Showing posts with label House District 129. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House District 129. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Davis Breaks The Law Again

The ethically challenged incumbent representative from House District 129 has done it again! He has broken the law. Now, in violation of state campaign laws, he is trying to hide the source of his contributions, and he is being called on it by a District 129 voter. The voter has filed an ethics complaint.

John Davis has claimed that his mail pieces are being paid for by a political committee called "Friends of John Davis". The problem is that there is no such group. That has been verified by the TEC. So where is this money coming from -- more donations from the giant utility and insurance corporations?

Davis has already been rebuked by the Texas Ethics Committee once this year for converting thousands of dollars of campaign money to his personal use. He even bought a $1500 pair of cowboy boots with some of the money. Did he not learn anything from that misdeed? Evidently not, because he is still skirting the campaign laws.

Martha Griffin, campaign manager for Davis' opponent (Sherrie Matula) said, "It seems John Davis will go to anylengths necessary to hide whose money he is taking and what he is
spending it on. After taking tens-of-thousands of dollars from utility and insurancecompanies and letting them crush working families with outrageousprices, he is probably ashamed to tell the truth."

It is time for the voters in District 129 to send Davis packing. There is a great candidate waiting to take his place -- Sherrie Matula. Give her that chance on November 4th.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Choice Is Clear In District 129

Hurricane Ike has been devastating to the Texas coast, but it has done one good thing. It has made it clear to voters who the best candidate is in Texas House District 129. While the Republican incumbent left the district before the hurricane hit, Democratic candidate Sherrie Matula stayed at home in the district.

Even now, the Republican has gone to Austin for a campaign fundraiser. But Matula has reopened her office so she can help her future constituents. How much clearer could it be. One candidate is worrying about collecting campaign funds, while the other is worrying about the people living in District 129.

Sherrie Matula has reopened the campaign headquarters at 17300 Saturn Road in Houston. She is offering help to residents (of any political persuasion). If you need to use the internet, make faxes, recharge a cell phone or laptop, or just get out of the heat, the office volunteers will be glad to help you. They are also a good place if you have questions or don't know where you can receive help of any kind.

Matula's campaign volunteers will also be doing some block walking to pass out information to residents about where they can go to find out about Federal, State or local resources giving aid. They will also be making calls to district residents and keeping the office open on the weekend from 1-8pm.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Annie's List Endorses Matula

Sherrie Matula is the Democratic candidate running for the Texas House in District #129. She is trying to unseat incumbent Republican John Davis, and her chances are looking very good. I wrote recently about how she has raised slightly more money than her opponent, and a dedicated group of volunteers have knocked on thousands of doors in the district. Now she has received a well-deserved boost to her campaign.

Campaign Manager Martha Griffin has announced that Ms. Matula has now been endorsed by Annie's List. Annie's List is an organization that helps progressive women candidates in Texas to get elected. It is quite an honor to be on their list of endorsed candidates.

Aside from the honor, it could also represent a nice financial boost to Matula's campaign. The organization has promised to match any donations to the Matula campaign for the next 10 days (up to $10,000). That means any contribution, whether large or small, will instantly be doubled.

If you have a few bucks to give to help elect a good progressive candidate in district #129, this next week would be a great time to do it. All campaigns need money, and Matula's is not different. Throw a few dollars her way and make Annie's List dip into their pocketbook. It would be great to make them cough up the full $10,000.

Help elect a great representative. Send a donation to the Sherrie Matula Campaign, P.O. Box 591810, Houston, Texas, 77259.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Repubs Getting Desperate About HD 129

Things are certainly getting interesting in House District 129. There was a time when this was considered a safe district for the Republicans -- but no more. Democrat Sherrie Matula is proving to be a much more formidible candidate than the Republicans expected.

Matula has outraised her opponent in campaign funds, and currently has a few dollars more on hand than does her opponent. Her campaign workers have also hit the ground and knocked on over 5,000 doors in the district, with more being done each weekend. It's now looking like Matula has a very good chance of beating the Republican incumbent.

