BANG! no more time to be bored. Oh well. At least I'll be with friends.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 25.

I ran almost six miles today. Well, I think I did more walking than running. This cold air and my lack of breathing capabilities forced me to simply walk most of the time. Anyway, I drank lots of water, ate all my meals and... I am very bored.

I had the time to watch ALL of "Gone With the Wind" for the first time as well as "Arsenic and Old Lace", for the first time too. I had heard that these movies were very good and that I would surely be missing out if I didn't watch them. ...HA!

First off, "Gone With the Wind", Miss Scarlett O'Hara (who only remains Miss O'Hara for the first ten minutes of the movie and yet that is the name for which she is famous, doesn't make sense) is just about as tolerable to me Miss Emma Woodhouse ...No. I take that back. I actually liked Gwyneth Paltrow and even Kate Beckinsale as Emma, it was just getting through the book that gave me so much trouble. In fact, I haven't finished. Anyway. Scarlett O'Hara is very ...very ...unlikable. And it was almost painful for me to get through the entire movie. And the end! Oh! I just hope the book ends differently!

Now, for "Arsenic and Old Lace". If you're the type of person who likes ...who likes.... Oh. The only person I can think of to say is Edgar Allan Poe. Well, if you like him and old, black and white Cary Grant movies then you'll love this one! I, being the type you does NOT like Edgar Allan Poe stories, did NOT like "Arsenic and Old Lace" (And I mean no offense whatsoever to the person who recommended it to me. I'm sure if I watched it with a different audience that the outcome would have been somewhat altered). I guess if I were to rate these movies I would most definitely not give them an A or a B or a C... I'll just leave it at that.

Anyway, now that I have no job and very few hobbies, I am usually very bored. If anyone has any movie, or book, or any sort of recommendations, I'd love to hear them! For now, I think I'll beg my best friend's sister if I can babysit for her kids for free. Anything that will give me something constructive to do!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 23 & 24

Well, I spent nearly the entire day Saturday sleeping, or rather, trying to sleep. It's very hard to sleep when you've got something on your mind. And, of course, today being Sunday I did close to nothing, exercise wise that is. I have less than two weeks left in Missouri and then it's off to Neverland! My teaching partner, in my nursery class, told the kids today that this was my second to last Sunday with them. ...I don't think they understood, or else, they were probably just more interested in their cheez-its and animal crackers. I guess I'll worry about telling them again next week.

Can you believe I'm missing three kids??

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 22.

Well, I spent almost the whole day in the car driving up to Winter Quarters, Nebraska with my cousin and her husband for a wedding. So, yeah. Today, not so good. Lots of Fast Food food and not a single exercise. ...Well, does it count if I'm still extremely sore from yesterday?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 21.

I went running! Four miles! Plus I worked out. And boy, I sure had a terrible time breathing. ...Well, I guess that's about all for today. I need to go make banana bread for the Ward Party tomorrow that I'm not even going to. I'll be in Nebraska for a wedding!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Days 18, 19, & 20.

Well... That's weird. I sort of forgot about blogging yesterday and the day before. ..That's unusual. Anyway. I have been, believe it or not, drinking a lot of water! I have also been chowing down on my parents fruit supply. They keep a big bowl of apples secretly stashed away in the middle of their main counter. Well, I haven't eaten an apple in over three years. I've had braces on and now I have a permanent retainer. "So, it's like having braces on the inside of your mouth," I tell everyone. Because it kind of is. You still have to be careful about what you eat. So. No apples. But yesterday, for whatever reason, I had the urge to bite into an apple. So I did. And it was delicious! And then today I ate three apples in a row! (...and you do realize that this is between you and me right?) I haven't been doing anything cardio wise. I still haven't found a way to keep me from getting bored of The Bike. I'd like to run, but it's been kind of cold. Maybe I'll run anyway. Well, I guess that about sums up the past three days. Today was my last day of work, so, hopefully my 30 Day Challenge will not end in vain. Wish me luck!

Dear Jane.

Okay, so years and years ago we had these missionaries in our home and one of them pulled out a HUGE book of missionary stories and jokes and other such odds and ends. One of those things that I remember the most was a letter. A simple Dear Jane letter. This is a love letter from a boy to a girl, however, the girl's father does not like him and wants them to stop their relationship. And so, the boy wrote this letter to the girl with the knowledge that her father was sure to read it. Here it is:

"The great love that I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
grows every day. When I see you,
I do not even like your face;
the one thing that I want to do is to
look at other girls. I never wanted to
marry you. Our last conversation
was very boring and has not
made me look forward to seeing you again.
You think only of yourself.
If we were married, I know that I would find
life very difficult, and I would have no
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
to give, but it is not something that
I want to give to you. No one is more
foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
able to care for me and help me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
if you think this is the end. Do not try
to answer this. Your letters are full of
things that do not interest me. You have no
true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not think that
I am still your boyfriend."

You may be asking yourself right about now why it is I like this letter. Well, it turns out that, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told girl to "Read Between the Lines" meaning only to read every other line, starting with the first. Now. Read it again.

Monday, December 14, 2009

LDS Twilight Spoof.

Twilight Years from Tom on Vimeo.


I love Taylor Swift! And I love Twilight! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 17.

I sure love Sundays! ...And I can't believe I only have two left before I leave!

Well, aside from my awesome nursery class, I also went to Y.S.A. for the first time in a long time and that was awesome too. My institute teacher gave the lesson in Y.S.A. and I haven't been to institute for a long time either, so going tonight was like two birds with one stone. Anyway, my day was pretty full-ish. I went to church, came home, took a nap, went to Y.S.A. and I actually did take the time to exercise. I know it's Sunday so I didn't exercise too much, but I did, at least, do it. And I use the excuse "daily exercise" to make Sunday's okay. ...Is that bad?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 16.

Stayed up late working on a Christmas present. Slept in REALLY late. I had just enough time to get ready for work. I went straight to my parents house after work, because I found this really cool refrigerator magnet that I just had to get for my mom. It read: Dinner Will Be Served at the Sound of the Smoke Alarm. And when I gave it to her she said, "Uh! That's not true! ...Anymore." So uhh. No exercise today. Unless you count actually being at work. I did drink a lot of water though. And ate all of my meals. I'll be glad when I finish work. Then I'll actually have time in the morning to do what I want.

Wanted: Dreamcatcher.

I had the most bizarre dream last night. I was over at my friends house (which was odd and disorderly) and we were discussing the matter of Young Woman medallions and about the Young Woman in Excellence Program. When I mentioned that I had received my Young Woman's medallion at the age of seventeen they became astounded. How on earth could one so young achieve such a great honor? When they noticed my surprised look they explained... In order to achieve the Young Woman's Medallion and finish the Program you had to construct, by hand, a huge and working and amazing camera. The costs were sure to be great and it was sure to take years.

After hearing this I told my friend and her mother (with whom I was having the discussion) that I did not think that that was fair and that NOBODY was ever going to graduate the program because no one has the financial means to construct, by hand, a huge and working and amazing camera. So, standing there in my friend's house (which was odd and disorderly) I came to the realization that I am a failure. I did not graduate Young Woman's and I did not earn the medallion that I proudly stash in my bathroom cupboard underneath the q-tips. I woke up from my dream feeling horrible. What could it mean? ...Do you think maybe I'm paranoid that I can't find my camera?

