Showing posts with label fabric scraps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric scraps. Show all posts


8.27.11 ... tin can becomes pencil can with a twist


here is my step by step process for today's creation. we use these tin cans for our silverware and pencils and markers. but this time i wanted one i could safely toss my scissors into so i thought i'd make a variation on a hot pad as a cushion. i had this scrap of designer fabric and i folded it in thirds and then...


... in half and stitched through all layers in no specific fashion or pattern.


i trimmed around and discarded the excess and ...


... there we are. a pretty little protective base for my scissors. have i mentioned i am a scissorholic? i am. time for another episode of psych so ttfn. 

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


7.2.11 ... how to salvage your watchband


here is one of my fabric strips, strings and ribbons collections. i salvage these from our worn out clothes. if you look closely you can spy my watch nestled in there. and if you look further...


... you will see that one of the little strap bands is gone and the other one bit the dust this week. now i have to get serious. so i am going to remedy this by myself. why? because how boring are watch bands? and who wants to go out looking for one in 102* temperatures on a holiday weekend? and who wants to pay for one anyway? the band is still fine. i just went through replacing the former one with this one less than 2 years ago. so i will fix this one and jazz it up - which will personalize it and give it much needed character.


here you can see one new 'strap' has been formed and is glued and clasped tightly to set overnight. that one was formed without a guide. the second one is getting its YES! paste applied before being clasped and temporarily trimmed (the rough cut) to be left overnight. i applied this one over the broken one you saw above.


this whole escapade didn't take me 10 minutes, tops.


tomorrow i will take off the clamps and trim the straps closer and voila' - a spiffy repaired watchband. i bet these straps will last for years. how's your holiday weekend coming along? ours is pretty darn nice. we went for a little swim this afternoon. scout made dinner - teriyaki grilled chicken, sticky rice and a lovely salad with a new dressing - a lemon oregano vinaigrette i clipped out of a magazine years ago and had not tried yet. it's from a chicago restaurant. it's fantastic. now we're going to work on a puzzle. 

did any of you see craig last night? that man is hilarious every night, but last night was beyond hilarious. just love him.

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


2.9.11 ... bracelet part ii . the bracelet returns

phase ii: it is almost completed. my back is still cranky making for a quiet, frustrating day. but this afternoon i did spend some time working on my bracelet and i'm glad. it evolved somewhat from my initial design, as most of my creations do. my original concept was to use the tiny fabric scraps, but i did not anticipate adding buttons. i love that addition. i was unable to finish it completely because it took much longer than i should have spent on it today and because i was planning on using a snap for the closure but my snap dealie is too lightweight. so i will use a button and either a loop or a buttonhole. i haven't decided. the third photo shows the button i've chosen. i'm looking forward to finishing this bracelet soon and will share it here when i do.

this is the unfinished end. the prototype for this bracelet is shown in yesterday's post. that one is made of paper. it's pretty nifty. i have been planning on making more --- guess how long ago i designed and made the original? --- august 2009. this 365 days in a row creating is proving to be very good for me in the things-i've-been-wanting-to-do category.


this is the reverse side that will be against the wearer's arm. i left the raggedly look because that's what i like, a folk art element. it has more personality to me.

it's a challenge choosing the buttons. i have so many and i can sort through and fixate on my choices for hours. i love these.

and here is another assistant, ginny weasley. she's shy and a loves to keep me company in the evenings, which is especially nice this month because i am cold!

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon