Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week One Down...

I decided it would be beneificial for me to keep a good record on how the antidepressants are reacting in my system.

Week One: I feel very abscent minded. I am having a hard time concentrating and have lost my purse several times today. It never moved. Not once. I am struggling with words which has never been a problem with me.

I'm not as quick to yell so far. Maybe that's just the placebo affect though. Hmmm...

My appetite has been surpressed. I'll take that. haha!

I am exhausted and foggy brained. Hopefully that clears up.

Tonight I up my dosage. I'm a little nervous but if I notice the mental fog is too strong and I struggle more with my concentration more so I will call my family practitioner. I have a follow up in another week or two anyway.


Julie L said...

How would it be if the medications had NO side effects??? I vote for that. Hooray for the suppressed appetite, however. Good luck with it all Nichole. I pray you start feeling some joy again.

Kevin and Eliza said...

Good idea to track how you feel! Good luck!

Brian and Tonya said...

I had a lot of people at work who swore by antidepressants but they did say that it takes some time to get the dosing right. Good luck with that hon and I'll be hoping it the fogginess goes away and they stabalize the dose so you feel just normal.