First off, I am knee deep in wedding preparations. My daughter and the love of her life have found each other and so a marriage is in the making. Wedding in two months - yes, I am almost busier than a one armed paper hanger.
Still working on my sewing room. The bookcases went in without a problem and with almost an inch to spare.
They may not get painted, but they will get dusted. Lots more to do, no time to stop...
I did a bit of shopping yesterday. Here are a few things that followed me home...
I hope to be decorating with the pumpkins soon. The raffia has a --- WAIT A MINUTE ! Where did the chocolate come from??? Sure, I know where it's going...
But wait, there's more...
A little something that I ordered from an Etsy shop arrived in yesterday's mail - that's all I can say now, it's the start of a gift. Christmas is coming, hope it's not rushing on my account.
Last and best, gifts from my Mom. From her garden and kitchen to our table. Life is good.
Fig Preserves and Salsa |
I hope you have wonderful plans for this week - it is the last week of September. God bless your adventures and if something really good happens - enjoy it. Live in that moment and make the most of it. You can write your blog another day, never miss the opportunity to live.