Arabian sea

Arabian sea

August 12, 2018

First day of School!

So, this blog post now means I am caught up!  This just happened this past week!  The kids started back to school.  They are all going to Brent.
Andrew is in 3rd Grade.
Brayden is in 7th Grade.
Evan started highschool and is in 9th Grade.

Addison is also in 3rd Grade.  She had PE her first day!

The second day I got a picture of her in her uniform and Andrew in his PE clothes!  They grow up so fast!

I hope they all have a fabulous year!  So far, the first week has been wonderful and they have new friends and are enjoying it.  Hopefully that holds true for some time!

Summer 2018

Summer was full of so much fun!  We didn't go anywhere for this summer, we just stayed home and made the most of our surroundings!
Me and Brayden walked some morning, and one time we took this cool jungle path.  It's super pretty, but was full of mosquitoes, so we didn't really stay that long!

We played with friends.  This is Will.  He is so cute and LOVES Andrew!  He likes being a big boy hanging out with Andrew.  It's seriously so cute.

Each summer my kids get a one on one with Mom.  Brayden was first this summer and chose to go Ziplining.  So we headed up to Tagaytay to Zipline with the beautiful views in the background.

Of course we had to ride "the eye" while there.  It's pretty high up but it's all enclosed and Air conditioned if you can believe that!

They also have pony's here that Brayden rode.  They have some other rides that he took advantage of, but I haven't loaded the video's to youtube yet!

We ended the day eating at Friday's.  I think overall we had a blast!

Our first trip to Enchanted Kingdom was fun!  The kids always have fun riding rides.  Each time we go a child gets braver and braver.  This time it was Addison and Evan.

This is one of those rides that takes you up into the air really high and then drops you!  Tower drop they call it.  Brayden loves these rides, Evan is learning to think it's kinda fun!

7D fun!  I beat Evan by ONE point!  So worth remembering!!

We always send pictures to Dad so he knows we are having fun while he is working! 

We don't usually ride the carousel, but we figured why not!

Andrew decided to chill with his mom!

 4th of July is always a little hard away from home.  I always wish I was back in Provo each 4th of July, but we do fun things anyway!  We went to the new Star Wars Movie "Solo", which we liked.  Then we came home and had a slip and slide/water balloon afternoon!

It's not a true 4th of July without hotdogs and s'mores around a campfire!
 We also watched Independence Day!  It's becoming a tradition.

Again, using glow sticks to light up our night instead of fireworks!  The kids always have fun.

We enjoyed sitting around the fire at the end of the day and watching the embers die out.
Happy 4th of July!

Andrew's one on one day was a hike.  We hiked up Mt. Makiling behind our house.  We took lots of pictures and enjoyed the whole thing!  

 When it was all said and done, we hiked about 10 km or 6  miles.  Our legs were fine the whole time until on the way down.  Why does down hurt so much more!!
We deserved a good lunch afterwards, so we went to Soul Kitchen and enjoyed some Korean food.
 Of course, since our mountain hike didn't have the views, we drove up to a view point and took a picture.  It was a fun day overall!

About a week after 4th of July, the couple missionaries at the office in our mission invited us over for lunch and some fun for the kids.  This group of senior missionaries are so wonderful!  They had great food and Elder Plenart even put together an AMAZING scavenger hunt for the kids.  Then he took them down to the parking lot and they shot off water powered bottle rockets!  It was nice for the kids to go to the mission home and also to see the mission president and his wife and have them share the transfer board with them!  Truly love these missionaries!

Evan's day was of course a day of diving!  My camera wasn't working for half of it, so I didn't get any good underwater photos.

 But we had a blast and it's so fun to spend time with just Evan!

First trip to Kidzania was so much fun that when we got done we realized we needed to come back so the kids could do more of the activities that they just didn't have time for the first time!
So this time, Addison was a Radio Host.

Building worker,

 Worked for the shopping network and quite a few more things.  Modeling, airline pilot, Musician among others.

The boys were news reporters

 They also did marine biology, pizza making, hotel working, grocery store cashier and other such things.  Kidzania is seriously cool!

 We had a good dinner for Father's Day!  We got Dad a TV - it covers all the holidays up to our anniversary.  After that, we are back in business!!  haha.

Addison's day got rained out.  So we did plan B.  We went to a movie, and then to the salon to get our toes done.

We ate at Italianni's.

 And shopped at S&R.  It doesn't sound like much, but we had a LOT of fun!  It's nice having one girl at least!!

I took the kids to a jump yard, where all the videos are not uploaded yet!  So this is what you get of it!

Same day we tried Ice Skating!

And went BOWLING!!

This was one of those days where we did SO much we were exhausted by the end!  But Mom always keeps her promises and doing those three items where things I had promised we would do during the summer!  Doing them in one day was just part genius!

Of course, it's not a summer without the doctor visit and a dentist visit! 
Poor Brayden had his extra tooth extracted.  It needed done so he can get his braces on in a few weeks!

Kidzania part 2!
Hair salon!

Cake decorator,

Ice Cream makers

Driver's license and Car designers

Gas attendant.

Pit crew for a race car.

 Evan and Brayden got in the top 10!!

driving cars.

Marine Biologist



and Radio Hosts

again, that wasn't even all they did!!  It's seriously a great place!

 2nd time at EK, this time with a new family of friends!

Back to school shopping was SO EXCITING!!  As you can see, these kids are on the edge of their seats!  It was at this point in our day, about done, when we noticed the boys were wearing matching shirts!  Yeah, sometimes we aren't that observant!  They noticed it first!!  SO funny!

Keeping with the British theme and hogwarts, we had to have them take a picture in the phone booth!  We even ate at Union Jacks!  Didn't know they were wearing matching shirts even then!  We had to go back to the restaurant as I left my card, by then we had noticed and took the picture!

Summer was a whirlwind of fun.  The kids also got adequate time playing Minecraft and other xbox games.  I did set up a reading program for them and they all did awesome!  So glad they all like to read!