Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tea Towel Challenge

I liked the idea of Jenny's Tea Towel Challenge, but it has taken me a while to get around to joining in. Better late than never, right? When I was at Spotlight the other day, I saw a set of 4 teatowels marked down to $3 and thought - yep, this is it :)

I decided to use the two red teatowels to make myself another apron. With Elizabeth spending a lot of time in the kitchen as well, I find that we are always struggling to find clean aprons. So another will come in handy. I don't like the short ones because I always seem to get stains on my tops, so I needed two to come up with this:

I like it :)

And then I still had the other two teatowels left:

After a lot of sleepless nights... well, I couldn't sleep but not because of that, hee hee, I decided to make a bag. This is the front:

This is the back:

See the pocket? It is a pocket and.... you can do this with it:

and then this....

And finally this:

It folds up nicely to go in my bag :) And after all that, all I have left from the four teatowels are these scraps:

Now I am off to have a nap I think. Don't forget to check out our block of the month! Di has already finished stitching hers :) Go see it here! I am planning to get the next block out soon because it has something to do with Valentines Day :) Ok... naptime... :) Hope you are all having a great weekend!


Vickie said...

well done your apron and your bag-very use full items,cheers Vickie

Unknown said...

Very cute Joy, you made great use of your tea towels, and so cute!

Jill said...

Love the apron and the bag! You are so creative!


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