My journey to and through motherhood through faith in God. The biggest life challenge I have ever had to endure.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Still waiting.
Nothing much to report. 5 days till the due date. Still losing my mucus plug very slowly. BH fairly often, but not consistent and not really painful. Some slight cramping with an occasion BH....but no real action. Getting more and more uncomfortable and swollen. Expectation is building! When will this baby come?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Update on labor status....
I'm 1 week and 1 day from my due date. Or 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant.
Just wanted to update on my status so far (I reread my blogs just prior to the birth of Kaua and it was nice to see what I was going through at the time and want to continue a good record for future reference).
So today is Thursday. On Tuesday, when I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I noticed that I was loosing a little bit of my mucus plug towards the end of the day. Each time I wiped when I went to the bathroom, there was some mucus. Went home and packed my hospital bag in hopes that this meant baby was coming. But it stopped later that night. Saw some very slight mucus again at around same time yesterday, but only on one bathroom occasion. Today, so far, nothing.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and eveyrthing is fine. I opted out of a cervical check till my appointment next week, only because I know that whether I'm dilated or not will not tell me anything about how soon my labor will start. (I was told I was barely 1 CM dilated with Kaua at 38 weeks and had him 2 days later).
I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks over the past few days. Feeling them daily and several times an hour, but they are not painful. I haven't really been keeping track of them, but I'm fairly certain they are not consistent or worth timing as of yet.
No bloody show. No real mucus plug loss as of yet.
Lotsa discomfort when I stand and walk, mainly because the baby's head is so low and seems to be hitting my cervix, sometimes painfully when I sit down heavily. I'm feeling really slow. My lower back is achey, especially now b/c I'm sitting at a computer all day for work. I stand up to take breaks every hour, but am still achey and stiff. My groin area hurts on occasion when I walk, especially in my left side, kinda like a pulled inner thigh muscle.
I'm feeling like this baby will be coming very close to its due date, and praying it doesn't go over my due date.
When (or if) I go back to my doctor's for next week's appt, where i'll be 39 weeks, 5 days, I'll ask the doctor to do a cervical check and hopefully a stripping of my cervical membrane to get things going. I've been told that they wont let me go past 41 weeks due to studies that found increased risk to baby if I give birth past the 41 week mark. Guess baby will be here no later than 8/12, but I am really praying that he or she makes an appearance in the next few days!!!
Have been and will continue to try walking on a daily basis to help speed things along. This is difficult though b/c I'm feeling fatigued, my feet are more swollen and hence more painful when standing for even short periods of times, and I just feel so huge and awkward and uncomfortable.
Hurry up baby #2!
Just wanted to update on my status so far (I reread my blogs just prior to the birth of Kaua and it was nice to see what I was going through at the time and want to continue a good record for future reference).
So today is Thursday. On Tuesday, when I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I noticed that I was loosing a little bit of my mucus plug towards the end of the day. Each time I wiped when I went to the bathroom, there was some mucus. Went home and packed my hospital bag in hopes that this meant baby was coming. But it stopped later that night. Saw some very slight mucus again at around same time yesterday, but only on one bathroom occasion. Today, so far, nothing.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and eveyrthing is fine. I opted out of a cervical check till my appointment next week, only because I know that whether I'm dilated or not will not tell me anything about how soon my labor will start. (I was told I was barely 1 CM dilated with Kaua at 38 weeks and had him 2 days later).
I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks over the past few days. Feeling them daily and several times an hour, but they are not painful. I haven't really been keeping track of them, but I'm fairly certain they are not consistent or worth timing as of yet.
No bloody show. No real mucus plug loss as of yet.
Lotsa discomfort when I stand and walk, mainly because the baby's head is so low and seems to be hitting my cervix, sometimes painfully when I sit down heavily. I'm feeling really slow. My lower back is achey, especially now b/c I'm sitting at a computer all day for work. I stand up to take breaks every hour, but am still achey and stiff. My groin area hurts on occasion when I walk, especially in my left side, kinda like a pulled inner thigh muscle.
I'm feeling like this baby will be coming very close to its due date, and praying it doesn't go over my due date.
When (or if) I go back to my doctor's for next week's appt, where i'll be 39 weeks, 5 days, I'll ask the doctor to do a cervical check and hopefully a stripping of my cervical membrane to get things going. I've been told that they wont let me go past 41 weeks due to studies that found increased risk to baby if I give birth past the 41 week mark. Guess baby will be here no later than 8/12, but I am really praying that he or she makes an appearance in the next few days!!!
