Showing posts with label shemitah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shemitah. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse: Apocalypse?

Aug 21, 2017, people in the United States (and only the United States) will be able to see a total solar eclipse, coast to coast. Is this just an ordinary astronomical event? Or is it a sign from God Himself? Big deal or no?

According to NASA(Eclipse2017) [1], "This path, where the moon will completely cover the sun and the sun's tenuous atmosphere - the corona - can be seen, will stretch from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina." And according to Wikipedia(Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017) [2], "The last time a total solar eclipse was visible across the entire contiguous United States was during the June 8, 1918 eclipse." A big deal in the sense that it's been 99 years since the last eclipse like it.

If you like this (or not), check out my other articles at the
Between The Ears BLOG INDEX, with titles and summaries.

 X Marks The Spot

There will also be a total solar eclipse seven years later, April 8, 2024 to be exact. Its path will travel from southwest to northeast, intersecting the 2017 eclipse path like a giant X.

Intersection of 2017 and 2024 Eclipses
The path of this eclipse will cross the path of the prior total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, with the intersection of the two paths being in southern Illinois, in Makanda, just south of Carbondale. A small land area, including the cities of Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Paducah, Kentucky, will thus experience two total solar eclipses within a span of seven years. Wikipedia(Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024) [3]

And this area of Illinois is known as "Little Egypt" - Wikipedia(Southern Illinois) [4].

After 99 years, two total solar eclipses visible from the US appear seven years apart, and Little Egypt sees them both. One cannot miss parallels with the Bible. Let the speculation begin.

Why do people think an eclipse would be a sign of the end of the world? Historically, people feared eclipses. "So it’s perhaps not surprising that there’s a long history of cultures thinking of eclipses as omens that portend significant, usually bad happenings." - Smithsonian Magazine [5]. Now that we understand what causes them, and can predict them far into the future, we don't fear them, even if viewing one may cause some unease. Some folks will blame an eclipse for bad events, but there are always eclipses, and always bad events. There are about two eclipses every three years.

How about the Bible? If you read certain verses in isolation, ignoring context, you could get a sense that the sky is falling. Consider these.
  • Acts 2:19 I will show wonders in the heavens above 
  • Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars
  • Amos 8:9 It will come about in that day, declares the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down at noon and make the earth dark in broad daylight.

Doesn't that sound like an eclipse is a big deal? Not really. The heavenly signs or "wonders" in the Bible are much more dramatic than a total solar eclipse. Matthew 24:29 "But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken" (text in uppercase is a quote from Joel 3:15). Note these heavenly signs are severe, and come after the Tribulation. Or how about the rest of Acts 2:19 quoted above "and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and vapor of smoke." That sounds more serious than an eclipse. The point is that they are describing supernatural heavenly events, not natural heavenly events.


Still, it is hard to miss the parallels with the Bible. Two total solar eclipses, seven years apart, pointing to Little Egypt. One interpretation might be that something bad is going to happen in southern Illinois. But it seems more plausible to me we are being directed to look at the time when ancient Israel was in Egypt. Pharaoh had a dream, interpreted by Joseph of seven fat years followed by seven lean years. Problem is, if it is a sign, is 2017 the beginning or the ending of seven fat years?

What Others Are Saying

Ancient Egypt suffered ten plagues before letting Israel go. The ninth plague was a plague of darkness, see Exodus 10:21-29. One of the reasons for the darkness was to show God is in charge, even of the Sun, and not Ra the so called Sun God. The plague of darkness lasted three days, so it was not an eclipse, which only last a few minutes. But it was the final warning to Pharaoh before the death of the firstborn. Rabbi Solar Eclipse Recalling Egyptian Plague [6].
Just as the original plague of darkness was meant as a warning to Egypt, Rabbi Lazar Brody, an American-born Hasidic rabbi and teacher, understands this present-day manifestation to be a divine message.
“In Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), the sun represents the nations of the world, and the moon represents Israel,” Rabbi Brody told Breaking Israel News. “This eclipse is only over the United States. That is a shout from above, saying,  ‘America, get your act together, Come back to the Almighty and cast away all your legalization of what the Torah calls abominations’.”
One problem I have with this interpretation is the identity of Israel. The modern nation of Israel is Predominantly Jewish, that is, descendants of Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. America is also an Israelite nation, descendants of another son, Joseph. Regardless, it appears like a warning to America.