It looks like the Republicans think so, too. So much so that House Speaker Craddick has decided to step in and give the Republican a hand. According to Capitol Annex, Craddick has decided to give a fundraiser for Republican John Davis, and the guest of honor is someone from the Bush administration -- Karl Rove.

Yes, Craddick has reached into the gutter and invited the dirtiest Republican campaigner of all. A man who would expose our covert CIA agents, pervert the purpose of the Justice Department, ignore subpoenas from the U.S. Congress and lie to the American people.

With people like Craddick and Rove on his side, it becomes even more important to defeat John Davis in HD 129. It is time for honesty and competence in that district, and that can only be provided in this coming election by Sherrie Matula.

She's going to need more funds to match what Craddick and Rove will provide for her opponent. If you can, give her a small (or large) donation. Or volunteer to her her campaign. With your help, we can send one more ethically-challenged Republican home to stay.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Matula Releases Finance Records

Sherrie Matula is running for the Texas House in District #129. She is trying to unseat the incumbent Republican in that district -- John Davis. If campaign finances are any indication, then Matula has a very good chance of winning in November.

Matula released her campaign finance records a couple of days ago, and the figures look good for a state House race. She has raised $127,000 over the last year, with that money coming from over 400 donors. She still has $73,000 on hand. Even though her opponent is the incumbent, he only has slightly less than $67,000.

Matula said, "At this time in 2006, I had $7000 in the bank, yet received over 42% of the vote. I’m very humbled and pleased by the greatly increased support I have received this year. This puts us in a great position and signals to people that this district is in play."

Campaign Director Martha Griffin added, "The voters in this district are responding to our message of addressing the skyrocketing costs of insurance, electricity and college tuition, as well as providing sufficient funding for public schools, preserving the environment while protecting jobs, and bringing ethics and integrity back to the district. Besides Davis’ ethics problems, it is clear from what we hear from voters that they are tired of the lack of representation and his failure to address issues that are important to their everyday lives. The message is that it is time for a change."

In addition to the fundraising, Matula has been waging an agressive campaign to reach out to voters. In their block-walking, they have knocked on over 5000 doors, with 2000 of those being since June 1st.

This coming Saturday (July 19th) the campaign will again be block-walking and knocking on doors. They could use some help. If you'd like to help change district #129 for the better, this is your opportunity. Meet some of your fellow Democrats and have a great time talking to the voters.

And don't let a little inexperience stop you. They'll be happy to teach you the ropes. Meet at the office (17300 Saturn Road in Houston) at 5:30 for training. The walk will take place between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. As a little bonus, pizza will be served after the walk.

For more information, call Martha at 281-282-1351.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Matula Headquarters Grand Opening

Please Join Us On Saturday, July 12th, For Our Headquarters Grand Opening!

What: Sherrie Matula for HD 129
Headquarters Grand Opening

Lots of fun for the whole family! Get a tour of our HQ, meet Democratic candidates and office holders, and visit with like minded voters. Refreshments for everyone and face painting for the kids!

Where: 17300 Saturn (Suite 105), Houston, TX 77058 (map ).

Look for the Sherrie Matula signs. When: Saturday, July 12th, 1 PM to 5 PM Face painting from 2 PM to 4 PM. At 4:30 PM we will make candidate and elected official introductions.

Blockwalk With Us Immediately Afterwards

At 5:30 PM, we will blockwalk the precinct directly across the street from our headquarters. If you have never blockwalked before, this is the perfect time to learn how to talk to voters about this race. It's fun and it's great exercise! Plus, other Harris County candidates are bringing their literature to walk with us. It's going to be a great day for Democrats.

Our headquarters opening is the perfect event to show off what we are all doing together to take back House District 129! I look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Call our headquarters at 281-282-1351, if you have any questions.

Thank you for all you are doing,


Friday, June 27, 2008

Block Walk For Matula

Just a reminder that the Matula campaign in doing some block walking this weekend in the Bay Forest area (precinct 306). If they can get enough volunteers, they hope to finish this area this weekend.

Volunteers should meet at Matula headquarters at 5:30pm for a short training session. They will then walk the precinct between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday. If you can help either day (or both), it would certainly be appreciated. You don't even need any experience. They'll be happy to show you how to do it, and this is your chance to get in on some ground-floor politics.

