Thursday, 23 February 2006

End of an era

A sad day. Design-a Blog in it's present form no longer exists.

For reasons beyond our control Lisa has suddenly had to leave the business, which at least for the time being leaves just me manning the pumps so to speak.

It feels like the end of an era, I am very sad that we are no longer a partnership though we remain good friends. We worked hard to get to the point we were at and right now it just feels like it's never gonna be the same.

That said, give me a few days, please bear with me and I will have a new design site set up and start over. Maybe in time it will be the two of us again but for now it's yours truly on her ownsome.


N.B. If you carry our current button my apologies but it may disappear leaving a nasty place holder. I would greatly appreciate it if you would contact me in that instance and allow me to place a new button on your blog.


Gudmans Dautter said...

Hi there! I'm sorry about DB, but glad you've kept it on your own. I do hope things work out well for you. Gosh--I miss a day or two of reading your blog and the whole of your world changes!

Also, yes, I do have a DB button/link on my page. I'd love a new button!