It was a wonderful, super fast, and crazy day. And the picture overload begins: I even split the wedding day into 2 because Shannon did such a great job. Choosing the pictures I wanted to post on here was a struggle.
We decided to get married in the Salt Lake City temple. People may say it's overrated: but I think the early members who built it by hand for 40 years would disagree with you. It's beautiful, and we got married on a pretty slow day too. We practically had the place to ourselves. There's no other place I would rather have been married: it was an amazing experience.
For those of you reading who aren't LDS, pictures and recording devices aren't allowed in the temple, so this is us coming out right after we got married! Even though I'm a photo junkie, not having cameras there during the ceremony made it that much more intimate and special for me.
Getting married in the temple was something I have wanted since I can remember. There, we are sealed for eternity, not till death do us part. Because of sealings, I can be with chase forever. I can be with all of my family forever. I don't have to part with them after death- and that was what chase and I tried to focus on during this day.
A lot of people like to party it up the whole time, and make it as trendy as possible (which is totally fine, to each their own!) but I wanted our colors timeless, and the focus of our day to be us, becoming one; and in turn our families becoming one. We would not be who we are without them, and this day was more than us taking lots of fun pictures. It was us becoming a family. I'm grateful to have found someone who would not settle for less than taking me to the temple. Im grateful for someone who held my hand and cried with me during our ceremony, when we became husband and wife.
^^ and yes, that is us crying together...because we are giant babies. ^^
PS I cried a LOT that day (ask anyone who was there. sorry guys) I cried during the ceremony, then I walked out of the temple, my dad started crying and so did I. You know if you've watched the wedding video preview ( if not, it's be linked at the bottom. prepare for a lot of me crying)
^^Best friend status ^^
^^ Those roommates tho^^
^^ Squishin moms face as per usual...and yes, contrary to popular belief, she is indeed my mother^^
^^ My siblings like to pretend I'm not hilarious...^^
^^We love these friends of ours, half of whom just waited outside the temple. props to them ^^
^^ Cassie and Brenton flew all the way from Cali that morning. Rockstars. ^^
^^ My other bestie is currently on her mission!
We sure do love and miss our Sister Moline pants^^
(serious props to Jason, her boyfriend, who is the coolest guy ever and came for us-
even though his date that night was a picture )
Are you tired of pictures?
Too bad. There are more.
Sorry..also not sorry.
I got to Salt Lake the week of our wedding and so afraid everything was going to be ugly and dead. I was hoping so hard the cherry blossoms would be out on our wedding day. I went by the temple the night before our wedding and was SO happy to see all the blossomed trees.
Chase and I had a 9 month engagement, 7 of those months were long distance and then we saw each other 3 day before the wedding. Somehow- we made it. Nothing says our relationship like keeping it awkward- and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Click HERE for Getting ready wedding day
HERE for wedding videography preview
Reception post to follow!
*all photos by shannon elizabeth photography *