Arabian sea

Arabian sea

January 4, 2017

Josh's Birthday!

So Josh woke up to an early birthday scavenger hunt!  Evan had put together 5 clues that led to his first present, which Addison gave the first clue to him, Andrew then had a clue for his next present, Brayden then had a clue to his next present which was a riddle that said, "what have I got in my pocket?"

One of the clue's was to hug everyone!

Once he figured out (or I gave in) what was in my pocket (which was a set of keys) he went searching for something the keys went to!

It's and electric scooter.  So no registration necessary, no maintenance (for the most part), easy charging and easy driving!  Now he can have freedom going to and coming home from work!

We then headed out to the movies!!  Of course we saw Star Wars!  It was good and we all enjoyed it!  We then did some last minute Christmas Shopping.

And of course ate shaped cotton candy!

Jiggly Puff



Josh isn't a cake fan, and since there were ants in the sugar we didn't get his cookies made!  He settled for Doughnuts! 

Happy Birthday Babe!  You are the best!