Thursday, October 16, 2008
Davis Breaks The Law Again
The ethically challenged incumbent representative from House District 129 has done it again! He has broken the law. Now, in violation of state campaign laws, he is trying to hide the source of his contributions, and he is being called on it by a District 129 voter. The voter has filed an ethics complaint.
John Davis has claimed that his mail pieces are being paid for by a political committee called "Friends of John Davis". The problem is that there is no such group. That has been verified by the TEC. So where is this money coming from -- more donations from the giant utility and insurance corporations?
Davis has already been rebuked by the Texas Ethics Committee once this year for converting thousands of dollars of campaign money to his personal use. He even bought a $1500 pair of cowboy boots with some of the money. Did he not learn anything from that misdeed? Evidently not, because he is still skirting the campaign laws.
Martha Griffin, campaign manager for Davis' opponent (Sherrie Matula) said, "It seems John Davis will go to anylengths necessary to hide whose money he is taking and what he is spending it on. After taking tens-of-thousands of dollars from utility and insurancecompanies and letting them crush working families with outrageousprices, he is probably ashamed to tell the truth."
It is time for the voters in District 129 to send Davis packing. There is a great candidate waiting to take his place -- Sherrie Matula. Give her that chance on November 4th.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Choice Is Clear In District 129
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Annie's List Endorses Matula
Monday, July 28, 2008
Repubs Getting Desperate About HD 129
Friday, July 18, 2008
Matula Releases Finance Records
Friday, July 11, 2008
Matula Headquarters Grand Opening
Friday, June 27, 2008
Block Walk For Matula
Just a reminder that the Matula campaign in doing some block walking this weekend in the Bay Forest area (precinct 306). If they can get enough volunteers, they hope to finish this area this weekend.
Volunteers should meet at Matula headquarters at 5:30pm for a short training session. They will then walk the precinct between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday. If you can help either day (or both), it would certainly be appreciated. You don't even need any experience. They'll be happy to show you how to do it, and this is your chance to get in on some ground-floor politics.
Matula has a very good chance of grabbing this seat away from the Republicans in House District 129. Come on out and do your part to change America for the better. You'll be glad you did (and you'll probably have a lot of fun doing it).
Matula headquarters is located at 17300 Saturn Road, Suite 105, in Houston.