Rabbi Berkowitz points out that there is unusual timing in the 2017 eclipse because it occurs 40 days before Yom Kippur  -  Eclipse 40 Days Repentance [7]. This is considered to be the time when both Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days. It is meant to be a time for repentance.

However, Rabbi Berkowitz also believes the eclipse is a warning to North Korea, based on a 100 year old Jewish prophecy about an eclipse "where kings of the East will suffer great loss, and kings of the East clearly refers to the despotic leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un" - Eclipse Portends Destruction of North Korea [8]. I find that a stretch.

I'm Not A Prophet

It is easy to get caught up in signs, heavenly or otherwise. The 20th century has seen significant world events that coincide with Shemitah years - The Mystery of the Shemitah [9].  In recent years, we have seen the "Tetrad of Blood Moons" surrounding the latest Shemitah year. I wrote this in July 2015 - Shemitah, She WHAT? [10].
So the signs keep piling up on the Shemitah year of 2014-2015. As it says in Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars". Four back to back lunar eclipses, also called Blood Moons, all four known as a Tetrad, occur in 2014-2015, three of them during the Shemitah year, all of them on Biblical holy days. The removal of the dead Ground Zero Tree of Hope happened on the first Blood Moon of the Tetrad, Passover 2014. A blood moon is considered a sign to Israel. March 20, 2015 saw a total solar eclipse, the middle of the Shemitah year. Solar eclipses are considered a sign to the world.
But nothing happened.

Blood Moons Around Shemitah Year

Some people predicted financial collapse in 2015, a Shemitah year, based on events in 2001 and 2008, the two previous Shemitah years.

But it didn't happen.

Some expect something major to happen in Israel because 2017 is 100 years since the Balfour Declaration where Britain declared support for a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine  - Wikipedia(Balfour Declaration) [11], and 50 years since the Six Day War when the Jewish people regained control of Jerusalem, and possibly a Jubilee year . The year is not over, but nothing yet. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn [12] has written extensively about the warning prophecies fulfilled by 9/11 and events in years since.

But no apocalypse (TEOTWAWKI) yet.

Apocalypse used to mean "a disclosure of knowledge or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities. ... Today, the term is commonly used in reference to any prophetic revelation or so-called end time scenario, or to the end of the world in general." - Wikipedia(Apocalypse) [13].

Repent Early, Repent Often  

That doesn't mean these heavenly signs don't matter. It may mean we read too much into them. It may mean we don't understand God's plan as much as we thought. It may be that God is patient, giving warning after warning. The real heavenly signs will be unmistakable, supernatural signs, not natural predictable events. But I can't help thinking the timing and location of these natural events, however predictable they may be, are still signs, specifically warning signs, gentle warning signs if you will. And the point is to get right with God sooner rather than later.




Thursday, January 21, 2016

The French Connection

The day of the Shemitah [1] came and went. Skeptics feel justified in their skepticism, that life goes on just as it did before. Or in Bible language "For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." 2 Peter 3:4 Maybe one needs to look in the right place for events associated with the Shemitah, which according to Jonathan Cahn was Sept 13, 2015. While the focus of the Shemitah warnings were given to America, perhaps we should also look at Israel.

