Friday, March 13, 2009


It's a word I got from my brother after one of his attempts to convince someone they were wrong during a blog comment-fest on someone else's blog. Arguing with people is generally stupid in my opinion (for the record, my brother is not). There is very little need for it. There are issues that matter and issues that don't. Most don't. Therefore, very few things require argument.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Early meetings

I like them and don't. I used to like them more, but that was before I got up early. I liked them because they got me up early. Now, I don't like them as much because they bust up the flow of my morning. Got one this morning... at 7am. I should make them for later since I am the one that sets the time. Hmmm.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I hate the Pistons

My disdain for the Detroit Pistons runs deep. I hate the way they beat the Magic every time they play us. I know this is trivial, but I really hate it. I think I hate them more than the Stockton-Malone Jazz of the 90's (which is like the most horrible thing I could say about anyone or anything). They have our number for day it will change...but for now it sucks to see Detroit on the schedule. I am sure the city has fine people...but boy, do I ever hate that basketball team. So much, I just wasted 5 minutes of my life writing this and am glad I did.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Every now and then life becomes so regimented that I get to the place where it feels like I am not moving forward. Just seems like I am doing the same thing over and over. I don't feel productive at all. When I don't seem productive to myself...I don't have as much fun. That is where I am this morning. I am 2 1/2 months into getting up every morning early and going on week five of Body for Life. I am doing everything I am "supposed" to. I just want there to be more magic in it sometimes...but it mostly feels the same as when I am not as disciplined. The only difference is I don't feel like crap about once a day because I am not doing what I should be. I think I either need a day away...or I just need to get some things done...not sure which one. Funny how those two things are complete opposites and I literally can't tell which one is the answer. So, I guess I'll do both sometime in the next couple weeks. Complaining done for the day. I just realized my post looked like this last Monday...maybe I should just skip Mondays?

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Workin on the clinic. Gotta find some money to get it off the ground. That will be challenge #1. Meanwhile, I need to make sure that I take care of Summit. We'll see how that goes too. This next year is a doozy. Lots to do, but it is all wonderful stuff to work on. I thank God (most days :) that there is so much to do. I want to be used by Him... I am workin on it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Kinda Overwhelmed

No real reason to be. Just Monday morning and lots to take care of this week. I don't have any more to do than on a regular week, but somehow this day seems more ominous. I think it is because I didn't sleep for long last night. That seems to be directly correlated with my level of inspiration. I need to go to bed early tonight so I feel like I can drive the motorbike instead of ride in the sidecar.