P.S. Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought, "Hey, I've had that dream before." And then, the more you think about it, the more you realize that you actually haven't had that dream you dreamed before and that you only dreamed that you had previously dreamed that dream...before? ...Has that ever happened to you?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Days 14 & 15.

Lots of water. Yada, yada. ...I biked for a bit. I just get bored too fast. ...I need better motivation. Maybe if I made myself believe that if I DIDN'T bike then the world would suddenly careen out of space, maybe then I'd actually bike. Or exercise period. Hmm. Anyone have any good motivational tips? ..Maybe if I was competing for something, or getting married...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 13.

I can't breath through my nose. Not in. Not out. I feel miserable. I am so glad that I only have a week left of work. But... if you think about it, I'll be in Idaho in less than a month, where it's cold and snowy and cold and freezing and cold. So, I guess I could just kiss whatever hopes I had of recovering goodbye. Because I'm not. Not for a few more months at least. Well, due to this horrible case of allergies or a cold or whatever it may be, I've retired from running outside. I have an exercise bike inside, maybe I'll put that to some use. Well, toodles.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 12.

Well, it rained. I didn't go running. I worked this morning. ...Yeah, it's not been a good Day 12. I went to a baby shower. I didn't eat anything chocolaty or sugary. Just bread and crackers. :) I also drank their sugar-free punch! How cool is that??

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 11.

I feel like garbage! I don't remember the last time my allergies or this cold or whatever it is, was this bad. I am experiencing a constant runny nose (not that you particularly needed to know), plus sneezing, and itchy eyes, and pretty much everything that goes with it. I did go running this morning, I probably shouldn't have considering I think being out in the cold made it worse. But my daddy picked up some medicine for me on his way home from work and so, I should be fine once my body gets use to the stuff. I should be good to go hopefully pretty soon. Besides I only have about a week left of work, which means, only a week left of running. ...I won't go running tomorrow. With the way I feel right now I'm ready to call tomorrow a day, and today isn't even over! ...I sure wish they could up with some sort of cure for allergies. It's really driving me nuts! ...I've been eating mostly soups today. No surprise. Well, anyway. I'd better go. The sooner I get to sleep the sooner I don't have to worry about my allergies! ...or at least, for the time being.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Just in Case You Haven't Already Seen It...

Day 10.

Well, today has been fine. It's Sunday so, not much to tell. But I had a great day at church! I'll talk about that.

We played Duck-Duck-Goose at the end of class and, of course, we'd have four other kids walking around the circle hitting everyone on the head, I just had to pay close attention to the person who was "It", and then we'd have like half a dozen kids chasing that person, not just around the circle, but around the whole room! And one of the girls would say, "Ock, Ock, Ooose!" and another, "Tag, tag, TAG!" It was so funny!

And before the opening prayer one of the children decided they would take their shoes off. So they did and proceeded to chuck them at me. I caught the shoes and tossed them behind me into a corner. Well, what one kid does, another is sure to follow. We started prayer and one by one the kids would take off their shoes and pelt them at me. I teach ten kids; that's twenty shoes! (But luckily there were a few kids with sense and did not take off their shoes) It was very hard to be reverent.

P.S. I only have three Sunday's left! How am going to break it to the kids that I'm leaving??

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 9.

Today has been one of the longest days of my life! At least, at the moment it sure feels that way. I had a really long and busy and stressful and exhausting and, well, just a really really long day at work. Anyway, I went running again. Lots of food. Lots of water. Blah. Blah... :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 8.

I went running! And in 16 degree weather! It was great! I'll be going again tomorrow. ...I don't know what we'll do when it starts snowing. Just run in the snow I guess.

Well, I worked for a huge chunk of the day but I drank a LOT of water! And I ate all three meals. I haven't exercised yet (apart from running anyway) but the night is still young! :) Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 7.

Okay, so, today wasn't so good. I exercised like for six minutes. I did drink a lot of water though! And I think I ate like four bananas (plus more food)! And, to tell you the truth, they're not very filling.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Heart Letters.

I just received a letter from my brother the other day and in it, he gave me the count of how many letters I have given to him over these past seventeen months. The count was seventeen. (Plus I just slipped my reply in the mailbox this morning.) In my opinion, seventeen letters in seventeen months is pretty pathetic. I mean, I can do better than that. I know I can. A few years back I played a game with one of my friends where we came up with different, fictional characters and we wrote letters back and forth. Within seven months we had a grand total of seventy letters! It was super fun!

A few weeks ago I was going through some boxes and one of them was chuck full of letters and, because I can't find sentimental things without going through them, (that's why it takes me so long to clean anything or organize my stuff because I get so side tracked) I started opening some up, and reading them, and counting them, etc. etc. My cousin, who was visiting, asked me what I was doing. So I told him that I was going through letters from a corespondent of almost ten years. I don't think I've ever thrown a letter away...

"Did you not believe in emails?" my cousin asked, astounded.

"No," I answered, "I did ...well, no, I guess I didn't."

I LOVE writing and receiving letters! Yesterday I was writing a reply to my brother and my friend declared how much she didn't like writing. Which is understandable. It seems to be a thing of the past. It's like what Anna Quindlen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author once said, "The age of technology has both revived the use of writing and provided ever more reasons for its spiritual solace. Emails are letters, after all, more lasting than phone calls, even if many of them r 2 cursory 4 u." (I love it!)

I love quotes too. So, here are some fun/funny quotes on the matter of Letter-Writing:

Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company. ~Lord Byron

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. ~Phyllis Theroux

What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call. ~Liz Carpenter

Or don't you like to write letters. I do because it's such a swell way to keep from working and yet feel you've done something. ~Ernest Hemingway

The one good thing about not seeing you is that I can write you letters. ~Svetlana Alliluyeva

Letters are above all useful as a means of expressing the ideal self; and no other method of communication is quite so good for this purpose. In letters we can reform without practice, beg without humiliation, snip and shape embarrassing experiences to the measure of our own desires... ~Elizabeth Hardwick

Day 6.

I now have a list! Thanks to my brother. (Thank you brother!)

1. No soda (very important).
2. No seconds on dinner.
3. No deserts or sweets (you probably could break that one occasionally)
4. No more than two tortillas (well, keep in mind this is from my brother who's serving his mission in Phoenix and is speaking Spanish. So. I wonder, how I could translate this into English..?)
5. No eating after 6 PM (very important)
6. And just workout and run.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Due to current circumstance and my completely uncreative brain, I am allotting myself six months. (Though six weeks might be more correct, it shouldn't take me THAT long) Refer to this post.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 5.

Oh...I bet you're getting bored of this 'day one', 'day two' stuff. I am. But, because I started I must therefore finish.

Today was good. I went running with my friend, in the cold morning frost I might add. Anyway, I think I have some form of exercise-induced asthma. I always have the hardest time breathing whenever I exercise. ...I'll have to get that checked out. Well, I guess that's about it for today. Toodles!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 4.

Before I delve into my boring "healthy day" bit I just have to say: I LOVE my calling! And I don't mean to get all churchy and spiritual on you, I just really feel like saying this.

Right after I got my Young Woman's medallion (like the next Sunday!) I was given my first calling. And, no surprise, I was working with the Primary. My second calling, same way. My third calling, I was in school and the Primary didn't exist, but if bet if they did have a Primary that's where I'd be! My fourth calling, I was in the primary. LOVE it!

