Showing posts with label God is Good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God is Good. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

There Must Be Another Way

 There Must Be Another Way


Well nine to five are you really alive             

I wish the dinosaurs had survived                  

I’d get a T Rex to devour my boss                 

That wouldn’t be a terrible loss                     


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


Izzy the spaceman was in a dizzy mood

I’d like to do planet Earth some good

Nuclear fusion would help them in their toil

But all the leaders control by oil


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


I remember Adam Bomb he wasn’t really that cool

Just another face in the yearbook back from high school

Sorry to say the other day Adam went to meet the Lord

Why is it we never think hell’s the eternal reward?


I read the Bible can you say it again?

From Genesis one to Revelation’s amen

Straight and narrow is the path we must find

All others they’re the blind following the blind


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


There is a cross an emblem of dark doom

Death is like fire they both consume

The grave is empty it’s not a lie

The grave is empty and love’s the reason why


I wake up in the morning every day

There must be another way

I echo the words the poet’s say

There must be another way


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Seventh Heaven

 Seventh Heaven


Thinking back Jack you were beyond wise                           

Love is a force the source over all lies                      

What you saw in me I truly don’t know                                

But life keeps on and I gave it a go                                       


We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together

We’ll be in the seventh heaven things don’t get better

In the seventh heaven there’s always fair weather

We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together


From Genesis to Revelation’s Amen

You’re in the Spirt brother say it again

I was a crazy boy tripping on stardust

Hitchhiking with a sign heaven or bust


We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together

We’ll be in the seventh heaven things don’t get better

In the seventh heaven there’s always fair weather

We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together


I was a world away when you went to glory

A man of mystery Jack that was your story

There was a secret like a sin forgiven

We had the secret of the seventh heaven


We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together

We’ll be in the seventh heaven things don’t get better

In the seventh heaven there’s always fair weather

We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together


You have to taste some hell just to get it out of your system

When it comes right down to it there’s two kinds of wisdom

You can live for today and the pleasures this world holds

Or you can carry your cross and go where the streets are gold


Dancing with the angels on cloud nine

Sipping the sweet sacred divine wine

Forever well that’s a mighty long time

Where music’s happy and all words rhyme


We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together

We’ll be in the seventh heaven things don’t get better

In the seventh heaven there’s always fair weather

We’ll be in the seventh heaven laughing together


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Sunday, November 10, 2024




He’s the fiery skies on the final fourth of July                      

A soldier of fortune refusing orders to die                             

Thunder explodes as jet bombers count the cost                   

Fearing hearing the rhythms of a nuclear holocaust              


None other than Noah God’s drummer

A flash of fire in forever’s summer

Playing on garbage cans he’s an overcomer

That’s the man called Noah God’s drummer


Rachel screams “Boy in this life hold fast to your dreams”

I got a book of truth but it ain’t what it seems

Keep on wailing never failing in the fight

Busting trusting in the power of music to set all things right


None other than Noah God’s drummer

A flash of fire in forever’s summer

Playing on garbage cans he’s an overcomer

That’s the man called Noah God’s drummer


Noah is running with the wolves howling at the moon

They’ve been saying the Second Coming’s real soon

And Noah complains that he’s fresh out of rain

Booming consuming God says I got fire and I won’t refrain


None other than Noah God’s drummer

A flash of fire in forever’s summer

Playing on garbage cans he’s an overcomer

That’s the man called Noah God’s drummer


What’ s a boy to do in this crazy mixed-up world

Except join a rock and roll band and love a girl

Keep the beat Noah all eyes are fixed in a gaze

I pray for you child for some better days


Under a raging Moon the good always die too young

There are too many songs that are left unsung

Start with your heart and walk down the straight trail

Tapping rapping if you try and reach high you cannot fail


None other than Noah God’s drummer

A flash of fire in forever’s summer

Playing on garbage cans he’s an overcomer

That’s the man called Noah God’s drummer


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Zombie Acropolis

 Zombie Acropolis

FAWM # 11

Simmering in the ashes agony never relents                          

This time around the mighty Ninevah never repents             

Living hell sitting in the shells of a once great city               

In the boiling river sits the Statue of Liberty                         


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


“My button is bigger than yours” boasted an ancient ghost

“I really do hate you” she replied “I hate you the most”

And I guess the abortion question mattered so much more

If Baby Ken had just got that chance he’d have been antiwar


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


The line to heaven’s backed up all the way to Gehenna

Rome is in ruins Sicily sunk there’s still some Vienna

Red Square in Moscow has acquired a righteous neon glow

And at the equator we’re experiencing ample snow


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


And the headlines scream world war has begun

Generals rejoiced crying “We’re gonna have some real fun”

Missiles flying people dying babies crying what a mess

Satan won but even the devil’s looking for God to bless


Babylon is burst it’s the worst of our naughty nightmares

Roger you watched too much t.v. while you forgot your prayers

Don’t you dare blame me I donated to channel thirteen

Dinosaurs are laughing digging the apocalyptical scene


Hear you go Baby Ken how do you like this

Don’t dread the living dead it’s Zombie Acropolis

Hear the vultures chirping a dirge of bliss

Just like Judas’s kiss it’s Zombie Acropolis


The Big Book Of Song Lyrics, Check It Out!!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

More Than A Prayer

 More Than A Prayer


There is no dreamy home on the Caribbean Sea               

No pleasant ride in the sunset for you and me        

I weep over the things that could have been                    

More than death are the wages of our sin                        


I can’t give you more than a prayer

And to hold your hand with care

I can’t give you more than a prayer

And be by your side as you lie there


Dementia is the dance darling you’re center stage

We’re at the end of the book near the final page

I cry in the long goodbye asking ‘Why?’

God in His wisdom gives me no reply


I can’t give you more than a prayer

And to hold your hand with care

I can’t give you more than a prayer

And be by your side as you lie there


I remember all the good times grateful for the day

In this trip called life the ticket’s only one way

God may be Love but tell me is He fair?

Blaspheming billionaires live with no care


I can’t give you more than a prayer

And to hold your hand with care

I can’t give you more than a prayer

And be by your side as you lie there


Everyone has a hustle everyone wants another buck

They promise happy bliss and wish you good luck

In the end a friend is the one who stands by your side

I remember Jesus so lonely when he was crucified


So sweet Sylvia death will come to swallow you up

With one big swallow the reaper empties your cup

I’ll go one when your gone such is this life

Goodbye lover friend goodbye dear wife


I can’t give you more than a prayer

And to hold your hand with care

I can’t give you more than a prayer

And be by your side as you lie there



Friday, September 1, 2023

Skinny Chickens

 Skinny Chickens


Skinny chickens are barking at the moon                        

Minnie Mouse is singing badly out of tune                         

On Calvary’s Hill they’re doing Vaudeville                    

Sex is wrong but God knows they love to kill                 


Skinny chickens pecking at the grain

If you ain’t got Love life is vain

Skinny chickens quoting Marx

Skinny chickens doing it in the dark


Skinny chickens doped up on valium

Pluto and Budha compete with wisdom

Jesus was woke well he can go to hell

Drag Queens make scenes saying nothing is well


Skinny chickens pecking at the grain

If you ain’t got Love life is vain

Skinny chickens quoting Marx

Skinny chickens doing it in the dark


Skinny chickens demand we all conform

Shine our boots bright and don a uniform

The coming winds of war a hurricane

Skinny chickens say they can feel your pain


Skinny chickens pecking at the grain

If you ain’t got Love life is vain

Skinny chickens quoting Marx

Skinny chickens doing it in the dark


Skinny chickens went on a rampage at the farm

They beat up Moo Moo the cow but didn’t mean harm

Skinny chickens coming to a theatre near you

Skinny chickens tell me what are you gonna do?


Walt’s body’s frozen for some future time

Skinny chickens sing but they hate to rhyme

Skinny chickens wearing painted on jeans

Skinny chickens they will corrupt your teens


Skinny chickens pecking at the grain

If you ain’t got Love life is vain

Skinny chickens quoting Marx

Skinny chickens doing it in the dark