
New Year, new adventures

started the year out with a trip to the zoo. Yep we still love the zoo. So happy to have our friends the Carlile Family who came with us.  
 It was a bit cold, but to be expected in January. 
 there are 3 cubs in there somewhere
 Sweet Amelia
 McKenna and Lila
 Tyler and Madeline
Love us some zoo time!!!


Happy New Year 2015!!!

Originally we had planned on a big New Years Party, but sometimes my dreams are bigger than my reality. Needless to say we had a great time with the Carlile family. We ate, we danced and we sang!
 Happy New Year!!!
a lil Wii Dancing!


Rain, Rain, Rain...record breaking rain

Its been record breaking rainfall in Washington. The kids haven't minded too much. Cooper and Tyler have loved it actually spending as much time wading through it as possible. The field is a lil muddy and the water level around the house is a little alarming but other than that.... 
 John's Dad was out to help put in fence posts and may have fallen in the mud.
 Driving straight on through, our driveway is in there somewhere.
 Grandpa Payne, not deterred by a lil water...
The Rainbows have been a definite bright side, but have not proven to promise no more storms... or flooding.


Tylers happy accomplishments...teeth and other awards

Tyler feels like she's been waiting FOREVER for a tooth to get loose. Then at the end of December she noticed that it had finally happened a loose tooth, but then she had to wait for her tooth to come out. She's watched as friends, cousins and her sister lost tooth after tooth and has grown a little impatient. 

 Finally on Jan 17th the stars were aligned and Tooth #1 was loose enough to come out.

I believe this tooth was worth a dollar.

 And then month later her 2nd bottom tooth came out. Happy Days!
 We also go the word that Tyler was getting an award for reading and math at school. Apparently she has already reached the standards. Good Job Tyler!

At the school she was called right after her Bestie Addison, another Best Day!


Tyler turns 7

 We told Tyler we'd give her a birthday party this year and she loved planning it, from the theme to the games and the cake. She struggled with who to invite because she doesn't like to leave anyone out and so it was hard to have a limit to a number.
On Saturday Feb 8th Tyler invited 8 friends (Addison, Colleen, Sydney, ) her theme was Ever After High, based on a book she'd read and doll she'd gotten for Christmas. Since most of her friends weren't all that familiar with EAH we decided to base the games on the different dolls. We started coloring pictures and then played a follow the leader game (Apple White-leadership) then we made friendship bracelets (Raven Queen-kindness) then a tea party (Madeline Hatter) choosing hats that were hanging on the wall and told riddles as we ate.
 We then headed to the kitchen where we made valentines (CA Cupid), decorated sunglasses (Briar Beauty)
and then we had cake and ice cream.
Luckily Ady came to the rescue and helped really bring the cake together with its swirly prettiness. 
 Lots of presents 
  Loved this card Coleen made
 It was a really fun day for all the girls. Made successful because my parents were there to help, especially grandma who single handled the valentine craft boxes.
Sunday was Grandpa Harris' birthday and we were excited to have him with us this year to celebrate.
 Monday Was Tyler's "real" birthday and she was thrilled to be able to keep celebrating.
Skyping with her cousins Maddie and Keira. 
 Best month ever!
 A few words to describe Tyler: 7 years old.... what a great age. Tyler Loves to read, loves people and to make everyone happy, loves to make Cooper and Tate laugh. She is still a great helper, and the first to get her work done in the house an in the barn. She loves making new friends at school and church. She loves riding her bike, playing on the Monkey Bars and building Lagos, especially Lego friends. She has a newfound love for Ever After High dolls and playing with them. She's learning to play the guitar and loves performing both playing and singing and dancing. She's very excited to start horse riding lessons next month. We love our Tyler Girl and can't imagine life without her!