Showing posts with label to do lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label to do lists. Show all posts


Pretty Is As Tidy Does

Our Pending Paperage

Do you have a spot in your home where you stash the pending issues of a beloved family member whose name shall remain lovingly anonymous? And said Love Mystery Person's {LMP} conglomeration of pending issues papers multiplies more often than not? You don't want to put them in a drawer or in an out of sight place because, let's face it, the odds of it not turning into an entire new addition to your home are way too high. Not to mention how many unpleasant sorts ~ both paper and biped ~ might show up when pending became comfortably yellowed and cobwebbed over time. So there you have it. The theory is: LMP is faced with pile on a daily basis and therefore, more likely to tackle it. But I dream. Reality: LMP never notices the ever expanding pending pile. I wish I would say the same. Instead, it drives me bats.

We All Know I am Batty Enough

I looked at that pile once too often and decided it was time, once again, to save my senses with one of my super easy, super groovy solutions. I hesitated because I was busy and didn't want to spend time on an unplanned project. Luckily ~ you know I call it fate ~ I opened a folder and saw this magazine page. Loved it immediately and I had just received this fabric from my wonderful sister. A perfect match for the paper, which was a perfect compliment for the SHALOM candlestick.

Fifteen Minutes Later

All I had to do was fold the page in half ~ it is an extra large magazine page, which is nice. I measured, pressed, cut and pinked my fabric, sewed them onto the ends and viola'. A very nice improvement for no cost and just moments out of my day. The photo below shows the reverse. Of course, it can be used either way. The thread tails are a signature of my art. I feel like they extend my heart and creativity energy out into the universe with them. I also just think they are cool.

It's the Little Things

I make paper pockets for many uses. Why didn't I think of this long ago?

ox joon