Just a short note urging you to read an article in
today’s Salon; “Why the Right Hates American History,” written by Thom
Hartmann. It’s a lengthy, but accessible article that looks at why education is
so important to the health of American democracy, and why Republicans fear an
informed citizenry and are waging a war on education. One of the more
interesting points that Hartmann makes, and one that every American should
understand, is this:
Declaration, the writings of many of the Founders and Framers, and no shortage
of other documents made amply clear the Founders’ and the Framers’ sentiments
that human rights were solely the province of humans, and that governments
don’t grant rights but, rather, that in a constitutionally limited democratic
republic We, The People—the holders of the rights—grant to our governments
whatever privileges our government may need to function (while keeping the
rights for ourselves).
This is the fundamental difference between kingdoms, theocracies, feudal
states, and a democratic republic. In the former three, people must beg for
their rights at the pleasure of the rulers. In the latter, the republic derives
its legitimacy from the people, the sole holders of rights.
That’s the theory
at any rate. Read the article, it’s illuminating.