For this little fellow... He is gaining more strength day by day, but it is a very slow process. I would happily take you up on your offer Di :) Pity we don't live closer to each other. It is amazing to see how he tries to keep fighting. Of course we've all been praying for him to get well... and then what we will do with him once he is well,... hmmmm,... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! We are only allowed two cats without a permit, but I just couldn't let him die....
His mother is a stray on one of our neighbour's properties and of course no one really wants to take responsibility for him. He wasn't drinking at all from his mum and she had dried up, which is why he was so badly dehydrated. The vet pumped him full of fluid and we are still trying to feed him with an eyedropper - he refuses to take the bottle. We brought the mum back to the neighbour since she was no longer feeding him and was going stir crazy in the bath tub.... oh, and driving our poor cats insane :) So, now we only have one kitty in a tub.
Enough about kitties and on to other news. I HAVE A NEW COMPUTER!!!! AND A NEW CAMERA!!! My hubby is so wonderful :) My old ones were really at the end of their lifespan, so he went and got me both on the weekend and has been busy installing all my stuff. I used the new camera to take some photos of what I did at the Sit 'n' Sew on Saturday.
I am plodding away at quilting the mystery quilt:
It is going very sloooooooowy :) This will be the most heavily quilted quilt I have done so far. There are many mistakes that have been getting me down, but I keep telling myself that I won't learn if I don't try, so I am NOT giving up... right? Right!
I put another border on
Nirvana, the wide blue one:
Now I have two more narrow borders to put on and then it will be ready for pinning!! Yay! One 2009 bom nearly done! Amazing :)
When I was driving in to town for the Sit 'n' Sew, I realized I forgot some thread to match another project I was working on, so I dropped in at
Ballarat Patchwork to get it. While I was there I signed up for a class :) It is the
Pretty in Pink class and I thought I would try to use my Nirvana colors to make a matching cushion. I saw the sample and her work is just amazing. I can see that I will need lots of practice!!!
Other than that, my week has been full of driving in to town (6 times) to drop hubby off at the car repair shop, drop hubby off at work the next morning, visit the gyno (where I fainted), go grocery shopping, take the kids to the dentist (where I didn't faint), and finally to take hubby's suit in to the dry cleaners since he needs it for work next week. Needless to say, I am sick of driving in to town. I don't plan to go ANYWHERE next week!!!
The plan then is this:
Today - clean (sorry Di, but it must be done, right?!)
Tomorrow - sew and play with Nina
Saturday - go to class YAY!!
and that is as far ahead as I shall plan :) Sounds ok to me.... what do you think?