Matula has a very good chance of grabbing this seat away from the Republicans in House District 129. Come on out and do your part to change America for the better. You'll be glad you did (and you'll probably have a lot of fun doing it).

Matula headquarters is located at 17300 Saturn Road, Suite 105, in Houston.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Matula Headquarters To Open

Sherrie Matula, candidate for House District 129, will begin moving into her headquarters this weekend at 17300 Saturn Road, Suite 105 in Houston. They could use some help. If you can help them move, give John a call at 281-536-2457. I'm sure he'll appreciate any help he can get!

The headquarters will officially open on July 12th. In the meantime, there are some items the campaign still needs. Here is the list:

Soft drinks, bottled water



Coffee supplies

Coffee pot

Plastic forks/spoons/knives, plastic cups and plates, napkins, paper towels

Pens, staplers, staples scissors, highlighters, sharpies, pencils, pencil sharpeners, tape, pushpins, stickies, binder clips, file folders etc

In and out boxes

Name tags

Paper for printers – we need lots!


Large Texas flag

Small Texas flags

General Decorations

American and Texas flags for outside

Hand soap

Toilet paper


Vacuum cleaner

Call Martha (281-773-5863) or John (281-536-2457), if you have items you can donate or let them borrow.

They're also going to do some block walking in precinct 306 (Bay Forest) on Saturday and Sunday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Those willing to help should meet at the headquarters at 5:30pm for a short training session.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Matula To Meet Taylor Lake Voters

You folks in Taylor Lake are getting a chance to meet your new Representative for House District #129 on this fine "Juneteenth" holiday. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. I was privileged to meet Sherrie Matula at the Democratic State Convention a couple of weeks ago, and I have to tell you she's a very impressive candidate. She will make a representative you can be proud of.

If you live in Taylor Lake or any of the surrounding areas, take this chance to meet her and let her know the issues you believe are important. Here are the particulars:

Taylor Lake Councilmember Jon Powell and Cindy Evans cordially invite you to meet Democratic Candidate for House District 129

Sherrie Matula

Thursday, June 19, 2008
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

at their home

1106 Pine Circle
Taylor Lake Village, TX 77586-4709

for Wine & Cheese

To R.S.V.P. please call (281) 486-0224

For more information please contact the
Sherrie Matula Campaign
PO Box 591810 Houston, TX 77259
or visit online at

I hope to see you Thursday night! Jon and Cindy have a beautiful home on the Lake. This would be a great opportunity to invite some of your friends in the District so that I can hear their concerns and issues.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Matula On The Business Tax

Sherrie Matula is running for State Representative of House District 129. One of the cornerstones of her campaign is fair taxation. Here is what she has to say about the new "business tax" passed by the Republicans in 2006:

Yesterday was the deadline for businesses to submit to the State the business margins tax they owe. This is a tax on the gross receipts of a business (the income of a business), supported and passed by Republicans, including my opponent , in the 2006 Special Legislative Session.

Small business owners in House District 129 have come to me, expressing their concern about this new business tax because of the increased tax burden they are facing. The owners of a Seabrook company that provides products for offshore drilling is seeing an increase in their business tax from $350 in 2007 to $3500 in 2008. An anchor company in Nassau Bay is facing an increase from $1800 to $38,000. A school architecture firm is seeing their business tax bill rise nearly $115,000 this year. A space industry firm is facing an increase of over $30,000.

These are the personal accounts I related in a press conference on July 12th, with Representatives Hochberg and Hernandez, as well as State Representative candidate Joel Redmond, himself a small business owner. In all cases, the business owners in my District are willing to pay a tax to help fund public schools, but they want it to be fair and equitable. A copy of the press release regarding that event, can be found on my website.

The tax is so confusing that the State Comptroller extended the deadline for filing this tax by 30 days. But, yesterday was finally Tax Day for these businesses. When elected, I will work for a business tax that is fair to everyone, not just the ones that have lobbyists in the room.

Sherrie Matula