Have been and will continue to try walking on a daily basis to help speed things along. This is difficult though b/c I'm feeling fatigued, my feet are more swollen and hence more painful when standing for even short periods of times, and I just feel so huge and awkward and uncomfortable.
Hurry up baby #2!
Monday, July 25, 2011
38 weeks and 3 days
I'm getting close to the end now. It's just a waiting game. Kaua came at 38 weeks and 5 days (I think) which would make that this Wednesday. However, I feel like this baby isn't going to come as early. It's kind of fun, trying to figure out which day I'll go into labor. The excitement, the anticipation. I keep looking for the signs I had with kaua. The day I went into labor, I lost my mucus plug slowly throughout the day. Everytime I went to the bathroom, I saw a lot of mucus on my toilet paper. I also had some diarrhea (I know, doesn't everyone want to rehear these intricate bodily funcition details?). I then had a backache after dinner, which turned into labor pains and contractions. I had the bloody show that night as well. Still waiting for any of these signs. My mom keeps checking in to see if I'm in labor. I'm like, Mom, I'll call you, dont worry. She wants me to go early b/c she's made travel arrangments for the day after my due date. Helloooooo, no one told you to make travel arrangements then (which is also my birthday, yeah, see how special I am on my mom's list?).
Anyways, its a waiting game. I'm definitely ready to be NOT pregnant. I'm huge, I'm swollen, my stomach is getting stretch marks, I'm uncomfortable, i dont fit any of my clothes. Yah, this is so NOT glamorous! C'mon baby, we're ready to meet u!
Anyways, its a waiting game. I'm definitely ready to be NOT pregnant. I'm huge, I'm swollen, my stomach is getting stretch marks, I'm uncomfortable, i dont fit any of my clothes. Yah, this is so NOT glamorous! C'mon baby, we're ready to meet u!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Bad Blogger/Bloggy Buddy
What is it? I've been a bad blogger and bloggy buddy. My blogging is so sparse and I had over 100 blogs to read in my reader, which I'll guiltily admit that I skimmed over. Could it be that blogging and reading blogs have lost its pizazz (spelling?) to me? Have I outgrown my need to spew out my personal life with the entire internet world as well as lost my interest in keeping up with my bloggy buddies? Perhaps I just have much less time to actually sit at a computer for leisure. Whatever it's happening and I'm not sure how to change it or even if I want to change it.
And on to my update:
I'm 35 weeks pregnant and heading into the home stretch. Baby #2 who I swear is going to be another boy is due in just about 1 month. We're starting to get our preparations underway for another child, a newborn! Ack! The baby will get the crib, so we've bought Kaua a big boy bed (twin bed....why waste our time with a toddler bed right?) and he spent his first night in it last night. I'd say it was pretty much a success in that there were no significant changes from how he slept in the crib. He still gets up 2x a night, but now, we can just crawl into bed with him to help him fall back asleep (hey, beats bringing him into our bed which is what we've been doing lately). I did still give in and let him sleep with us for the last 2 hours or so when he woke up for the 2nd time. Let's face it, he's so used to waking up with someone sleeping next to him, I couldn't bear letting him wake up alone in the morning. I may just have to chalk this up to letting Kaua slowly adjust to sleeping on his own the whole night. I'm hoping for better sleep alone success with #2 since he or she will have their own room from the get go (where as Kaua had his own room only after he turned 1).
We're still stuck in the name game for baby #2. We have no clue what this kiddo's name is going to be. I've got a couple front runners for the english name, but nothing serious for the Hawaiian name. Oh man, I hope I'm really inspired when this kid is born.
We've been attending several birth classes over the past few weeks: a free two week course offered by the hospital and a paid 6 week course that I signed us up for. Since I'm going to be giving birth sans epidural, I better be uber prepared for dealing with this pain and I'm taking all the help I can get. Yesterday, at the freebie hospital class, we were subjected to an hour long video showing 5 couple's live birth stories and man-oh-man was that intense! They left nothing out and we saw full birthing shots, complete with juice gushing, untrimmed pubic hair, bloody smearing views. Some women got epidurals which was nice, but those that did not, wooooweee those women were in pain. I still cannot fathom why anyone would want to subject themselves to that amount of pain for such a long duration when there are pain free methods available. I really hope I can handle this baby's birth with a measly 2-4 hour long intrathecal.
