Thursday, July 11, 2013


Lance's family goes on the annual pilgrimage to Sunriver for the Pacific Crest weekend.  Our crew had an amazing time and Fan-C & Tank competed in the junior triathlon.  All was going great and fabulous until Monday, July 1st.  I fell down some steps (that I didn't know were there) and broke my right foot in five or more places.  

Yep, I am that graceful!  Went to the ER that night and then got called to return to the hospital on Wednesday morning to be casted/booted.  They chose a boot due to swelling!  Thank you!!!  I can still take showers!  

So the last half of my vacation consisted of me watching everyone play and enjoy the sun.  I sat on the couch or the porch and overheated in my boot gear.  

Every year I feel so self-conscious on this trip.  I don't BLEND in at all.  The song from Sesame Street, "One of these things is not like the other...", runs through my head the entire week.  I worry that I am embarrassing Lance and/or the kids the entire time.  I even broke down and cried while trying to keep up with everyone (while on crutches) for our mass family picture.  I know some family members would prefer that I not be a part of some activities.  I was uninvited to an activity this year as well... I downplayed it but it HURT like hell!  

Today some pictures were posted showing fun activities and I looked through them and came across one... a picture of my sister-in-laws watching a sunset together.  Simple and the picture is incredible, yet I burst out bawling!  Another "sisters" picture.  This is an annual thing.  The 'sisters' take pictures together and they get posted on facebook and/or family reunion book and I am NEVER in the shot.  I'm never at the 'sisters' activity.  They go hiking and take pics.  Yes, I choose not to go hiking.  They go swimming/sunbathing and take pics.  The world will NEVER be ready to see me doing any of that.  They go shopping and take pics.  I've never been invited to go shopping.  This year they went and watched the sunset together over a river.  Not invited.  True, this shot only had three of the five sister-in-laws in it.  Since this is an annual thing (for me) it just sent me over the edge.  The ladies went with our eldest niece, Sienna and enjoyed 'sister' time.  I just don't blend.  I don't belong.  I know that I don't make for artsy pictures and since my sister-in-laws are GORGEOUS, I realize that I don't 'match'.  I love these ladies and I'm so happy that they enjoy time together... it just hurt to see another picture of them enjoying time together and bonding doing things that I didn't even know were an option.  (I'm just rambling now.  This is a vent post.  I don't need anyone to 'fix' anything.)  

So, my foot will be booted for another five weeks... already over a week and half down.  Next week I go get new xrays taken to see if they will need to do surgery and try to fix two toes that are going their own direction.  My take on it is, I am never going to be a foot model so let them be tweaked.  :o)    

I was supposed to serve as a unit leader for girl's camp this August, that won't be happening.  I assembled and gathered together the items the new unit leader will need.  It broke my heart.  I wanted to go to camp!  I haven't been in years and thought this was the beginning of another 'streak', guess not.  My klutzyness (I know, not a real word) ROCKS! 

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