
9.7.11 ... ev's new etsy shop avatar


i did a lot of creative projects today but, alas, i forgot to get a photo so i will share this one with you. i took it on monday and sent it to ev last night to try as his shop avie. it's looks great. and so does his brand new shop. stop by and have a look. he's just getting started but he has some fabby vintage finds to list so bookmark, baby, bookmark! 

scout is using one of my photos as her avie, too. her shop is building up quite nicely. here's her avie and here's her link...


... she's off to a great start with three sales already in her first month. no wonder, she has an incredible eye for sweet vintage.

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.6.11 ... chili relleno casserole


this afternoon i made a chili relleno casserole for lunch using fresh green chilies we had roasted the other day. here it is step by step...


here are the roasted green chilies. i peeled and seeded them.


i buttered the baking dish, spread out and arranged the chilies and covered them with a layer of thinly sliced colby jack cheese.


in a glass measuring cup i beat 3 eggs with a fork, then added 1/2 cup milk, 1 1/2 TBSP flour and 1 tsp. baking powder. salt and pepper to taste. and mixed it again with the fork.


i poured it over the chili cheese layers. lumps are not a problem. embrace the lumps, people.


then i added a top layer of cheese.


...and baked it at 350* for 25 minutes. we had some homemade beans and tossed them in a foil pan and into the oven to reheat. we were so hungry and looking forward to lunch that i forgot to take a photo while it was still in the dish! i did consider taking one of it empty. but we were enjoying our lunch and psych episode too much.


oh - ev's homemade salsa and sour cream were the perfect toppings. i hope you enjoyed the journey. bon appetite.

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.5.11 ... little blue. his story.


one day little blue floated down to terra firma. he didn't know what to think. 'earth is kind of scratchy', he said to no one in particular. 'i'm not sure about this.' just then a gentle breeze carried him back up into the air.


'now this is interesting,' he whispered. aloud he said, 'excuse me, i wonder if you could be so kind as to tell me where i am?' everyone within earshot began talking all at once. little blue couldn't make out one single word. 'well, this is a wash.' he listened as hard as he could. 'nope,' he sighed. 'a complete wash.' and little blue put on his best intently listening face, hoping and praying none of his new neighbors would notice that he not only wasn't responding, but had not a clue as to what in the sam hill they were carrying on about. little blue prided himself on his impeccable manners.


luckily he did not have to hide his miscomprehension for long. soon he found he was afloat once more. 'kind sir,' little blue began, 'pleased to make your acquaintance.' 'why hello there little buddy. name's tumbles. what's yours?' little blue was so excited. he introduced himself and stayed for tea and gravel bites. tumbles and little blue gabbed for hours. what a happy day this is, he thought. tumbles invited him to stay overnight, but before little blue could answer, he was swept up into the air again. 'bye bye,' he called over his shoulder. tumbles, who was looking smaller and smaller waved at him until he was clear out of sight.


the breeze picked up and little blue traveled about from spot to spot in quick succession. first he landed near triangle bend. 'this looks intriguing. i wonder what all this...'


... little blue never had the chance to finish his sentence. 'everyone comes and goes so quickly here,' he said. just then an updraft carried him up, up, up. little blue found himself atop a tree branch. he was perched delicately on the limb's farthest reach. the sun was so warm and the leaves so comfortable that little blue was soon dozing off.


little blue had a dream. in his dream he played with his feather friends. they flew through secret loops, chasing one another and laughing gaily.


they played hide and seek, little blue's favorite. he was very adept at staying as still as a steeple and as quiet as a marshmallow.


they played i spy. little blue was enchanted with his new surroundings and he and his dream friends spied and guessed for what seemed like forever.


suddenly, little blue awoke. 'where am i?' he asked. but no one answered. he looked around. he looked to his left. he looked to his right. he looked up high. he looked down and ... 'oh my stars,' he exclaimed. little blue noticed he was tucked into a tree knot. he could see so much. it was very much like in his dream. 'all i need now are my friends,' he said. 'i wonder where they can be?' then he remembered what his dear mother had taught him when he was a spud feather. 'if you wish it, they will come.' little blue closed his eyes and wished. he wished with all of his might. he liked his new home. 'i will communicate telepathically with my friends. i will wish like i've never wished before,' he said. little blue opened his eyes. the breeze had died down. all was still. he peeked around the corner.


little blue couldn't believe his eyes. he saw bright light off in the distance. he squinted and focused as hard as he could. he was mesmerized. and then, very close to the light, he could just make out something. he heard voices. all of his friends were fluttering toward him, leaping and tumbling over one another, bursting out in song to him with such happiness. 'hello!', little blue called out across the great expanse. 'where are you coming from? what are you doing here?' 'think,' pee wee perkins said, 'and you will see that you know.' little blue considered that for a moment. all of his friends were nearing now. they held their breath and waited in rapt attention. little blue smiled. 'believing is seeing,' he said. and because that is true, you know what happened next. they all, but most notably, little blue, lived happily ever after. the beginning. 

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.4.11 ... intrigue


i did some sketching this evening that was too late for photography. so here's something for all of my fellow curiosity cats... when we found a junior girl scout book from 1963 recently this paper was inside. we love old papers so, naturally, we kept it. i didn't notice what was on it at the time, though. i find this fascinating. to think about where this book has been in its life and wonder about the little girl who owned it and her parents who bought it for her along with one for her sister. and what's with the cigarette imprint? can you believe these books were only $1 and $2?


and here's another topic of interest to us. our animals and their habits. just the other day besos decided to start napping in this basket. a basket which has been sitting there since who knows when? but forever. as you can see the low lighting was not camera friendly, but i still love this photo that scout snapped and i love that scout had tossed besos' little santa doll in with her. can you spot it?

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.3.11 ... psych treasuries by scout and me


we enjoyed our wonder boys treasury game so much that we decided to challenge one another with our favorites from time to time and tonight we curated psych treasuries based on the television show. we are not cable subscribers so we had never seen psych. when it became available on netflix instant we watched the first four seasons that way - straight throughout the summer - followed by season 5 via netflix mail. the torturous wait style. we immediately started over again and are now on season 3 episode 3. the treasury above is mine. you can visit it 

and scout's is ...


you can visit hers HERE

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.2.11 ... sendak magnets . chicken soup with rice


i made three sets of chicken soup with rice magnets this afternoon. aren't they cute as the darn dickens? october, april and september are represented.


i just listed these in my joonbeam shop.  i will make the other five sets soon. have a beautiful weekend, everybody. 

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


9.1.11 ... kung pao shrimp


i had a pretty full day working with my creative ideas but this one was by far the prettiest.


and tastiest. i have never made this with shrimp before. or cashews. it's usually chicken and peanuts. but, it was delightfully delicious. another culinary episode in the wilkinson galley. one of my more creative thoughts today is to write a book filled with projects and patterns for fabric creations that use 6, 8, 10 or 12 inch squares of fabric. i like that challenge. i will keep thinking. 

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon