Showing posts with label Stevens Institute of Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stevens Institute of Technology. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Evan The Engineer

Evan The Engineer


It was the fall of twenty twenty four

Wild winds were wailing woes of world war

Billionaires buzzed busting unions for a buck

Down in Reno town there was a run of bad luck


Evan the engineer

A man without fears

Proficient with gears

Wise beyond his years

Evan the engineer


Jesus sat on the avenue holding a cardboard sign

“I’ll work for food” was the solitary line

Wes was in the kitchen cooking sermons of chicken

Ethan mused “Ah I see the plot thicken”


Evan the engineer

A man without fears

Proficient with gears

Wise beyond his years

Evan the engineer


False prophets proclaimed predictions of pure hate

All is fine be mine fill the collection plate

Mother Marlene had a dream of endless names

Faith without deeds is death read the book of James


Evan the engineer

A man without fears

Proficient with gears

Wise beyond his years

Evan the engineer


The moral of the story is give God the glory

Preach sermons of truth but try not to bore me

Evan invented a glorious machine of truth

But alas as in the past they ignore the youth


In my crystal ball I look into tomorrow

Mary never sleeps as she weeps with sorrow

Hand in hand singing with the Salvation Army Band

An endless rendition of the sin of the damned


Evan the engineer

A man without fears

Proficient with gears

Wise beyond his years

Evan the engineer


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Institute

 The Institute


I was lost, lost as could be

A ship docked in the desert longing for the sea

I had not learned yet

The meaning getting wet

There were no shortages of guides

Self proclaimed godless gurus

Mindless messiahs of mania

Doctors sporting their grand degree

Arrogant asses of authority


I came wishing to forget my shame

Forsaking ‘Myron’ that awful name

What I sought I was unsure

All I knew was that I needed more
Something or someone I had not before


Enticed by the vice of paradise

Our innocence offered as sacrifice

Strangers the unknown did abound

No clue to what would be found
Or to where we were bound

But by nature of our tuition fee

We gave a salute

To the institute

And bowed our knee


These words are written in hindsight

Alas none can change the past

Not even if one had infinite might

We were the blind leading blind

Not knowing what we would find

But our task masters wicked and cruel

Knew we were naïve

Hope filled our sails

As they forecasted storms and gales

We were told to hang on

And simply believe

We sailed boldly trying to prove our worth

Headed for the edge of the Earth

Take a tour into the world of mental illness and see a human being. Please check out my book “More ThanThe Madness.”