Donald Trump is without question a despicable human being.
The latest revelations of his demeaning rhetoric towards women are being
rightly condemned by just about everyone across the political spectrum. Yet
this is only one in a long line of horrible comments by Trump objectifying
women, and only now are many of his staunchest supporters speaking out against
The bar has been lowered so far for The Donald, that it was
only when his fans had to actually dig into the ground to push it below the
surface that any complaints were raised. Conservatives and evangelical
Christians are just fine with sexism, misogyny and suppression as long as you
use the right terms and phrases. “Grabbing them by the pussy” is not correct
form and thus, objectionable. When you get down to it, it is really only
semantics that separate the rest of the conservative pack from Trump, and no
one should forget that.
Ask yourself, how can someone who believes that a wife
should be subservient to the husband criticize the substance of what Trump
said? How can a person who insists a woman should not have control over her own
body call out Trump for his comments? The bluster and indignation from the
right is as phony as a Trump apology and the only real concern on the part of
the Republican Party is that their candidate can’t stop handing Hillary more
Can anyone imagine what would happen if Trump’s hot mic
comments were uttered by Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? Yet
as of today, Trump is still the Republican presidential nominee. Our
institutions are failing us, our “leaders” are not leaders at all, but tools of
the one percent, and our democracy is dying. Donald Trump is the abomination
born of nationalistic greed and hubris, the spawn of anti-democratic chauvinism
and American exceptionalism. Conservatives pretending to be aghast at his
remarks are his long-time enablers now swimming in a cesspool of hypocrisy. Far
from an aberration, Trump is the true face of America in 2016, the candidate we