Many thanks to New Stadium Insider Ross for leaving the comment that hipped us to the major breaking story that Twitter will survive without Shelley Duncan, because we have Doug Mientkiewicz:
Related: Shelley Duncan Swears Off Twitter
UPDATE: Call him Dougiebackpedal:

Quality stuff. TAILOR-made for IIHIIFIIC.
Shelly from South Park knows a thing about turds, we should ask her what she thinks...
This could only be topped if Carl Pavano had the same exchange with She-Fan about Doug Mientkiewicz.
I love Shelly from South Park.
But she thinks I'm a turd.
Steal one baseball from the Red Sox, and suddenly you're an expert on turds.
I'm a huge Swisher fan, but after reading that exchange, the level of respect I have for Doug Mientkiewicz just skyrocketed.
That was fucking hilarious.
Great stuff and funny too coming from the guy who refused to give up the World Series ball.
I have a hard time believing that's real. It seems like a farce that you made up. (I also love Swisher, his acts, and his bat BECAUSE IT'S WAY BETTER THAN 90% OF YOU RETARDS GIVE IT CREDIT FOR, but that was hilarious.)
I didn't make this up, Adam. I *would* to get a laugh, make no mistake, but I didn't have to. Doug's Twitter account is listed on You can follow the links to the Swisher tweets.
"Oh he's so affable! OOOH he has an edgy haircut!"
Swisher is a boner.
Eyechart Mientkeiwicz is right.
Doug Eye Chart is a God.
Love him, or hate him....and he will tell you the same thing. Doug is the man. Hands down.
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