Showing posts with label stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stuff. Show all posts

This Week

1. I came to realize that my last post was a little insensitive. I didn't mean for it to sound that way, I promise! Hopefully the girl I was writing about won't see it since not many people even read my blog anymore, but I didn't want to take it down.

2. I was really grumpy last week.

3. I'm still grumpy this week.


5. Shelby can eat an absurd amount of strawberries. It's great because she hasn't been eating a lot lately so I'm just grateful for anything that she will actually consume!

6. It's been a What the? week for me for some reason. Adele is only 23? What the? American Idol started again? What the? Life can be hard sometimes? What the? Realizing we switched Ben's crib to a toddler bed when he was 22 months old. Shelby is 21 months old. What the? has news headlines in the order of Etta James Dies, Tom Hanks's Dog Dies. What the?

7. I laughed myself silly with this clip (it wouldn't let me embed it) from Big Bang Theory. It's probably my favorite episode ever (minus the bazinga ball pit episode). I love this show! And I want my hair to look like Kelly Cuoco's has been looking this season so I'm still growing it out.

8. Shelby has learned words like "remote," "buzz," "berry," and "donut" this week. Or "nonuts" as she likes to call them.

9. Ben is on day 5 with no pull-ups at night. I mean, come on, he's 5-1/2 and it's just time for him to be night trained! When he was 4 our pediatrician told us not to worry about it till he is a little older and we feel like now is the right time. He's been dry 2 out of the 5 days... So it's a work in progress.

10. I've been working on Shclby's nap schedule because 10-10:30 to lay her down was just too early. But waiting till after lunch meaning she'd only sleep for an hour (maybe). So we're at 11-11:15 when I lay her down and she usually sleeps till 1. She's still in there yelling so hopefully today will be one of the 2-hour days so I can shower in peace and watch a little American Idol. Yes, I still watch it. ;)

11. I have not looked forward to a weekend being here more than I have this week. I just need a break!

12. I got a super cute gray ruffle sweater at Sam's on clearance for $9. I love this stupid sweater! You can ask John how much 'cause I've probably worn it 3 out of 5 days this week. I'm going back today to buy a pink one if they still have them.

13. I've gotten into the really bad habit of leaving my computer open. This means I now have something wedged under my V key and Shelby ripped off the K key and now I can't get it to stick back down. It makes it really hard to type when you have to take a second to force the K down.

14. We started over reading the Book of Mormon this week using this chart I found on Pinterest. Ben loves coloring in the circles every night and I think it'll be great to keep us going.

15. You're now picturing me having to look at my keyboard and force that stupid K down every time you see a K huh?

16. Happy Weekend everybody!


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

It's been one of those weeks. One of those weeks you want to end as soon as humanly possible. One of those weeks where you think things are going great and then all of a sudden you're in the adversaries sights. And today is only Wednesday? Sigh.

Most of you know we've been wanting to put our condo on the market so we can buy a house. Well, we found out Monday that we are so close to pre-qualifying and we are so excited! This is going to mean a lot of work getting our place ready, but I've been doing one major thing every day to get things ready. So that's good. Great, in fact!

For some reason lately I've been really tired. John's been working long, hard hours on the commercial properties they have and I'm so proud of him. He works harder than anyone I know. These commercial properties mean he is making more money which is great for us. It comes with a price because he has to work some Saturdays and his days now are long and hard when usually it's the summertime that sucks. But we're all doing just fine, just quite a bit more tired. I think I have sympathetic exhaustion from him, I've just felt so sleep deprived lately! But two goods, right? Great we might get to buy a house soon, great John has more opportunities at work!

Cue Friday night. John was working late and I was trying to get everything cleaned up before he got home. And I needed to get his patches ironed and sewed onto his new work shirt. I didn't want to wake the kids up in the hallway by ironing there like I usually do so I brought the shirt out in the living room and was doing it on the floor because we don't own an ironing board because there's no real place to put it. Can you see where I'm going with this? I don't even know what was going through my head thinking it was a good idea to IRON ON THE CARPET. But I did. And I ironed John's brand new expensive work shirt to the carpet. I seriously did that. I peeled it off, tried to get the carpet fibers off his shirt while they were still hot, but to no avail. And the carpet. Oh, we have nice patch of melted carpet right smack dab in the middle of our living room floor. Thankfully we had plans to replace the carpet before we put it up for sale. I am SO smart.

Monday John came home and his phone wasn't working because he dropped it in a pool filter. He couldn't get the charge port to work so he couldn't charge it. We have a spare iPhone we use for parts but as he was taking his phone apart he cracked the screen. He got the charge port fixed and working and ordered a new screen on eBay (he's changed them before). It's just one thing after another!

The big doozy came yesterday afternoon. I'd been doing some work on the computer while Ben was playing Wii and Shelby was napping. I decided to get the dishes done since I always put off doing the dishes and I needed to wash bottles. I was unloading the dishwasher and Ben wanted to play Wii sports (he usually just plays Lego Star Wars or Lego Harry Potter). I made him stay as far away from the tv as possible but it didn't even cross my mind to have him put the wrist strap on the Wiimote. Ben had started to get a little carried away while playing bowling and as I was about to say something to him as I was unloading the dishwasher I heard a "thunk." Ben immediately turned to look at me. I looked at him. Then at the TV stand thinking that's where his remote had hit, but no. HE HIT THE TV. And the TV is complete toast. Think I'm kidding?

It's a sad, sad day in the Saunders house. At least we had a 32" in our bedroom we put out in the living room. Our big tv is now in my car to take to electronic recycling. I had a dream we turned it on this morning and it worked just fine, but it's not. I still can't believe he actually broke it. And we're seriously contemplating saving $$ now to get a tv sooner because this little tv looks so sad on our big, nice tv stand (that we got on markdown at Sams for $125!) and would not show very well in my opinion!

Ben, in the meantime, has had a hard lesson to learn. Yes, it was an accident and I should have made sure he had the wrist strap on. But we have to make sure he understands that it was a bad thing that happened, an expensive thing he broke and that he has to be responsible for it. So we decided that there's no more Wii for him until he can earn back the privilege by behaving himself, helping more around the house, that kind of thing. And we are even going to have him donate some (or all) of his money jar to help pay for a new tv. Think that's fair? I honestly think Ben's more upset he can't play Wii than he is about breaking the tv. He's only 4 so he really doesn't understand.

So, anyway, that's been our past 5 or 6 days. It's been so fun! But it could be a lot worse I know!


I'm still here!

If anyone still reads my blog, hello! Leave me a comment! Let me know this is not in vain! ;)

This will be a picture post. So that you know we're still here, and that my kids still exist. Life is busy, super fun, stressful sometimes, overwhelming, and really awesome.

This little girl is just the coolest thing on the planet. I look back at when Ben was little and we struggled so hard. Maybe it was because we were new parents, I was working, who knows. But I read back on our blog a few weeks ago and it just seemed like we were getting bombarded from all sides. I honestly don't know how we did it. Now, things have been relatively smooth. (I'm sure I'm going to regret writing that.) I'm just not taking anything for granted that is for darn sure!

The kitten sleeper. It kills me. And now it's almost too small. But I can't justify buying a new one!
 We try to go to the park at least 2 or 3 times a week. Keeps Ben a little more focused during the day (or rather, it keeps me from going crazy). Shelby is usually completely unimpressed. Still cute, though.
Ben rarely lets me take his picture anymore without giving me obnoxious faces. (Part of the reason I haven't taken his 4-year pics yet). At least he gave me this one!
I took these tonight after Shelby started rolling over for the first time (yay!) Okay, really rolling side to side, but still an accomplishment for my chunky monkey.
She sticks her tongue out all the time.
She sucks on her lips.
She is constantly talking to us. It's freaking adorable.
She LOVES Ben. And Ben "just loves Shelby." It's so cute. Now that Ben has discovered siblings, he wants more.


Thoughts on Two

On being a mom of two:
1. Two is hard.
2. My first week as a mom of two was hard.
3. I fret because newborns sleep so much.
4. I should just let her sleep. She sleeps so much better at night when I don't poke and prod her to keep her awake.
5. Poop (or the lack thereof) is an indicator of how much sleep we will get.
6. Ben loves his sister, but he REALLY hates not being the center of attention anymore. Plus he's adjusting to having a noisy baby in his room at night, which makes him a little cranky come mid-afternoon.
7. My house is messy! Not that it wasn't already, but two has compounded the fact.
8. Having the baby blues really sucks. My new mantra is relax and stay busy. I'm honestly doing so much better this week.
9. I've felt an incessant need to get out of my house at all costs. I need to get over it and rest before I'm chasing a toddler around my house.
10. We have really great friends and family who are always more than willing to help out.

