Over the past six years the number of homeless children in
America has increased by an incredible 60 percent with 16 million kids now on
food stamps. The U.S has one of the highest relative child poverty rates in the
world, ranking us with Latvia, Lithuania and Romania at the bottom of the list.
How is this even remotely okay in a country that claims to
be the leader of the free world, the country supposedly ordained by God to be
the example of democracy for everyone else to follow? Every day there’s a new
headline about the improving economy, but that supposed improvement isn’t
reaching a whole lot of people.
What do you expect when one of the two major political
parties in America believes that the poor are in that condition because they
are lazy and dependent on government handouts? In other words, Republicans
blame the poor for their poverty, and constantly demean and demonize the most
helpless class of people in the country. People like Cruz and Rubio and Cotton
are members of a cult of cruelty, blaming the victim and rushing to unravel the
remaining safety net that in some cases is literally the difference between
life and death.
Poor children don’t vote, so they mean nothing to Tea Party
conservatives. Like everything else conservatives believe, their perspective on
poverty is supported not by science or data, but by twisted religious beliefs
and a reality challenged adherence to the idea of free markets with absolutely
no government intervention. In other words, they would prefer a dog-eat-dog
world over even the slightest government regulation.
And who suffers the most in this Ayn Randian nightmare of
free-for-all capitalism? Our children, of course. They pay the price for
conditions they had nothing to do with creating. The cult of cruelty is the
result of white elitists in positions of power who want no government
regulation over how they make their money, calling any interference with their
schemes socialism. Children are not as important as the bottom line, and
neither apparently, is our future as a country.