Showing posts with label beads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beads. Show all posts

Friday, July 03, 2009

Stringing beads

I have accumulated quite a few beads from various quilt and bead shows over the years. Often they sit in bins for a long time before I get around to using them. I think it is challenging to string beads well, the individual beads are so beautiful, but it can be tricky to combine them together in a pleasing way. I am in such awe of people who do it well.

This morning I wanted to string a necklace with a pendant I unearthed as I cleaned off my table this week. It has been sitting on my table for at least a year.

As I've gotten older I have begun wearing red, a color I never felt comfortable in when I was younger and more introverted. Maybe red is a color that demands some confidence and life experience, lol.I haven't had any red jewelry, until now.


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