On Shelby:
1. She's the cutest little baby girl ever. I know there's a lack of pictures, I promise I will get to that eventually!
2. I feel guilty she sleeps all the time, like I should be doing more for her or interacting with her more. I know in a couple of weeks it will be entirely different.
3. She is the calmest baby ever. She only cries when she's hungry or cold, or when she randomly sleep cries, or when she's constipated (hence the pooping issue).
4. She has Ben's little turned up nose and small dark blue eyes. We're really curious what color they will eventually become. Her skin is still perfectly pink and her hair is growing fast and still a dark brown.
5. She never cries when she's poopy. Ben usually discovers it first and tells me. I think he may be developing my insanely sensitive sense of smell.
6. She has huge hands and long skinny feet.
7. She sleeps on her back with her head turned to the right and arms straight up over her head. This is EXACTLY how Ben slept when he was a baby.
8. She loves her pacifier. I am so grateful for this. Especially since he didn't make a peep at her heel prick test today!
9. She's going to be extremely ticklish. Anytime we rub our fingers across her tummy or back she arches up immediately. Same when you tickle her feet!
10. She is a great eater. 3oz every 3 hours on the dot (sometimes ever 4-5 at night).

On Ben:
1. Ben thinks Shelby is soooo cute.
2. When I feed her he has to plaster himself next to me and tell me how much he loves me. Over and over. And over.
3. Chocolate milk, fruit snacks and Phineas and Ferb are a good cure-all for his mid-afternoon crankiness.
4. I'm working on trying to get him to nap again.
5. He's going to his first gun show with John on Saturday. :)
6. We cut his hair about a week ago. I love his hair longer, but he looks pretty darn preppy cool with it short. As long as I keep it fixed he doesn't look like a rug rat.
7. All of his pants have holes in the knees so he looks like a rug rat most of the time anyway.
8. He's curled up on the couch right now with his Ralphie (his stuffed dog). I know if I got in the car and went anywhere he would immediately fall asleep.
9. He's obsessed with his Mater socks the Easter Bunny brought him. They are already pilled and ratty-looking because he wears them all the time!
10. He's become increasingly affectionate and sensitive, especially when he knows I'm upset. It's really sweet.

I'm really hoping to do a proper newborn session with Shelby later this week if I can get myself to a park or somewhere more sufficient than my poorly-lit house! I know the next few months are going to be a crazy adventure!


Totally Random

1. Countdown 12 days till my due date. No plan to induce me yet. Just watching...and waiting...on the edge of our seats anticipating...

2. My plan today was to get my whole house clean (minus my bedroom because sometimes closing the door is so much easier) but I don't have the energy. I'm so tired. And impatient. My hospital bag is half packed. Baby bag is ready to go. Camera batteries are charged, laptop is ready to pack up. So I just need to clean up my house and we are ready to go. NOW, PLEASE? ;)

3. I'm cursing my mom for ever introducing me to Pop Secret Homestyle popcorn and Viva paper towels. I'm ruined for all other popcorn and paper towels.

4. Hey I warned you it was random.

5. Ben is testing his boundaries. I know he knows things aren't going to be the same after the baby is born. I'm just trying to be patient, but patience is something I am lacking in severely these days.

6. I almost regret ever redoing our bathroom. Why? Because it's so fresh and clean and now I wish our entire house was the same way. The nesting instinct that's still nagging at me wants me to do everything, but the pain I get in my hips tells me I'd be stupid to even try!

7. I honestly can't complain about this pregnancy. I've had it way easier than I did with Ben with all the sciatica and trip after trip after trip to the specialist. I do miss getting all those sonograms though!

8. The kids' room is completely put together and minus the toys scattered here and there on the floor, it's fairly clean. I promise I will take pictures soon!

9. Last Friday was the LDS prom. I stopped by for a couple of hours in the afternoon to see how the decorating was going. I did all the publicity for it, and it all turned out really cute. And the decorating they did at the Rec Center looked AMAZING. John worked late that night, till almost 9:30. He was also on the take down committee for the prom and had to report at 11:30. He didn't get home till after 2am! And of course I couldn't sleep till he got home, and not much after that either. I had the brilliant idea earlier in the evening to let Ben wear underwear to bed. I picked such a great night for that. He made it to 5:30.

10. So since the random night of wearing underwear didn't do any good, and the fact that Ben keeps insisting on wearing underwear to bed, I told him if he could wake up dry 3 nights in a row he could wear underwear to bed. Last night was night #1 and he woke up dry! Man, I'd love not to have to buy pull-ups anymore!

11. My mom just got back from Brazil. I was on strict orders not to have a baby while she was gone. And I didn't! Dang!

12. This year I will be a great-aunt for the 5th and 6th times.

13. If you were two missing car seat bases where would you be? We are using Ben's car seat for this baby and had two car seat bases with it. They are both missing. They are either somewhere in our house (I guarantee you there are not many places for those to hide around here) or in my mom's garage somewhere (because we stored the car seat and stroller there) but we've looked and they are nowhere to be found. It's driving me insane!

