Showing posts with label 2011 challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011 challenge. Show all posts


9.30.12 ... photography fun on a night long ago


i am so far behind on organizing my iphoto library and blogging that today's post is a blast from the past. i took these last fall on an evening visit to the state capitol grounds in austin. this was shortly before we moved. we loved to go walking there. scout would people watch and fill sketchbook pages. and it is just a beautiful environment for photography and your soul. we usually photo the grounds and buildings but on this night i was playing around with the low light challenges. these are two of my favorites. they both capture scout's spirit which always brings me great happiness and inspiration.


i've been pondering the differences between last year's blogging and this one. i went from one extreme - posting 365 days in a row - to another - so far this year i've accumulated a mere 18 posts. i have so many topics and photos waiting for this blog. i plan to post more often this last quarter of the year. which is why i started with this one. happiness and inspiration encourage me to keep moving forward. what are your inspirations? please leave a comment below and share your joy and triumphs over your personal challenges with my readers. have a beautiful day today. 

thanks for stopping by. until next time. happiness to you. from me. with heart. 

ox joon


2.7.11 ... aquarius capricornus vintage library pocket and sweet wrapping

i needed to package up this sweet zodiac ring and had a couple of ideas. one was to make some teeny shredded tissue paper to decorate the inside of the ring's travel method - a miniature ziploc. i also thought it would be fun to toss in some of my mini punched hearts.

here is my hearts jar and below you can see the filled ziploc...

then i wanted to make something astrology themed as a little extra because i have this nifty old discarded book that is about the constellations and planets and the universe. i also have these unused vintage library book pockets. i found that the page & illustration i wanted to use was a perfect fit when trimmed just right. so i covered the pocket with the constellations on the front and the text on the back.

i love the result. lastly, i made one of my thank you for caring bookmarks and taped the ring packet to it to stabilize it for its postal journey. i made a tiny note card from a security envelope and slipped a piece of lavender thread through it to attach it to the bag - which already had a teeny hole built in.

i do hope the recipient will enjoy the packaging and the little extras. i loved creating everything.

evan made two loaves of amish bread yesterday which is soooo deliciously delightful. tonight for dinner we had bacon, avocado, tomato, lettuce and home made blue cheese spread sandwiches on that bread. oh my gravy. outstanding. you might want to try one yourself one night soon. 
sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


2.1.11 ... feelin' loopy

here is my bag of potential loops. i've been adding loops to the corners of all our kitchen and bath hand towels because we don't have a rack in either room. which is fine with me because i love that there's a legitimate need for my super magnet hooks. do you have any of those? these are the kind that will suspend a small elephant with ease. a few hand towels are not going anywhere is what i am saying. anyway, here is my recycled stash and here are the loops i made this afternoon:

i also mended a sizable hole in the striped towel but will have to photo it tomorrow. i am almost done with mend #2 on that one. in other creative news, i did not meet my goal of publishing my first zine by the end of january. there's always february. here is my miniature dummy. it's so cute i know i will find inspiration looking at it on my desk.

and lastly, for today here is a little package i had fun preparing today. i've been saving the pasta bag for an embarrassingly long time and was so happy to find just the right item for it. {it's a vintage #5 house number}


oh - i forgot about the lunch quiche i made at scout's request.  here it is before and after baking:

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


1.27.11 ... pencil valentine & pastel flower magnets

i was cleaning up my art room a bit and sorting through papers and came across a rescued paper pencil bit that i had clipped out of a discarded children's book and punched a row of mini hearts across. that gave me the idea for this illustration with the single heart punch and the traditional puny sentiment. i used my regular colored pencils for this drawing and my beloved le pens for the sentiment.

then i dug out my pastel pencils and made these simple flower magnets based on a little sketched flower i had done one day and saved. i love how they turned out. i don't have many opportunities to use my pastels because they smudge easily but the mylar on buttons and magnets preserves them. so they're good for these projects. i also made the background paper using the three flower color schemes. all in all, highly satisfying creative spurt. ciao for now.

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


1.26.11 ... bookmark and stickers

how are you all this evening? i have a little bit of this and that for you tonight. i made this bookmark for a customer's package today - from a scrap of board paper. the other side is pale green and i continued with ... i love to read. i also put my address along the bottom. here's another photo with my fabulous vintage patchwork pincushion dog in the background. i love him. replicating it is on my wish list for his year. have you ever made one?

i took this photo of batch # 2 stickers now that they are dry and flattened out. i am crazy about these. and look at photo FOUR to see how i have started using them....

how cool is this? i just lick and stick, my friends. way too much fun. this one is covering up a store logo that was in the lower right hand corner of the address panel on this reused packaging. i attached the address after i took this picture.

i am really pleased with this sticker business. i might start offering kits in my etsy shop. good idea? i will be making more soon. i hoped to today but you know how time has a way of getting away from us. or is it just me? sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


1.21.11 ... scissors rest

i have a scissor fetish. and even though it is close to impossible to choose favorites because i am lucky enough to have quite a wonderful collection, these sewing scissors are indispensably fantastic. they're very heavy and i usually keep them in their boxes to protect them and my table but that is not very convenient, as i am sure you can imagine. i made this rest for them using heavy muslin, the old mattress pad {used in yesterday's project}, and this groovy vintage astrology cocktail linen that i've been saving for just the right moment. yes, i am a leo.

i know i will enjoy having this and wonder how i ever lived without it.

i started another ~ rather involved ~ mending project, added some more miniature patches to one of my t shirts and worked on my zine today. i have photos of the mending project in progress that i will add to the post on the day i complete the task. i hope you enjoy today's entry. stay warm. sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon