Is anyone else questioning reality? Is anyone else asking
how things in America could spiral so totally out of control in what is
historically faster than the blink of an eye? Our country slipped from the enjoyably
reassuring and positive (if less successful than hoped for) Obama
administration into the Mariana Trench of political dysfunction and ineptitude.
After electing the first African American president, an accomplishment many of
us never thought we’d see in our lifetime, we suddenly fell into a dark canyon
of seething, writhing white reptiles determined to take us back to the
Pleistocene age.
How surreal is it? Somehow, Donald Trump became president of
the United States. Donald Trump, a man who unquestionably represents everything
that is, and ever was, wrong with America. Greed, misogyny, racism, xenophobia,
you name it, it’s part of Trump’s DNA. The man is a walking medical chart of
every ailment from which America suffers. His repulsive behavior knows no
bounds. He is tacky, unsophisticated, unworldly, lacking intellect, wit and
empathy. Every public situation in which he finds himself is awkward and
uncomfortable. Even his wife finds him reprehensible.
Yet here we are, struggling to cope with a situation that
thriller author Tom Clancy probably tossed out as too unrealistic. Who would
believe the plot? A narcissistic man/child millionaire grows tired of the
entertainment biz and decides to run for President of the United States, and
wins. What? Wait, what about all that “checks and balances” stuff and the
beauty of the democratic process and the will of the majority, blah, blah,
blah. That’s all it is. So much ink on parchment paper. We thought it meant
something, but obviously we were wrong.
And the icing on our surreal Cake? The downfall of the Trump
administration may come courtesy of the true dark lords, our intelligence
agencies. Trump has chosen to go to war with the CIA, NSA and others in that
community, and that could ultimately prove to be the biggest of his many, many
mistakes as president. The Russian debacle is the one scandal that could bring
Trump and his administration down, and it is clear that the intelligence
community is not on Donald’s side on this one, and further revelations could
actually push Republicans in Congress to act against Herr Trumpenstein. So sane
America find itself in the position of cheering for the spooks, whose
undemocratic and unconstitutional efforts have had us screaming “foul” in the
past, to dethrone the nut job who slipped into the White House while we were
looking the other way.
Hold on to your seats, because as long as Trump is
president, we’re going to keep falling down that hole.