Does Kaua understand that he's going to be a big brother? Not really. He does know that my tummy (specifically my belly button) is now referred to as a baby, and I try to show him pictures of a baby, and a baby in the womb to explain that I'm going to be having a baby soon, but I dont think he gets it. He likes to point to his own belly sometimes and call it a baby and will sometimes point to my boobs and call that a baby too. I really hope he'll adjust to the divided attention. My hubby and I have discussed this and we're both so over-the-moon with kaua we both feel so bad that some of our attention will be taken away from him to this other little one. But I know parents do this and go through this all the time (have a 2nd kid), so I'm sure we'll be just fine. I dont really see it as not being able to love another little one, b/c I already know I can do that, I just feel so bad for having to split my full attention from Kaua. I'm sure I'm making a big deal out of nothing and he'll be just fine. That boy is a trooper.
And he is definitely a boy....never sits still and has no fear. Freaks me the heck out when he wonders off out of sight and doesn't give a rip if he can see me or not. or when he sticks is whole face in the mall water fountains, for the fun of it, or tackles the waves at the beach b/c his daddy is stand up paddle boarding out in the deep somewhere.
ok gotta go, my hourly bathroom duty is calling (talk about peeing frequently, sheesh!!)
And on to my update:
I'm 35 weeks pregnant and heading into the home stretch. Baby #2 who I swear is going to be another boy is due in just about 1 month. We're starting to get our preparations underway for another child, a newborn! Ack! The baby will get the crib, so we've bought Kaua a big boy bed (twin bed....why waste our time with a toddler bed right?) and he spent his first night in it last night. I'd say it was pretty much a success in that there were no significant changes from how he slept in the crib. He still gets up 2x a night, but now, we can just crawl into bed with him to help him fall back asleep (hey, beats bringing him into our bed which is what we've been doing lately). I did still give in and let him sleep with us for the last 2 hours or so when he woke up for the 2nd time. Let's face it, he's so used to waking up with someone sleeping next to him, I couldn't bear letting him wake up alone in the morning. I may just have to chalk this up to letting Kaua slowly adjust to sleeping on his own the whole night. I'm hoping for better sleep alone success with #2 since he or she will have their own room from the get go (where as Kaua had his own room only after he turned 1).
We're still stuck in the name game for baby #2. We have no clue what this kiddo's name is going to be. I've got a couple front runners for the english name, but nothing serious for the Hawaiian name. Oh man, I hope I'm really inspired when this kid is born.
We've been attending several birth classes over the past few weeks: a free two week course offered by the hospital and a paid 6 week course that I signed us up for. Since I'm going to be giving birth sans epidural, I better be uber prepared for dealing with this pain and I'm taking all the help I can get. Yesterday, at the freebie hospital class, we were subjected to an hour long video showing 5 couple's live birth stories and man-oh-man was that intense! They left nothing out and we saw full birthing shots, complete with juice gushing, untrimmed pubic hair, bloody smearing views. Some women got epidurals which was nice, but those that did not, wooooweee those women were in pain. I still cannot fathom why anyone would want to subject themselves to that amount of pain for such a long duration when there are pain free methods available. I really hope I can handle this baby's birth with a measly 2-4 hour long intrathecal.
Does Kaua understand that he's going to be a big brother? Not really. He does know that my tummy (specifically my belly button) is now referred to as a baby, and I try to show him pictures of a baby, and a baby in the womb to explain that I'm going to be having a baby soon, but I dont think he gets it. He likes to point to his own belly sometimes and call it a baby and will sometimes point to my boobs and call that a baby too. I really hope he'll adjust to the divided attention. My hubby and I have discussed this and we're both so over-the-moon with kaua we both feel so bad that some of our attention will be taken away from him to this other little one. But I know parents do this and go through this all the time (have a 2nd kid), so I'm sure we'll be just fine. I dont really see it as not being able to love another little one, b/c I already know I can do that, I just feel so bad for having to split my full attention from Kaua. I'm sure I'm making a big deal out of nothing and he'll be just fine. That boy is a trooper.
And he is definitely a boy....never sits still and has no fear. Freaks me the heck out when he wonders off out of sight and doesn't give a rip if he can see me or not. or when he sticks is whole face in the mall water fountains, for the fun of it, or tackles the waves at the beach b/c his daddy is stand up paddle boarding out in the deep somewhere.
ok gotta go, my hourly bathroom duty is calling (talk about peeing frequently, sheesh!!)
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