Arabian sea

Arabian sea

December 6, 2011

November 2011

Well, I guess it's time we left October and pumpkins and finally let you in on the twins 2nd birthday!!!  I know, can you believe it!!  They are TWO!!!  Addison had gotten the hang of the Happy Birthday song when it was Braydens's birthday, oh ya, and then my birthday.  So, when she realized it was HER "happy day" she was just so excited!!!

Andrew on the other hand (as you can see from the picture) was in a bit of a grouchy mood.  It got a little better throughout the day, but he just took it all in stride.

He did love playing with all the presents that Addison unwrapped for him, though.  I think he opened one and just didn't care that Addison opened the rest.  She would open a present and then put it down and go find another one to open.  I can imagine what Christmas will be like for her!!

See, he was happy later on.  He loves Evan's scooter.  Doesn't he look handsome in his new church clothes!  I tried to get Addison in her clothes, but she wouldn't hold still, so all the pictures were fuzzy.  I'll get it when she wears that dress again.

Again, another Andrew shot.  He holds still.  These are the clothes he got from Grandma and Grandpa Dance.  He look super cute!

He even took the time to "hang" around Dad!

This is their cake I made for them.

They loved it and Addison, was super excited.  

Here is the singing video.  Notice how brave Andrew is after he burns himself!!!  He didn't go in to help blow out the candles after that, but he didn't cry either. 

See, she was a cutie on her birthday too!!  It's funny so many of these pictures were of Andrew, but most the video I took was of Addison!  She was just so happy on her "happy day".

Andrew did enjoy his cake.  They both love chocolate.  Yes, they have known the word chocolate for some time now.

We got brave and made the jump to toddler beds.

They look cute in them, but after the last week or so. . . 

I wish I could go back.  
They like their beds better than the playpens, and are happier, but they have TOO MUCH FREEDOM!!  Oh well, it is a good thing they are so cute.