I use to think that I was missing out on something. I mean, I go to church, then go straight to nursery or to the Primary and my whole day was filled with talking to kids, taking them to the restroom, wiping their boogers, giving them snacks, playing games with them, etc, etc. But, after a while, I realized something. Ever since I got this calling, the one I have now, I noticed that every day when church was getting out and the kids were being picked up by their parents, I felt this overwhelming feeling of joy. It was so weird. At first I thought it was just relief that the day was over and I just had this overpowering desire to cry. But today I realized, even though I was somewhat relieved, that what I was feeling was the Spirit.

These kids, all ten of them, are so young and clean and pure and amazing! They have no sins, they're as funny and cute as can be. Often times I wish there were more of me so that I could give each child the attention they deserve. Today for instance, I had four kids all at once trying to show me something or have me do something and I felt so happy because I knew, I could see it on every one of their faces, that they loved me. They don't care how much money I make, or what clothes I wear, or what I'm majoring in, or what all I've done wrong in my past. All that they care about is that I'm there and that I'm doing the best that I can to help them and teach them.

I can honestly say that I am excited to someday become a mother. To have kids of my own (and not all of them the same age) is something that I look forward to with eagerness. Kids are amazing. I know at times they can be tough, especially when they whine or fuss or punch another kid for taking a toy when it wasn't their turn, but I know that all the good things greatly outweigh the bag things any day!

Well, moving right along, today was good, considering it was Sunday and I didn't exercise. I ate all three meals and I've set up a date to go running with one of my friends. Hopefully we'll be able to go every morning, but, who knows. Wish me luck at getting up early!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 3.

Today was alright. I had the chance to workout and eat healthy ...before work anyway. After that (and I did drink lots of water at work too!) I had a bit of an emotional deal that called for m&m's. ...And I can't finish them all. Anybody want m&m's?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 2.

Today has been a real drag. I just got back from working ten hours. Ugh. And at a fast food job, the day after Thanksgiving, things go really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, slowly. I didn't do as well with my water as I did yesterday. I'll have to do better tomorrow. And, concerning "working out", I didn't do so well with that either, due to my long work day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Day 1.

Well, the first day wasn't so bad. Considering it was Thanksgiving. And, not that you need to know, I became very familiar with each of the bathrooms in all of the houses I visited for Thanksgiving. Ten cups of water is a TON of water!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My 30 Day Challenge.

I was talking with my sister yesterday and I asked her what I should blog about. (I nearly always feel like blogging, and yet I never know what to blog about.) She suggested that I blog about a 30 day challenge. Only, I had to pick what the challenge actually was. So, I picked the one thing that I really, really, really wanted to do. And so, big surprise, I decided to go for a 30 Day Challenge to a Healthier Me.

I know this is a strange way to start the holidays, but I really want to do this. After having a huge dinner with my family I came home and, dun, dun, duh! I cruised the internet. While cruising I found this amazing website called (and no, this is not some subtle hint that I'm getting married any time soon. Just so you know). I've mostly just been watching the episodes on youtube and I'm really excited to get started!

I guess, since I love blogging and since it is a 30 day challenge, this gives me something to blog about for the next month. I'll start on Thanksgiving (my schedule isn't too busy). And I guess that means, since I'm starting on November 26, I'll end the day after Christmas. And hopefully, I'll like the challenge so much that I'll extend it for a few more months, or, if I'm lucky, for forever.

Well, wish me luck, and don't get too bored with whatever I write. And if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Listen to Music.

Music is a big part of my life. No, scratch that. Music is a HUGE part of my life. I listen to music in the car, I listen to music in my bedroom, I listen to music when I exercise, I listen to music at work, I even listen to music in my sleep! I always wake up with a song in my head.

One of my favorite music artists is Taylor Swift, I just have to say. Whenever I'm in the car, listening to the radio of course, I have to go through all of my favorite stations to see if she's on. If she is, I listen to her. If she's not I keep scanning until she is, occasionally stopping to finish off whatever good song is currently playing. I've even found that I could be listening to one of her songs on the radio and when it's done I'll change the station and if she's on again, even if it's the same song, I'll listen to it. Is that crazy? I guess I just never get bored of her. Anyway.

Another one of my favorite artists is Regina Spektor. She's so blunt in her lyrics and her music videos are super bizarre! I think what the video directors do for Regina is they pick the strangest setting, the weirdest costume, and the most random object and throw it all together with a song that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Like this one for instance:

What do you think? :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon.

"Well, you guys look happy," said the cashier. We were at McDonalds, my sister and I, and we were ordering dinner.

"Yeah, we're going to go see 'New Moon'!" My sister exclaimed.

The cashier got excited, "Me too!"

"Where? Right here in town? Oh, cool! We'll save you a seat!" We said as we left.

Saving seats was harder than we anticipated, as I'm sure you can imagine. I saw the movie with my younger sister, my parents, and the McDonald's girl.

Anyway, about the movie. To put it plainly, I LOVED IT! I was afraid that as soon as the movie started it would be like: BOOM! End of Movie! Rolling Credits! -But it wasn't like that at all. It didn't feel rushed in the least. There were a lot of screaming girls and a lot of clapping hands from the audience during the movie. It wasn't bad thought. It was actually kind of fun!

I sat between my dad and the McDonald's girl. My mom sat by my dad and my younger sister. The McDonald's girl kept crying as the movie progressed and they had those "touching" scenes and she'd openly declare her opinion about how the characters were acting. Things such as: "No you dummy!" and "What in the world are you doing, you meany head!" It was really funny!

Throughout the movie my dad kept saying things like, “What is this?? Guys are ALWAYS in this girl's room! What does this teach girls?” and "Julia don’t ever date a werewolf or a vampire.” And, just to get a reaction, as soon as we walked out, he declared, "That movie was dumb!" ....Yeah, we had a lot of people glare at us.

Oh and it was funny, the McDonald's girl had changed out of her uniform and into a "Team Edward" shirt, and yet, throughout the movie she kept rooting for Jacob. "Kiss her! Kiss her!" And, just to be fair to my team, I had to keep reminding her that it was Edward we liked and not Jacob. However, after watching the movie, I won't be surprised if they make a shirt that says "I use to be on Team Edward, but after I saw Taylor Lautner I joined Team Jacob."

The movie was awesome! The graphics were ten times better and not in the least bit cheesy. Well, maybe a smidgen. Like a point-one or something. Anyway, New Moon is definitely an A movie. And I can't wait to see it again on Saturday! Oh, and I can't wait for June 30th!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Rights as a Latter-day Young Adult.

Well, I'm nineteen and a half years old, I've held a total of four callings (thus far), I've completed four semesters of school (thus far), and I do (regardless of what my family says), feel as if I've matured over the years. Now, I find myself facing a somewhat small, yet important dilemma. I already know how some of you feel (you know who you are, *wink*) and I already know how I am going to deal with this matter. I would, however, like your opinion.

My dilemma is as follows: Do I call the sisters by their first name or by their last name? At my age and with my background I feel as if I deserve to be able to call the sisters by their first names. Yet, I am still very young, it is true, and I have been raised with these sisters as my teachers and Young Woman leaders. It might be a little strange to be calling them by their first names.

Well, I guess that's about it. What do you think?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

All These Years.... I Feel So Cheated.

In my fourth grade year I was introduced to a series of books called "Santa Paws". The books are short and cute and I really enjoy them. I've been collecting the books for many years now. There are a total of six books in the series, and they are written by a man named Nicholas Edwards. ...Or, so I thought.