14. Today I am counting my blessings on having a healthy pregnancy and a wonderful family. Praying for a healthy delivery.

15. My mom didn't find a blessing dress in Brazil, well, at least not one that was less than $300. So I'm on the hunt!

16. I am so super excited for the return of these two shows!

17. I've bought a few non pink things for baby Shelby, to counteract the massive amount of pink we got at the shower. Not that I dislike pink, but we definitely needed some variety! Like this (in green floral) and this (in navy) on clearance for $3, and this sleeper which is much cuter in person, and of course I had to get a pair of jeans.

18. We went and saw How to Train Your Dragon on Saturday. And LOVED it! I really hate a lot of Dreamworks movies (ahem, Shark Tale), even though my cousin works for them. But turns out Dragons was one of his projects and I'm so proud of the guy! You can see some of his work here. It really is a great movie.

19. I swear some evenings I feel like if I jumped up and down my toes would explode. Yeah, I realize that's not a pleasant graphic, but neither is the discomfort of swollen feet! Ahh!

20. And now it's time for dinner! If you read the whole thing, thank you. ;)


Update on my Mom

I spent the morning at the hospital with Ben, my mom and my sister Ginny. We were there to get the latest from my mom's doctors and to find out the strategy they want her to follow when she goes home! She's been doing great, and she has absolutely fantastic doctors and nurses. I left before her doctor had a chance to stop by but got a call from Ginny as we pulled up to our house that they are probably sending my mom home today! What a complete surprise! We'll all be taking turns staying with her to make sure she gets around and has help her the things she needs. I'm suddenly very grateful that I have been able to stay home. Otherwise doing the thing I need to do to help would not be nearly as easy. Plus Ben LOVES his grandma!

Here's a picture from the awesome view of downtown Fort Worth my mom had from her hospital room. And thank you to all of the wonderful people at Harris Methodist!



Monday Afternoon Update

1. I'm 13-1/2 weeks along. At my dr appointment on Wednesday we will probably schedule my sonogram date. Look for a poll to guess what we're having!

2. Most people are thoroughly convinced we are having a girl. I never have any inclination either way. John has said from the minute we found out I was pregnant that it's going to be a girl! And my mom is already checking the girl sections every time she is at the store.

3. I've been super tired lately. And ridiculously tired of all of the headaches I get. Come 6 or 7pm and I can feel a headache looming and it always ends with me snuggling on the couch till bedtime. It totally sucks!

4. If you're my friend on Facebook you already know that we have spent many many long nights watching The Office. My friend Holly let us borrow the first two seasons and we were hooked. After finishing Season 2 late one Thursday night, I found myself at Walmart buying Seasons 3 and 4 as early birthday presents! (Plus they were only $25 compared to $40 at Target and Best Buy!) We're in the middle of Season 4 now. Even though it's gotten a little less interesting now that Pam and Jim are together, I still love it!

5. Jim and Pam have officially replaced Ross and Rachel, Marshall and Lily and Booth and Bones as my favorite tv couple ever.

6. Ben is great. Since I'm tired a lot I find myself easily irritated with every little thing he does. I'm trying to be more patient but man it's hard!

7. Ben is also getting more and more interested in spelling and words. I have a feeling he's close to ready for me to help him start putting words together, but I have no idea where to start! Any advice?

8. John is awesome. Working hard as always and he's been more than patient with me feeling sick a lot. I mean, our house is a disaster! But he just tells me to relax and not worry about that stuff now and we'll work hard to get everything together when I start to feel better. I love him.

9. My little business is going great! I've had a few crazy busy weeks trying to get some really large print orders taken care of and managing our schedules so that we shoot the clients we can and make time for everything else that goes with it. It definitely hasn't been easy. I know I've been able to put on a much stronger front than I actually manage in the background. I love taking pictures and we have had so much fun over the past few months!

10. Since everyone is convinced we are having a girl, I thought I'd leave you with some things I've been looking at online that are on my wish list:

This bedding set from Walmart. I know it's Walmart, but it's only $49!


This head band. Mostly because that baby girl is the most adorable thing ever!


Isn't this so cute?


Okay that's it. I'm so tired! I'm trying to be a better blogger both here and on my photo blog!


About This Blog

All images on my blogs are © 2009 Missy Saunders Photography and Design. Please do not use without my permission.

Stealing is mean!