At church today we sat and played during the whole Christmas program (to keep her quiet, really) and she said "I love you mommy." These moments help me to realize that we really are getting through despite appearances and gives me hope to keep going.
Below is my sweet girl after the street fair. It's not as good as what they did at Sea World, but it cost about 1/3 of the price, so what can I say, it's good enough. She was delighted to be a cute kitty.
This week also marked my immensely amazing success with the bathroom light. I think I mentioned that in the last blog, well, I being the amazing genius that I am (and humble too) figured out that we had already torn open the wall by the light fixture, so I just connected it at that point instead of over by the switch, this way we had the return we needed.
Here's praying that the other lights work similarly (with easily traced returns). . . that's tomorrow's project.
Countdown to the yardsale. We're doing it on Saturday. We are going to underprice everything so that it sells, and sells fast. The goal is no longer to get as much money as possible for the trip. Heavenly Father provided that for us.
Jason's truck died on the way home on Thursday. The clutch burned out. He made it all the way to the exit next to ours, so i came and "bumped" him all the way home.
I hate towing cars, and neither of us wanted to wait hours for the tow truck so I just started nosing him home with my car. After a second we got going fast enough so that he could go up the hill on his own (thank goodness). (Did I mention the car was stuck in 5th gear).
After the hill I bumped him through the two left turns and we were home free. It was nice. After that we went to the mall and Alisabeth decided that she's going to save up for one of the official Disney Princess Cinderella dresses ($60). We told her it would be a long time and that she needed to fill her piggy bank all the way to the top for it. She has a good start after helping me clean out daddy's truck to get it ready to be hauled away. (We were going to give it Jason's parents, but now that it's broken it's more effort than it's worth.). There was a bunch of change in the glove compartment and she got all of it for her efforts.
I'm trying to think of what else we did this week. Oh yeah, Jason bought my Christmas gift and I accidentally found out because I was reconciling the bank account that day and suddenly a large transaction appeared and I went to research what paypal thought they were doing charging my account. . . oops. Luckily for me he doesn't check the bank accounts so he wouldn't have any clue what I got for him. *evil grin*
Jason had a great experience on Saturday. About midway through the day the other adviser was too sick and had to leave. So Jason was alone for the rest of the night, no big deal except that a customer came to get their car at about 4. It was the other adviser's customer, so Jason started to try to find it. He found it, half done in a technician's bay. That technician was gone, for no apparent reason, so Jason began searching for another technician to finish the job. The other tech was gone too. So Jason is alone in the building with a used car technician who didn't want to do anything (including his own job), and a customer. The customer was very understanding, but it was fun for him.
I told him he should just have finished it himself, but he told me it was a wiring job and there were wires everywhere. He didn't want to get involved in the middle.
He was also told this last week that he's not allowed to leave because he'll be too hard to replace. When he told me this over instant messenger I asked if that meant they were going to double his salary and give him benefits. He just laughed.
My other success this week was getting most of the house packed up. I broke down and bought a few boxes from U-haul. Every time I went to find someone with free boxes they were either really small or they canceled on me last minute and I was just getting tired of it, so I figured I'd go with them. I spent $20 and we'll probably be able to return many of them (they have a guaranteed buy-back) so we won't have lost anything.
Our other money success was our landlord granting us a refund of the deposit even though we're breaking our contract early. I had Jason talk to him. He traded us December rent and all of the remaining supplies for our deposit which was weighted on his end, but I'm okay with that. At least we're getting out with enough to pay our first month in the new place in Idaho.
We set the date for the 5th to load the truck. We'll head up to Utah and stay with friends that night and the next and be up in Blackfoot on the 7th to get our keys from our new landlord.
Ah the joys of moving.
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