Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today is the first day of my new blog... I intend on learning more about blogging, I must admit, I do not have a clue what I am doing! I hope it will get better as I go, and am open for any suggestions from those who blog or know computers better than myself (that will not be hard to find)! It is very important to me, that there is a place for families to meet... who have experienced the journey, of the combination of :
CHD'S AND STROKES. I currently know, about 10 families, with these circumstances and have recently met some families, who know NO others... I believe we can learn from each other's experiences/journeys... and I hope that anyone interested, will join together! Thank you for visiting JILLY'S CHD/STROKE JOURNEY! Heart and Stroke Hugs!!!

1 comment:

Denise Thomas Pratt said...

Hi - I live in Ithaca and my son Byron had a large stroke before he was born. Our blog He's going to be three next month. SInce we are so close in location, if you ever want to get together let me know! Denise 607-768-6820.