Friday, August 15, 2008

PASS - 96%

As of 15th August 2008 - 12:00 pm I PASS my driving test and gotten my Victoria driving license. hmm .... i had my Malaysia driving license since 1997 and i PASS it in the First attempt (I did not Bribe), that is 11 years ago and Could you imagine it take me 4 1/2 attempt to get a Victoria driving license.

First attempt in Carlton VicRoads, my so call mistakes is i did not stop before the white line at the stop sign. i stop on the line. i did not performs a head check. i actually did the head check before i switch lane but the tester said my gesture is not big enough. i need to make a bigger gesture when performing head check.

Secondly attempts in Sun Shine Vicroads, they failed me for not using the internal & external mirror correctly, as usual i told the tester i used all the mirror, tester reply that i used it the wrong sequence. the correct sequence will be look at the back mirror before you breaks. before indicating left or right signal, you need to look at the back mirror then look at the left or right external mirror before you make the signal. so i was failed for that.

1/2 attempts in Hopper Crossing VicRoads, I don't really consider this an attempts because is not my faults. While i was reversing out of the parking, the instructor commented 'be careful', and because the instructor spoke, test was immediately terminated.

Third attempts in Dandenong Vicroads, this round they failed me for driving too slow. this is because i saw a sign saying 60 area. so i was driving around 56 -58, until the tester asked me to turn in the small road, in the rules book if there is no speed limit sign by default it will be 50, so i don't see any speed limit so i was driving between 46 - 48. driving about 10 minutes i was routed back to the VicRoads Office, i knew i failed. so when the tester giving his feedback, he told me that i am driving too slow, so i explained there is no speed limit sign by default is 50. he said correct. but the first sign we see was 60 area. 60 AREA means this entire area is 60. and i am driving 40 plus is against the law. we are not allowed to drive 10K below the speed limit.

Fourth attempts in Broadmeadows VicRoads, i was praying so hard that God gives me peace i was so nervous and afraid to Fails. this time i almost get 100% correct, after finished with the first stage of the test the tester will asked to pull in to the kerb while she calculate the score and see if i can proceed to next stage. i was so nervous i stop at the kerb without knowing that i was on the NO STANDING, No Standing means not stop at all. Breaking the law is a critical, so i taught i failed again, then the tester said if i m ready i can proceed the next stage. she said in stage 1 i am allowed to make 1 critical mistake. so i was relief and continue the next stage. after another 20 minuets drives we are back in the VicRoads Office, she told me she need to calculate the result score on the computer system asked me to go into the office. so i waited like 5 - 10 minutes. it actually feel like 30 minuets waits. she called me and congratulated me saying I PASS, and my score is 96%, then she explain what happen to the 4%, the 4% went to the mistake i did in parking at the NO STANDING area. and she said i am a VERY VERY GOOD Driver, if i did not makes the parking mistake i will get 100%. she was surprised that i actually took 4 attempts to PASS it.

I am so glad God answered my prayer by assigning me a good an understating tester and during the driving test i have Peace and confidence.


d'Lion said...

Congratulations Joey. A pass is a pass. So you and Ebbie and drive us around next time. :-D

stephie said...

ahahhahaaa!! finally!!
congratulations kor =)
i hate driving tests >"<

calebAARON said...

Praise God!
Finally, you did it mate. Very happy for you. Even Cheh and I am relief now. *smile*

Ebbie Low said...

whoa! look who's turning Aussie! ;)

CHRIS ONG said...

congrats!! zoiks, did not know it was that difficult to pass... now it's my turn to wonder if we will need 4.5 times to pass. have not sat for test yet, YIKES... hope Queensland state is less uptight about driving. ...

richrach said...

congrats Joey! :)

Unknown said...

congrates Joey.i have already failed 3 times.similar story like i m waiting for my fourth test date.....please pray for me...its like a very bad dream for my whole family.

Joey Chiang said...

Thanks, Junaid! Hope that whatever we posted in our blog will help a little so you don't make the same mistakes we did. All the best for your next test!

Es said...

Hi. I found your blog via Googles Blogseach. Dandenong VicRoads did not pass me today on my second test there. I've got a friend who has a friend who works there, and there seems to be some underhanded agreement to NOT let anyone pass on the first time because they are in need of funds, though I have no way to confirm that. Each instructor picks up on a different error, some that makes you want to smack them upside down. Some of us are new drivers. Why do they expect us to drive like professionals?

Joey Chiang said...


well i hope u have better luck you next attempt.

we have a section on "VicRoads Driving Tales" it has some tips on what to do during the test. may be you can read it and hope that it might help you on your next atempt

Shuey said...

Hey Joey and Ebbie, I would like to thank you guys for putting up this information. I passed my test on my 2nd attempt even with more than 10 years of driving experience! I took my first drive test at Dandenong and failed at the first stage for stalling the engine (I have not driven a manual car for more than 10 years. I should have more practice), did not signal properly for the reverse parallel parking and driving too slow in a 60km/h zone.

My next drive test was in Oakleigh South and it went pretty smoothly. I had to improve on signaling when Zip Merging, just read up Part 4: Rules and Responsibility. For those who wants to pass the Drive Test without going through the Driving Instructor I would suggest the following:
i) Know the road rules,
ii) Read all the signs along the way,
iii) make sure you read whatever Joey and Ebbie has to say on this blog esp, on the correct way to signal and do a headcheck when you change lanes,
iv) and lastly but not least, be confident in yourself and don't be nervous, it's just a drive test.

Cheers and Good Luck.

Shuey said...

For those overseas drivers who are converting to a Victoria's driving licence, I would suggest you try your best to do within the 3 months period. I did my Learners Permit Test outside the 3 month period and VicRoads issued me a Learner's Licence, yeah I need to drive around with a L plate (Lembu) and a supervising driver in the car. Very inconvenient if you do not know anyone here.

And the problem is you need to hold the Learners Permit for a certain number of months depending on your age, before you can actually take the drive test! However, you can always write an appeal letter to VicRoads for an exemption of the holding period. Please refer to . And you must provide supporting documentation, that he or she and/or their immediate family will suffer undue hardship as a result of holding a permit for the minimum time a permit must be held due to the nature of the learner’s occupation, employment or family circumstances.

VicRoads should be able to reply within a week or two.

Joey Chiang said...


thank for the info, it will really help those oversea driver that want to convert to victoria license.

hope that vicroads comes back with good for you !


Alex McCarthy said...

Well done on passing your test, but god had nothing to do with it. This came about, obviously as a result of learning from your mistakes.

Mangoo said...

Congrats Joey! I just had my 4th driving test and failed. I prayed the rosary, prayed to every possible Saint I know, but to my dismay , I just failed again. And the worst thing, the more I pray, the more things got worst during my driving test. I don't know, I used to believe that if you practice a lot, and pray hard, somehow Heavens can hear your prayers and do some "miracles". But now, I realized, those are fancy beliefs. Nothing is true, except failure for someone like me.

Mangoo said...

Congrats Joey! I just had my 4th driving test and failed. I prayed the rosary, prayed to every possible Saint I know, but to my dismay , I just failed again. And the worst thing, the more I pray, the more things got worst during my driving test. I don't know, I used to believe that if you practice a lot, and pray hard, somehow Heavens can hear your prayers and do some "miracles". But now, I realized, those are fancy beliefs. Nothing is true, except failure for someone like me.