Sunday, April 13, 2014

JCC Organizational Chart & Finance

Johnston Community College (JCC) mission statement is to provide accessible, high-quality educational and community enrichment opportunities for the successful development of learners. The Board of Trustee approves JCC mission statement and institutional goals that are set by the President of JCC.  It is the responsibility of JCC President to enforce and implement the goals

If you look at the organization chart for JCC you will notice that the Board of Trustee is on top.  The board of trustees have custody of and be responsible for the property of the community college and shall be responsible for the management and control of the college. The board approves the college’s Management Budget each year.

Financial Position of Johnston Community College

Johnston Community College (JCC) budget for 2013-2014
 24,136,172 Annual Budget
Where does JCC get their funding?
The source of funding for JCC comes from the State of North Carolina and Johnston County.  State aid and county appropriations constituted about 61% of the total revenues for the College.  The college expects a slight decrease to the state-mandated management flexibility reduction.  However, due to an approximate 3% decrease in student enrollment they expect a decrease in state appropriations overall.  The county appropriations are expected to remain stable for the next couple of years. 
Where is the largest percentage of college budget come from?
The majority of the funding comes from the State of North Carolina.

The biggest expenditure that JCC has during 2013-2014.
JCC biggest expense is salary.  This includes; pension plan, health insurance.
What are the advantages of using formal-based budgeting?
Formal based budget are allocated to colleges for current operations in three ways; 1) base allocations, which provide a standard amount of support regardless of college size, 2) enrollment allocations, which vary based on a college’s budgeted full-time equivalent (FTE) student enrollment, and 3) performance-based allocations, which are determined based on student outcomes.
The Key component is enrollment that determines the formula budges. Doing a formal-based budget is great for community colleges that have enrollment that continues to grow each year. 

What are the disadvantages of using formula-based budgeting?
A disadvantage is when enrollment is down.  A good example is JCC enrollment has declined last year.  If allocation is based on enrollment, then JCC funds will be reduced.  With reduction this effects the growth of the community college.

How does NC apply performance funding to JCC.
The College experienced a slight decrease (1.34%) in net position during 2013.  The majority of the decrease was the result of decrease in bookstore inventory, and a 2% decrease student enrollment, which affected the revenues received from tuition fees and financial aid.

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