Star Wars Day!!!

Guess What! I didn't fall off the edge of the world. And I didn't forget my blogger password. Life has been super crazy busy. Plus I had absolutely no post ideas. But I have several tags I'll be doing over the next week.
     Today is May 4th. For those of you who don't what the significants of today is, it is Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you! :) I'm going to do a very brief Star Wars post because it Star Wars Day! :) Plus I couldn't resist, being the Star Wars nerd that I am. :)

Star Wars is the BEST movies ever made!! I started watching them when I was 6 years old. I grew up watching the prequels so those are my favorite. My older brother and I are the Star Wars experts in our house.

Darth Vader is the most instantly recognizable villain ever.

I'm just going to come out and say it. I like Jar Jar Binks. My Dad showed my an article and I totally agree with it. Jar Jar Binks is a Jedi/Sith or at least force sensitive.

In this scene pictured above when Jar Jar says "Any help here would be hot" and does a slight hand gesture. He influenced Qui-gon Jinn into letting him go. Then the guy who wrote the article goes on to say that Darth Sidious would have influenced Jar Jar to become a sith. But due to how much most fans hated him that didn't turn out. That is why Count Dooku doesn't have a well developed backstory because they had to came up with a replacement quickly. (Please note this is just speculation.)

I can't wait to see what Lucasfilm does with Star Wars in the future. The "Rogue One" trailer looks Awesome!!!!


  1. Nice Jonathan!! Star wars is great :) May the 4th be with you ;)

  2. Hey, welcome back! :) I'm a bit late to wish May the 4th be with you...but wish it the same anyways. :)
    I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm a Star Wars nerd, but I do like the movies I've watched. I have yet to watch the seventh one, but I look forward to seeing it! My cousins have been giving me spoilers ever since they watched it,(did you know that so-and-so dies? Yeah, and it was so-and-so who killed so-and-so) so I ALMOST feel like I've watched it already...grr. Anyways, I look forward to another post from you soon! ^_^

    1. Star Wars 7 is my favorite Star Wars movie. Thanks for commenting Rebekah!


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