I discovered today that, after all these years, I find that Nicholas Edwards actually doesn't exist. He never did. Nicholas is a pen name for a woman by the name of Ellen Emerson White, author of many juvenile fiction. And to think, I went around all over my Junior-High years and recommended a person that didn't exist!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today I am going to blog about the age old question that everyone always thinks about: Do skittles have a taste?

I was at my friend's house the other day and we were discussing the matter of Movie Theater foods. My friend noted that she could NOT eat skittles or m&m's in the movie theater, because it was dark and she could never tell what colors she was eating. She noted that she only liked the green m&m's and that she couldn't stand the taste of purple skittles!

After telling her that I never really paid any attention to what colors I ate or how they differed in taste, I decided to test her. I told her to close her eyes as I pulled out a skittle. I anxiously put it in her hand and watched as she popped it in her mouth. Can you guess what color I gave her? If the taste didn't give the color away I was sure that my unstopping giggles would. I was glad when they didn't.

"Green?" She guessed. "Red? Yellow?"

I laughed and told her that it was purple. Obviously, her complete dislike for purple skittles was completely ....there's a word, it means 'it's all in your head'.

After testing her, her husband noted that he could tell the difference. So, we tested him. The results were incredible! As soon as his wife tossed a skittle into his mouth he knew what color it was. It was so cool! I was like, "Wow, do it again!"

Anyway, it was really funny! I guess the answer to the question is: it depends on who you are. For someone like me, skittles and m&m's all taste the same. I mean. That is. They taste the same as themselves. Not that an m&m tastes anything like a skittle. At least I can tell THAT difference.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just A Note.

In life it seems likely that at least one of the thirty-two-thousand, eight-hundred, some odd mornings in which you awake is bound to be completely and utterly wrong. The reasons are hardly known and the cures are even less. But what can one do but live? Wake up. Get ready for what seems to be the same day re-played. Eat breakfast. Go to work and close your mouth of every complaint. Keep them inside until you are met with one of those rare once-in-a-life-time afternoons when you have nothing to do where you can go out where the world is quiet and have a good long cry. It doesn't cure anything. But it helps.

Today has been one such day for me. Everything has gone wrong. I would take the opportunity for one of those rare afternoons, but alas, it has not come my way. With two jobs it is rare indeed. I don't know what to do to fix it. Or that it can even be fixed. Just as long as I know that there will be a tomorrow, even if it's the same crummy tomorrow as it was today, and even if these crummy tomorrows end up being a whole week of crummy yesterdays, at least I will know that somewhere down the road, it will end. That they won't last forever. That not every day, not every weekend, and not every time I get out of bed will turn out bad. Just as long as I know that, just as long as it's somewhere in the back of mind, I can last. It won't be easy. But I can last.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thought for Food.

I love asking questions! My favorite questions usually evolve around the first meetings of a couple, or the dating-process, and lately "how did he propose?" sorts of questions.

I'm the sort of person who, when a couple says that their first date forty-some-odd years ago was dinner and a movie, I want to know what movie they watched. Or if a couple mentions that, thirty years ago, they celebrated their first anniversary by going dancing, I like to know what kind of shoes she wore. And if someone mentions that they're reading a book that I have previously read I always ask what part their at. As if it really matters. I feel like questions, or rather, answers to questions are my brain's dessert.

Last year when I was working in Lee's Summit at Subway, I came in to work once and was told the story of how we got robbed at gun point the night before. Turns out that a young man had come in, ordered a sandwich and when he got to the counter to pay, he pulled a gun on my co-worker and demanded all the money. I was lucky enough to have asked for that particular night off, due to an extra credit assignment for my Geography class. And do you know what was the very first question I asked? "...What kind of sandwich was it?" I mean really? Did that matter? Absolutely not!

But somewhere, deep inside, I must have felt that knowing what kind of sandwich it was would give me some sort of bearing, or, a window to the robber's soul. As if all the robbers who got a ham sandwich only carried knives and the one's who got a meatball sandwich only carried guns. As if.

I guess I can't exactly say why I like asking questions. Often times I think it is because it allows me to see into a person's mind even if it's just for a few moments. See how the gears in their brain really work. What their thought process is. What sort of personality they have.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is: if I were to have any superpower in the world, I'd like to be able to read people's minds. I find that when I ask people too many questions they get suspicious, either that or they wonder why in the world I want to know all these random things. Or they just lie. Either way, I think it would be cool to read people's minds. At will anyway. I wouldn't want to read people's minds all the time. That would be weird.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Getting Gas.

So, I get off work, drive home, realize my tank is empty and stop at the only gas station in Pierce City. It's eleven o'clock at night and I'm praying that the gas-station is still open. I get out of my car walk over to the pump and I hear the intercom turn on. "Sorry, we're closed." Oh brilliant! I get back in my car and pull out of the lot.

As I'm pulling out I notice the police car sitting in front of me on the other side of the street. I hadn't bothered to turn on my blinker and that was the only thing I can think of as I watch the police car. As I pass I glance back in my rear-view mirror. One of my greatest nightmares has come true. The police car is following me. It isn't long before the blue and red lights turn on. I pull over, heart pounding, and slip out my diver's license. This has never happened to me before. I really have no idea what I'm doing.

I wait, and within seconds the officer is next to my car with a flashlight. "You don't have your headlights on," he says. My first thoughts are 'Yes they are. Why can I see the road?' But then I realize that I really don't have them on and that the only way I can see the road is because I'm in town. "Oh," I say, flipping them on, "Thanks!" The officer laughs and states that I would have noticed when I got out of town and he even commented on how I smelt (which was like pizza). Anyway... that's about it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Story of My Grandparents.

This is one of my favorite stories!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I want to blog. But. I can't think of anything to blog about.

...I cut my toe on a new raiser last night and bled all over the bathroom, but that's not very exciting. ...I went to work today. And yesterday. I went to Springfield yesterday and visited my siblings. I ate french toast for breakfast this morning. I'm in the process of cleaning my room. I'm reading this really weird book called "The Wish List".

Are you bored yet? I am.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fearless Grandma!

"Oh! There's another one of those snakes," my grandma said leaning up in her chair.

It was the third one this month!

I looked over and sure enough there was this three inch ring-neck snake. They're harmless of course. I moved the little rocking chair that it was under and moved the snake across the floor with my foot so that it wouldn't go under the couch. I was surprised when my grandma yelled -"Oh, Julia! Don't touch it! Here, use a tissue."

She gave me the tissue and I picked it up with that. I was surprised again when Grandma stepped away from me as I stood up with the little snake. She seemed scared. But why? Hadn't I just seen here flush one of them down the toilet the other day? I decided to test my doubts of my grandma (who fears nothing). I stuck the snake in her face. The results were immediate and she screamed and leapt out of the way across the livingroom. "Grandma!" I said, laughing. "It's just a snake!" But I flushed it down the toilet and we just laughed about it. It was so funny!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh, Who Am I Kidding??

I can't fast for this long. I want to blog! I want to chat! I haven't spoken to some of my bestest friends in WEEKS! I feel like I've fallen off the face of the earth! ...well, almost. Maybe not that close. I really could last. It's just, I really don't want to.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My TV/Internet Fast.

I was thinking the other day about all the things I could do to improve myself. One of those things was cutting back on television and my use of the internet. So, I decided that I would go on a fast for a whole month. No TV use, whatsoever and no internet (except on Wednesdays when my brother emails me from his mission -no need for him to suffer). I'd ask for your ideas on what I could do instead, but once this post is up (which, obviously it is) then I've already started. But I'd love to hear your ideas anyway! It'll give me more things to do when the fast is over! So, if you need to contact me (which nobody ever does) then you know my Grandma's phone number -I don't get reception out here so the cell phone probably wouldn't work very well. Anyway, wish me luck and I'd love to hear your ideas on what more I could do!

See you on October 7th!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lost In Austen.

"It is a truth generally acknowledged that we are all longing to escape..."

Yesterday I was crusing the internet finding pictures and I came across one from a movie called "Lost in Austen". It's a mini series that came out in 2008 and after watching a preview for it I was very anxious to see it. So, like most impatient American's I decided to look it up online. You can pretty much watch the whole thing on youtube (but it leaves out a ton!) or there are other sights available also. There are only 4 episodes and each of them are about 40 minutes long.

Well, I've just finished watching it and I must say, I really enjoyed it! Imagine taking Pride and Prejudice, our 21st century world, putting them in a jar, shaking it up, and that is what "Lost in Austen" is. The main girl, Miss Amanda Price, finds herself sucked into the world of Jane Austen and is taking over the roll of Elizabeth Bennett. (In my opinion you would already have to be a big fan of Pride and Prejudice in order to fully appreciate the film.)

To be honest I find myself second guessing myself as to whether or not I should recommend it. The main girl, Amanda, is a very modern Englander and she uses very modern and somewhat vulgar terms. Alas, as I am continuing to tell you about it, I apparently still wish to recommend it. The film is not rated and so there is nothing exceptionally wrong with it. Just be warned. Aside, the hardest thing for me in watching the film is that none of the characters looked like they should. None were Colin Firth and none were Jennifer Ehle, but they grow on you enough. Its very funny and very romantic. I think I'd give it a B+ and a smiley face!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Once Upon A Mattress.

I watched the movie "Once Upon A Mattress" yesterday. It's one of my favorites. (How I usually decide what movie to watch is whatever song I wake up with in my head. Random, but anyway). As I was watching the movie I was reminded of a college experience...

"Once Upon A Mattress" is about a princess having to sleep under a pea, or not sleep, whichever. A single pea, in fact the smallest pea in the kingdom, underneath twenty downy mattresses. It was to test the princesses 'sensitivity'.

Last semester, when all the classes were over and everyone was packing up to leave my roommate and I moved my mattress (it's a new and very nice one) onto the opposite bed. As we moved it, we discovered something. There was a shoe, a high-heeled shoe, in fact, that I had apparently slept on all four months of the semester. Come to find out that my first semester of being in that apartment, my roommates had played a trick on one of the girls and hid a lot of her things. They put the shoe under her mattress which later became my mattress.

I guess one thing is for sure: I'm no princess. ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Breakfast in 5 Minutes!

These are waffles (or pancakes) so the first thing you'll want to do is plug in the waffle iron or get the pancake pan heating up.

1 cup of milk and
1 cup of whole wheat (Yes, whole wheat. Trust me, it will be okay)
Blend this for 2 minutes, then add
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of oil
3 eggs
4 tsp. baking powder and
1/2 tsp salt.
Blend this for 2 more minutes (that makes 4 minutes total thus far).
And then cook it! (That's the last minute)
And there you have it. Breakfast in five minutes! Grandma and I just had some this morning and it was really good. Usually I'm the modern type who doesn't like whole wheat and just sticks with store bought white bread but I actually really like this.

Now, my problem would be getting a hold of the whole wheat. You can get it from the Bishop's storehouse (25 lbs for $5.90) or from any health food store, but they charge a lot! Grandpa always preferred the hard wheat because it gives the waffles a nutty texture, but if you like it soft you can just get the soft wheat. And here's a note of wisdom from Grandma: if the wheat is made into wheat flower and it's not frozen don't buy it. It has no food value left. Just buy the wheat and grind it or use it when you're ready. It lasts a whole lot longer.

Star Wars

I found this the other day as I was looking up videos on YouTube. I guess you'd have to be a Star Wars fan in order to fully appreciate this song. I think it's really funny!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I had a sub today in nursery for my companion teacher and I haven't caught on to the full swing of things so I was mostly just improvising. I played the "Who's behind me!" game. It was very fun! The kids would pile behind me and I would turn my head around "trying" to find them and whoever was standing in front of me I'd ask, "Who's behind me?" And I was surprised to find that the kids knew each other's names. They'd point and yell giving their classmates away. It was cool! And they were so reverent today in class! My favorite part was when one of my students stood up during the lesson, pressed his nose into the Manuel and stated "That's quite interesting!" And this is coming from a three year old! Anyway, have I mentioned that I love my calling? Kids are so funny!

My Thoughts on Raisins.

I believe that raisins are one of the strangest foods in existence. My reasons are simple enough and I'll gladly tell you what they are. One of the first things I notice about a raisin is how ugly it is, not at all attractive to eat. Second, if I'm brave enough to put one in my mouth, I find I am experiencing a most disgusting taste. My final reason is that if I continue eating raisins I realize that they are not filling.

I suppose it all depends on what you think of as alluring, but for me, I can not see how a raisin could be anything but ugly. Their dried insides, covered with a shriveled coat remind me only of old age. To me, raisins seem to suffer greatly from their variety of color. A raisins color is usually dark and morbid; however, there are the occasional yellows and reds. These gloomy colors tend to drive my interest away to something much less blatant, say M&M's for example. M&M's hold a wide variety in color choices, far beyond that of a raisin. Not that being green will make the thing easier to eat.

At least once a year I find myself chewing hopelessly on a raisin, while holding back tears as the most repulsive taste fills my mouth. After much research I have come to the conclusion that a raisin can be one of several things; good, disgusting, or tolerable. As I have stated, I believe that the raisin is purely disgusting. Perhaps it's the leathery feel in my mouth that causes me to feel this way. Then the idea of not having any delicious juice inside to wash it down only backs the disgust further. Unlike the orange that is filled with a savory juice, the raisin sits empty and dry.

When I eat a raisin the last dislike I discover is how unfilling it is. (Is that even a word? Oh well, just pretend that it is.) I have always had the opinion that a raisin makes for a poor snack when hunger comes to call. A grape, to me, looks like something to be eaten, whereas a raisin... well, there's nothing really there. It's too small. When I'm hungry I want to stuff myself just past satisfaction to rid myself of it's murderous growl, but a raisin?? What can that satisfy?

At this point I hope I've made quite clear my opinion of raisins. On my scale of beauty, raisins fall short of everything else. Concerning tastes, I admit I find raisins to be among the most disgusting. Then finally, I believe that raisins, no matter how many you eat, will never fill you up. In my opinion the raisins is the most unusual food discovered by man. Yuck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nursery by the Dozen.

No matter what I do, no matter how inconspicuous I try to be, I can never seem to stay out of Nursery.

I've been called to be an assistant in the nursery and there are TWELVE kids! To be honest the first week I was in the nursery I was sure that I had my hands full for the rest of these five months! However, the following Sunday we had a few absentees. Sure, the class was still fairly large, but it was manageable. It's like my family, we're big, but even when one person is gone the family seems to shrink by a long shot. That's how it felt on Sunday, that there were only a couple of kids rather than eight.

I don't have all of their names memorized yet. I'm still working on that one. (Nelson, Elizabeth, Sunny, Bowdy, Anne Marie, Stephen, Ginger, Carly... and "God bless what's-his-name!") Despite the odd feeling I get when I go to church, play with kids and come home, I really like my calling!

Any ideas on how to teach a lesson to a bunch of three year olds?

Friday, August 14, 2009


I love writing! In fact, I love it so much that I've been working on a sort of story. And for some spontaneous reason I feel the desire to post a bit of it. It is by no means finished, this would-be chapter, but I felt that it was enough to give some amount of entertainment to you and perhaps a proper input for me from whomever reads it. I've posted it in my google-docs so naturally it looks ...wide. Anyway, I apologize for any grammatical errors and I would like to know what you think -even if you laugh your head off! ;) Just click here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Julie and Julia.

I'm really in the mood to blog! Mostly it's because of a movie I just watched. "Julie and Julia." I watched it with my sister in an expensive theater and in a town where traffic is totally crazy! Anyway. "Julie and Julia" is directed by Nora Ephron, who also directed my favorite "You've got Mail" and "Sleepless in Seattle." The stars of the movie are "Mama Mia"'s Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada"'s Stanley Tucci, and "Enchanted"'s Amy Adams! (It was so hard watching the movie without imagining her with a big puffy dress and I expected her in nearly every scene to just suddenly break out into song. But she didn't. Oh well.) The movie is rated PG-13 for brief STRONG language (they completely, unnecessarily dropped the f-bomb once -it made me so mad!) and some sensuality (it's about two married couples, so yeah, sensuality).

"Julie and Julia" is a movie based on two true stories. One story is about how Julia Child becomes a famous cook and the other story is about how one woman blogged her way through all 524 recipes of Julia Child's in only 365 days. Throughout the entire movie Julie is blogging and it made me anxious to blog again. My blog certainly isn't as entertaining as Julie's is but I have just as much fun with it. Maybe if I set a goal like hers ...ha. Never mind.

Other than the STRONG language and sensuality -all the bad stuff -it was a really good movie. There was also a piece in Julie's story that I didn't like, but I guess that's something that's just part of life. I won't say what it was, I don't want to spoil anything, but anyway. I'd say overall I'd give it a... hmm... a C+. I liked it, but I'd have liked it better if it was PG. Oh! I got to ride on a motorcycle today! I didn't drive it, but I was on it going 60 mph! How cool is that!?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Of Mice and Girls.

The unfortunate thing about living in an old house in the country is that somehow mice always seem to find a way in. Now, I am not writing this post to gross you out or to make you squirm at the very thought of coming to visit my parents (though reading this might do just that) I am merely telling you this story to... No, I have to be honest, it's pretty much just to gross you out.

I was in the kitchen a while back with my sisters Heather and Jessica. We were looking up videos on my computer and carrying on some random conversation. In the midst of all the voices I could hear a constant sound. It's pitch was high and I was certain I had heard it before...but never in a kitchen. Again and again I heard the sound. Again and again until I could stand it no more.

"Why is there a chicken in the house??" I demanded out loud for anyone to answer. My sisters were stunned with confusion at my question and they proceeded to tell me that it was actually not a chicken but a mouse. I looked over in time to see a small gray blur rush along the white counter tops and dive behind the large oven.

Many years ago my family raised chickens in a coop quite far from the house. I use to feed and tend them as best as any ten year old could. I loved the chickens! I liked feeding them and gathering eggs. Once in a while my family would leave a few eggs and let them hatch and watch the chicks grow up into hens. That's why the sound was familiar to me. It sounded like baby chicks. On this occasion, however, it was not a chicken.

As my sisters and I continued our conversations I kept watch on the mouse. It seemed to have a pattern. Run out from behind the oven, race along the counter, and then run back. It did this a few times until I had had enough. I made up my mind that if it came out again, there was no way it was going to go back. So, when it decided to race out from behind the oven and run along the counter, I grabbed the broom. I watched the ugly rodent dive under the stereo and push itself farther and farther through our kitchen appliances in hope of escape. I took the broom and laid it across the counter, blocking it's path back to the oven. (And yes, I do realize that having a broom on the counter isn't exactly the most sanitary thing, but neither is having a mouse running around and pooping wherever it pleases, so I thought this was an exception.)

Once the path was blocked I began pushing the appliances and stereo and everything n the counter toward one corner, hoping to unsettle the little vermin and have it come out of it's hiding spot. As I pushed, my little sister watched from over my shoulder. As we stood there waiting, we could see nothing. No movement at all. Well, that was unusual. When I realized this I changed tactics and began moving everything away from the corner. I moved the stereo first and what my sister and I saw was so horrible, so disgusting, so positively despicable that we both turned away and groaned. The mouse had been squished under the stereo when I had pushed it into the corner. It's body was now flattened to the counter, it's tongue sticking out and it's eyes closed for an even greater effect. It was so gross! We ran downstairs to our dad and asked him to get ride of the thing. Neither of us were about to even get near it. I hate mice!

The Crash.

My first schooless week was a little crazy. I went from sleeping on my apartment floor (all of my things were on my bed and I was too lazy to move them) to sleeping on my cousin's couch, to sleeping in the car, to sleeping on my new bed (which is humongous by the way) in my grandma's house, and then to sleeping in my sister's bed the night before our Nauvoo trip (which I'll have to blog about later). Anyway, the night that I was with my sister -we both managed to squish ourselves next to each other on her rather smallish bed -I woke up in the middle of the night to a rather large crash! I tensed, every limb in my body frozen. I had no idea where I was and I had on idea what had caused the crash. I was afraid that someone had come in and was robbing us. And I didn't even know where I was! So, as I sat there, scared out of my mind, I felt something next to me. My sister rolled over in her sleep. Oh. I was with my sister. In her room. I then came up with a reason for the crash. It must have been one of her shelves. They often times like to come undone and fall randomly whenever guests are over.

When we woke up the following morning I remember looking out over the room and seeing the shelf, hanging from it's bolts with it's contents sprawled out all over the floor. My sister leaned up over me to look at her room. Her eyes grew wide and she made a face. "What the crap happened to my room!" I laughed and told her the story. When I asked if she had heard the crash -for how could anyone have missed it?? -she said that she had but that she thought she had only dreamed it up. But no. Obviously she hadn't.

Isn't it fun when you're house wakes you up in the middle of the night and plays tricks on you?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Belgian Cookies

My Grandma and I made Belgian cookies today. I remember eating them as a kid. They make the yummiest ice-cream sandwiches! And they're super easy to make, so long as you have the Cookie Iron. The ingredients are as follows:

4 sticks of butter
5 eggs
4 tablespoons of vanilla
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 cups brown sugar
6 cups of flower, and
1 teaspoon of salt.

Now, the cookie iron is pretty much essential for these cookies. I suppose it might work with a regular waffle iron, but I can't imagine they'd turn out quite the same. What you'd need is an Electric Belgian Cookie and Waffle Iron. You can order it for like $60 or $70 on Amazon. So, I guess if for some crazy reason you have $70 burning a whole in your pocket and you just HAVE to spend it, I'd recommend blowing it on this. It's pretty much amazing! It's electric, but it doesn't have a timer on it so you just have to keep checking if the cookies are done or not.

Once the dough is made you freeze it for about an hour. Not so that it's rock hard, but enough that it keeps its shape better. After it's "chilled" you roll it into little balls and then place them in the center of the greased cookie iron (which should already be hot by time you get to that point, you should just plug it in and let it heat up). When the cookies are slightly 'browned' or however you like, you just take a fork and flip it into your hands. They'll, of course, be hot so you'll want a cookie rack ready to put the cookies on. Once they've cooled you can stick some ice cream in the middle and freeze them or just eat them plain. Either way, they're are very good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fly Away Home.

I'm coming home!

I've waited seven months to finally live back in Missouri! And I'll be living with one of the greatest people on earth! My Grandma! I am so excited! I want to see my siblings again and my parents. One of my favorite parts about going home is when I first walk through the door and everyone yells out my name and we stand there forever passing along hugs and warm welcomes, or when I drive up and honk the horn as long and loud as I can and watch my little siblings run out in their bare feet just to see me!

I miss the humidity. I miss hearing those annoying bugs just before going to bed. I miss the cold night air. I miss the trees. I miss my friends and my ward. I miss jumping on the trampoline. I miss picking on my siblings. I miss walking across the bridge and leaning over just to watch the water. I miss home cooked meals. I miss telling my parents goodnight. I even miss my car!

I can't wait to spend five whole months with my Grandma! One of the first things she told me was that she was going to retire from cooking ever again! There's so much I want to learn from her. It'll be like living with a personal trainer and teacher, which I guess is pretty much the roll for a parent anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is: I can't wait to be home!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Last of the Art.

Cube and Apple:

Final Project One:

Final Project Two:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Half Blood Prince.

I don't usually do things spontaneously, but circumstances being what they are I was afraid I wouldn't get another chance to see the new Harry Potter movie until I got back from Nauvoo -a sudden vacation that my family and I are going on (tents and everything), which would be long after I got back to Missouri. So, anyway.

I went this afternoon and watched it. I made a few friends in line, one, a brother from my FHE group and another girl -his date, apparently, who was so excited to see the movie that you'd need only to say a word on the matter and she'd start a whole stream of conversation. I sat next to them, upon request mind you. I really didn't feel like my being present would do well for them, but my FHE brother's date seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm for the whole thing and so, next to them I sat.

Anyway, back to the movie. To put it plainly: It was brilliant! I loved every bit of it! My favorite part is that for some reason it didn't seem at all rushed. The director David Yates was very careful to put in as much book detail as he could -from Luna's Lion-Head, to Ron getting attacked by birds, and to Hermione vexing what's-his-face at Quidditch practice. I think a big factor was that the background music was placed to a minimal. At least, that's what I noticed. The movie was very relaxed. Not at all like the more recent ones when you walk in and walk out in what seems to be only moments. I mean, I felt like I was in there for three hours (It's run time I think is 153 minutes, in case you were wondering).

The Internet tells me that it's only rated PG (even though my ticked says PG-13). So that's good news. Rating wise, I think it definitely deserves an A+. At least in my book. My favorite part is when Harry drinks the Felix Felicis. It's great! I think the movie does an excellent job and showing their life at school and about them growing up. Like I said, I really like this one. And I must say, there were quite a few shots that I really enjoyed and I hear that David Yates will also be directing the two part seventh movie, which is scheduled to come out November 19, 2010 and July 15, 2011 (and I'm sure these are bound to vary somewhat). But, the point, I'm excited that it's the same director.

Well, I guess that's it for that. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ice Age III

Due to a strong need of getting out of my appartment I went and watched the new Ice Age Movie. The Dawn of the Dinosaurs. It's directed by Carlos Saldanha (who directed the movie Robots and assited in the directing of the first two Ice Age films) with Mike Thurmeier as the co-director. It's rated PG.

The movie was mostly all about what it means to have a family. It was also mostly about babies and children and about being a good parent. The film was very funny and I enjoyed it. It took my mind off of things for a while.

My favorite quote is when Manny is talking to his wife Ellie and tells her: "Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. ...They just punch them in the shoulder." Ellie gives him a sideways glance and declares: "Well, that's stupid!" Then Manny looks over at her and answers: "To a girl, but to a guy that's like six months of therapy."

Grade wise I'd probably give it something like a C+. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't one of my favorites. It was funny and cute. But anyway.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


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Friday, June 26, 2009

Sheri: The Rocking Awesomest Person I know.

Let me introduce you to Sheri. She was born in Smileyberg, Kansas (and yes it does exist) in December of 1945. And yes, if you do the math that makes her 64. But don't worry! She's discovered the Fountain of Youth and drinks from it. Frequently. ;) Her social security number is: 154-78-21295. Her full name is Sheri Shaniqua Bonquiqui [pronounced Bon-Kwee-Kwee]...

...Let me guess -You're not buying any of this are you?

Well, you shouldn't. It's a lie. I have noticed that many people feel they need to lie to make their friends seem cooler than they really are. I want you to know that I have the good fortune as to not need to lie, because Sheri truly is a rocking awesome person!

Sheri is my cousin and a fellow-blogger. She works as a full time mommy, changing diapers and giving baths. She speaks fluent Toddler and loves, loves, LOVES to play with her children.

Some of her favorite quotes go something like this: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." -Mart Twain. "Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire." -Strong Bad. "It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." -Jack Handy. (-If these don't give you a taste of her personality, I don't know what will!)

And speaking of quotes, this is what a few of her family members have to say about her:

"She always has something to say about everything." -Sheri's little brother Joseph.

"Sheri has a very quick wit. She is also very sweet. She also knows how to tell it like it is and occasionally she can catch you off guard. Her sweet nature is very real and sincere and her quick wit makes her a very fun person to be around." -Sheri's mother-in-law Melissa.

"Sheri is very competitive, and has loved the status of 'Favorite Sister-in-Law' which she has enjoyed for the past 5 years. Unfortunately she will loose that status to all but me next summer when Paula and I get married." -Sheri's brother Keith.

"Sheri has always had the uncanny ability to see the bottom line, and clear away all the confusion in an issue. Take the time, when she was just a little bit, a mere four years old... She came with me to Wal-mart, and she noticed me gazing longingly at the large clothing section. Of course, I didn't stop to actually look, and with a sigh, started to move past to do the business of the day. She said something that put not being able to buy new things into TOTAL PERSPECTIVE... She said, with delight and awe, 'Wow Mommie, look at all the LAUNDRY!' I walked away a happy woman. :)" -Sheri's mother Susan

Sheri loves to read! Her favorite books are those factual ones on ancient things like castles, Egypt, Mesoamerica, etc., etc. As for specific novels she likes "Pride and Prejudice", "The Princess Bride", "The Alliance", "The Giver", and one of my own personal favorites -"The Hollow Kingdom." As for movies, Sheri likes the really long classic six hour version of "Pride and Prejudice", she also enjoys musicals like "The Music Man" and "Fiddler on the Roof" ...well, the first half anyway. She also likes to watch the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, the Discovery Health Channel, and she even likes those PBS Nova ones -which can totally be accessed online too! ( Ever since my last science class I've made this one of my favorite websites! Anyway. Moving right along.

...I'm finding it difficult to sum up a person in one mere post, especially Sheri. Sheri is amazing! No matter what happens to her she always has a way of making it funny. Even if it's something as simple as having a stranger come up to her and beg for money.

Well, I guess all I mean to say is -Sheri. Is. Awesome! There's nothing else to it. I have truly been blessed with the awesomest of all cousins ever!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Charcoal Drawing.

The vertical lines aren't vertical, and the sphere's aren't actually spheres. We were studying more of the shadow than the cubes (which aren't actually cubes) and the spheres themselves. Anyway, I think I'll go and take a nap now...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Best Commercial Ever!

I know I've been posting a lot of pictures and videos on my blog lately and I usually don't do that, but I have to put up another one. This is one of my all-time favorites! Turn up the sound and enjoy the moment!


I have a roommate who's Polynesian and we were watching the movie "The Legend of Johnny Lingo" last Sunday and I found out that this song is one of her favorites. I think I have now adopted it since its now become one of my favorites too.

Just When You Think Your Plate is Full.

"Hello, is this Julie?"

There's no point in correcting them, they won't remember anyway, so I just say that it is and wait for the request. As Ward Bulletin Director in my ward it's not an uncommon thing to get random phone calls after hours on Saturday or early Sunday morning, for that matter.

I received my calling at the beginning of May near the first of the semester. It was that Sunday, in fact, (after noting that one of my roommates was a Sunday School teacher, another working with the Ward Visiting Teachers, and another the Relief Society President) when I sighed with relief and said "Wow. Life would be so much harder if I had a calling." And yes, roughly three hours later I received a calling.

At first I wondered how on earth this could help. I'm taking a large number of credits, am getting up every day at three in the morning for work, am always tired, and always have homework to be finished. ...Yup, just when you think your plate is full, you find that there is always room for jello.

As time passed, however, I came to realized that I actually love my calling! I feel needed at church. I always arrive early, to print and cut the bulletins and then hand them out before the meetings begin. I'm always early, and yet I always walk in late because of those stragglers that still need a bulletin. Being the one and only Ward Bulletin Director isn't actually very hard. You just fit everything on one page, print it, cut it, and then pass it out. The hardest part I think is waiting to get the information. Sometimes it comes at the beginning of the week and sometimes you get a voice-mail late Saturday night telling you what needs to go on the bulletin. It can be rough, I'm not going to lie, but if it was easy it wouldn't be nearly as rewarding.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Over the Handlebars.

Okay, so I was riding my roommates bike to my cousins apartment for my other cousins birthday. I was cruising along when all of the sudden the sidewalk gave out and the front of the bike went down. I only had a few minutes to figure out what in the world was happening before it actually happened.

There was a road, and so the sidewalk, instead of politely meeting up with the road on a smooth decline, just gave out. Soon the back wheel followed and I was a full half a foot lower than the actual sidewalk. It clicked just then that -concerning this sidewalk -what goes down must soon come back up. I managed to declare the words: "Oh crap!" before everything unfolded.

I squeezed the brakes and braced for the worst. My bike hit the curb that met up with the sidewalk -which was, as I said before, half a foot higher than the road -and I flew up over the handlebars and landed on the concrete sidewalk. The next thing I remember is lying on my back with my legs tangled in the bike, which was now on top of me.

I just laid there. My body was so worked up about everything that I couldn't figure out whether I want to bust up laughing or ball my eyes out. I chose the first and got to my feet before anyone saw me. ...At least, I hope no one saw me.

Aside from worked up nerves, a hurt knee, and a bleeding elbow, I was pretty much fine. I managed to tow the bike to my other cousins house where I was able to clean up and have the bike-chain re-assembled as it had fallen loose during the accident. Anyway, I thought it was pretty much amazing that I crashed yesterday and I wanted you to know about it. :) I just can't believe it actually happened!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The 'Value' of Charcoal.

I had my art class today. Usually I dread going because it's three hours long and I am a very tired sort of person. But today was different. We did a charcoal drawing of a sphere. We were learning and discussing the concepts of value and then lights and shadows. The drawing is very simple but I thought I'd post it up anyway. ...It's not good, but I think I have the general idea. Class today was very messy and since it was more of us just drawing we had a chance to talk among classmates and our teacher. It was great! I've gotten to know my class well enough that I feel like we're all really close friends. I've also learned that when I have a three hour class and I've had about the same amount of sleep I'm usually not exactly 'myself' during class and I find that I typically say things that I otherwise wouldn't. For instance, in class, everything is funny and I am by no means shy about anything. Anyway. I guess that's about it. I think I'll go and take a nap now...

Note to self: Don't let my kids play with Fixative Spray unless eighteen years or older. It is very VERY strong!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Nick Pitera

One of my F.H.E. brothers just showed me this video on YouTube. It's pretty crazy. This is a video of 23 year old Nick Pitera from San Franciso, California and he sings. But he doesn't just sing the guy's parts, he also for the girl. I don't know how to describe it. I guess you'll just have to watch.

Eleven Years is Finally Taking It's Toll.

I got this set of scriptures when I was baptized eleven years ago. It was a tradition in my family that once a child turned eight and was baptized they received a set of scriptures all for their very own and in the bottom left hand corner their name was inscribed with gold lettering. What do you think -is it time for a new set? I am told, however, that a well used set of scriptures is better than one that has barely been opened. I wouldn't mind keeping this one. I rather like that all of my favorite scriptures are already marked. It's just. I'm always afraid that I'll come home from school or church one day and find that the only thing that made it home with me is the cover. The contents are literally hanging on by one string (if you enlarge the second image you can clearly see the one lone thread). My Bible, needless to say, is in much better shape than my Book of Mormon. So, I pose to you my question: Do you think it would be better if I invested in a new set or should I stick with warn-out and familiar?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The World's Weirdest Spider.

When I was down in Missouri a few weeks ago I was inside eating and my little sister Jennifer came to me in a rush and told me that Joseph, one of my younger brothers, really really really needed to use my camera. Of course, I asked why. I wasn't just about to hand my camera to my seven year old sister to give to my ten year old brother. So, she told me that there was just something that Joseph HAD HAD HAD to film! I don't ask any more questions and I told my little sister, upon giving her my camera, that they'd better be careful with it. She promised that they would and soon rushed out the door. Well, this is what I found when the camera was returned. I thought it was too funny not to share.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Book Recommendation.

As many of you know I'm a fan of Stephenie Meyer. I have her official website on my Bookmarks Toolbar. Anyway. For the first time this last September, Stephenie recommended a book to her fans. The book is called "The Hunger Games". Naturally, I went out to the store the first chance I had and bought it. I've read it several times since then and I love it! I've been wanting to post it up on my blog, but I was never sure what kind of reaction I'd get. The book is, to say the least, gory.

The Hunger Games is a young adult science fiction-romance novel written by bestselling author of The Underland Chronicles, Suzanne Collins. It's the first book of the Hunger Games trilogy, with two more books to come.(The next book in the series ("Catching Fire") is due to release September 1st and the third is rumored to release around the same time in 2010.) "The Hunger Games" introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world where a powerful government called the Capitol has risen up after several devastating disasters. In the book, the Hunger Games are an annual televised event where the ruthless Capitol randomly selects one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts, who are then pitted against each other in a game of survival and forced to kill until only one remains.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Yuck! But really, I think it's worth the read. I recommend it every chance I get and by now most of my family has even read it. It's a story of morals and the fight to remain who you who really are. I enjoyed it. Suzanne Collins has a way of capturing your attention so that she has you on the edge of your seat until the book is over -and even then you'll be wondering where the heck the rest of it is. So, that's my recommendation. And now, I can't wait until September!

Taylor Swift

I've heard this song a hundred times and I just discovered that there was actually a music video for it. I love it! It makes me laugh. And I love Taylor's glasses. Somedays I feel that way too. Anyway, I like this video. It's cute.