Showing posts with label Colin Kaepernick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Kaepernick. Show all posts

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Tomorrow’s Headlines Today

Trump Campaign Hires North Korean President Kim Jong Un as Campaign Advisor. Public Executions Promised.

Experts Baffled by Sudden Extreme Spike in Trump Polls

Mexico Agrees to Pay for Wall to Keep Trump Out

Kaepernick Admits to Sitting On Toilet and Not Standing Until Done. FOX News Explodes With Indignation.

DEA Refuses Once Again to Remove Flintstones Vitamins From Schedule I Drug Category.

Vice President Nominee Mike Pence Blames Ice Cream-induced Brain Freeze For Moment of Clarity and Compassion

Citing Immigration Restrictions, Jesus Cancels Return Indefinitely

Melenia Trump On Why Clinton Unfit to Hold Top Office: “No one who dresses like my grandmother can president.”

New NC Voter ID Law Requires Genealogical Evidence of “White Purity”

Crazed Fan Stabs Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards Twenty-seven Times, Sets Him On fire and Throws Body Into Grand Canyon. Doctors Say Guitarist Will Continue Touring Within Days.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Americans and Their Disturbing Priorities

George Bush and Dick Cheney started an illegal war that cost trillions of tax dollars, thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, destroyed the infrastructure of a country and left the Middle East in a state of perpetual violence, yet “patriots” have their panties in a bind because an African-American football player didn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.