What problems in life do youi find very hard to understand the solution, or why it happens? List as many as you wish.
My answers are:
*A new system computer (I've just had Windows 7)
* A complex television or camera. The books are a real challenge.
* Why celebrities always seem it get off with easier or are let off for crimes that the regular public would be thrown in jail for.
* Why rich people who declare themselves 'bankrupt' still manage to live in the same lifestyle as before.
Now it's over to you..
that's an easy one, especially today. why a religion of so called "peace" can tolerate things like are happening in the world in the name of their god.
smiles, bee
Hypocrites, I just don’t get it
Why people :
- think smoking calms the nerves.
- buy Dan Brown books.
- read the tabloids
- listen to 'Talk Sport' (U.K.)
- live with animals (inc. goldfish)
- watch 'Deal or no deal'
- read horoscope forecasts
I smiled at your mention of Windows 7. For example, is it me or are they missing an additional USB port? :)
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