Showing posts with label walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walk. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Walk Through our Neighborhood

Yesterday my son and I took a longer walk then usual. We've been really wimpy about our walks and only have been taking them up and down our short double cultesac street. But today we got an earlier start and headed down to my friends house to drop off something she needed.

I got a new point and shoot (Sony Cybershot DSC-S750)for my anniversary present so my son took it along and got some nice snapshots

This is one of our flowering trees that line some of the neighborhood streets..the flowers are awesome

This is a giant batch of bamboo growing by a neighbors house. It sounds so awesome in the wind..I can just imagine how calming it must be at night while going to sleep

and this is another one of those flowering trees with a palm tree behind it. The sky was so blue..the colors were amazing in person. I think my little camera captured things pretty good though yeah?