Al Aqsa Mosque - ITV

ITV REPORT 13 September 2015 at 9:12am [2]

Violence breaks out at al-Aqsa mosque as Israeli forces storm building in search of Palestinian suspects

I have to admit that's not the shaking I expected, in fact Israeli/Palestine conflicts don't seem unusual. What happened next? Due to the violence, a month later France proposed the UN place "international observers" on the Temple Mount - World Bulletin [3]. You can read a more cynical take on France's proposal in this article entitled "This Time Peacekeepers Won’t Rape Anyone, We Promise" - PreOccupied Territory [4]. The proposal did not pass the UN. And Israel opposed it. United With Israel [5] characterized the proposal with the headline "France stabs Israel in the back". It appears France is assuming Israel is the guilty party.

This isn't the first move France has taken against Israel at the UN. In Dec 2014, France supported establishing "the State of Palestine" and requiring Israel to return land captured in the 1967 war - RT News [6]. In fact the French Parliament had already recognized Palestine earlier.

On Tuesday evening, the French National Assembly came out in favor of recognition of “Palestine” as a state. The decision, one of largely symbolic value, is further compounded by the fact that in recent months Spain, Britain, Ireland and Sweden have also made similar proclamations, indicative of the growing international polarization over the conflict. Dec 3, 2014 - United With Israel [7]

And the Palestinians? Their goal is to destroy Israel. Here is what Mahmoud Abbas said on Sept 16, 2015, three days after violence erupted on the day of the Shemitah.

The Al Aqsa mosque is ours and they (Jews) have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to do so. We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood, blood spilled for Allah, Allah willing. Every martyr will reach paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah. MEMRI TV [8]
 In short, Allah will bless you for your violence (against Israel). And this is no surprise, remember that the HAMAS charter really does call for the destruction of Israel - Hamas in the Bible [9].

As You Do To Israel

Israel's West Bank
Israel has been dealing with hostile neighbors from its second beginning in 1948. Acts of terrorism and threats of terrorism are ever present dangers for them. But there is a reciprocity effect also in play. Way back before Jews or Palestinians existed, God said to Abraham, "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." Gen 12:3. Those who try to harm Israel will themselves be harmed, probably in like manner. Those who tried to take land from Israel lost theirs instead, twice. Here is how one commentor put it.

Try to destroy Israel, you will be destroyed. Try to divide Jerusalem, you will be cut to pieces. Curse Israel, you will be cursed. Reject Israel, you will be rejected. God made a promise to Israel, this World combined are too weak and powerless to change that. Russel Lang - Times of Israel [10]

The Eiffel Tower has gone dark following 
the attack on the City of Light. 

France too has been dealing with terrorist incidents, most infamous are the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher Market [11] killings Jan 7, 2015, and the November 13 2015 Paris [12] attacks. Smaller terror attacks are recorded at Wikipedia [13]. Note the pattern that one month after France recognizes the "State of Palestine" is the Charlie Hebdo attack. One month after proposing UN peacekeepers on the Temple Mount is the November Paris attack (and that was a response to the Day of Shemitah violence in Jerusalem). Curse Israel, and be cursed yourself.

Where is the terror coming from?

Historically, the Assyrians are the fathers of terror. According to The Ancient History Encyclopedia  [14]

"By these methods of siege and horror, technology and terror, the Assyrians became the unrivalled masters of the Near East for five centuries". 

Here's how Jonathan Cahn described them.
The Assyrians made terror into a science. They systematized it, perfected it, and employed it as no other people or kingdom had ever done before. They burned cities to the ground, mutilated their prisoners, flayed alive those who rebelled against them, and nailed their skins to the wall for public display. The Assyrians were the masters of terror.” The Harbinger [15]

While there is some disagreement on this point, but the consensus is that the descendants of ancient Assyria live in Iraq and Syria today. ISIS means Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Ancient Assyria terrorized ancient Israel and Judah, their descendants are doing the same to Israel, France, the USA, Germany, Sweden, and more today. Ancient Assyria used public beheadings to terrorize, ISIS uses the internet to publicize their beheadings.

The French Connection

Syrian Refugees in Europe CNN
It may sound alarmist to link two terrorist attacks in France to the actions of France towards Israel, after all it's not much of a pattern. However, William Koenig [16] in his book "Eye To Eye, Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" [17] documented 89 events and catastrophes in the United States between 1991 and 2005. These are natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes; and unnatural disasters like terror attacks, downed airplanes, anthrax scares. The catastrophes have not stopped since the book was published, and seem to have intensified since the day of the Shemitah. Every one of the events and catastrophes in Koenig's book can be tied to a US action against Israel, most notably pressuring Israel to trade "land for peace".

Koenig documented US disasters only, but consider terror attacks in London, Madrid, and now Paris. Could they be the direct result of siding against Israel, pressuring Israel to trade land for peace? Cahn describes the terror as a return of the second harbinger. You can watch his analysis here - Shocking France and Harbinger Connections [18]. If the concern over terror attacks seem exaggerated, consider that there have been 27,649 deadly Islamic attacks since 9/11/2001, not counting rapes. Twenty seven thousand!!! The Religion of Peace [19]

How to Heal the Land

A nation that turns its back on God, and tries to curse Israel, can only expect God to return the favor. The only answer is repentance on a national scale. Whether the nation repents or not, individuals can.

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3 and Proverbs 27:12
If my people, which are called by my name (Christians), shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14



Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Shemitah -- She WHAT?

The Shemitah, known in English as the land sabbath occurs every seven years. What has that got to do with the world today? More than I ever thought possible. Can a little known law given to ancient Israel affect world events now? Let's look at Shemitah years of the last century to see that the Shemitah is still in effect.

But first, some explanation of the Shemitah. It is a year when the land was fallow, no sowing or harvesting. What grew voluntarily could be picked for consumption. All debts were cancelled. And all slaves set free. Quite a year. We can't imagine a world or a country operating that way. Read the Wikipedia article on the Shemitah [1] for lots more detail. [2]

Shemitah means release or falling. When ancient Israel would not observe the Shemitah voluntarily, they were taken captive until the land had its sabbaths. There is a powerful element of judgment in the Shemitah.

2 Chr 36:21 This fulfilled the word of the LORD through Jeremiah and the land enjoyed its Sabbath rest all the days of the desolation until 70 years were fulfilled

Everyone Knows Something Bad Is Coming

It's not just me saying it. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of "The Harbinger" [3] and "The Mystery of the Shemitah" [4] is the one who brought this to America's attention, but now Christian, governmental, and even secular sources are predicting calamity in the fall of 2015. Here are some links to other sources.

The Shemitah: Four Months Until Financial Ruin? [5] --

When Shemitah, Blood Moons and the Messiah Meet [6] --


Events of the Blood Moons and This Shemitah [8] --

Ron Paul's Message to America [9] --

Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG [11] --

Many people just have the sense that something is wrong with the world. Here is what vlogger Lisa Haven ([12] says about it:
Have you ever had a gut feeling that something big and possible (sic) bad is right around the corner? If you have, you’re not the only one! The feeling seems to be in the air. We know it, the elite know it, the pentagon knows it, and even our military knows it.
I believe a great evil is about to befall not only our nation, by (sic) the entire world. Something major is unfolding and everyone knows it. The economy is unstable, the world is on the brink of war, the elite are running to their bunkers, and governments are planning for mass civil breakdown. Far too many things are on the forefront and one must ask themselves, “What the heck is going on?”

Too Many Coincidences

Look at this list of major events in the history of Israel and America over the last century and ask yourself if this could possibly be coincidence.  Originally from Cahn's book, I found this summary at [13].

Shemitah Year Events of the Twentieth Century:  The rising up and the falling of empires. 

1917- America rises to power ending World War I.  The rising of the Communist State of the Soviet Union.
1917- The defeat of Germany. The fall of the Czar of Russia.  The fall the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.  The fall of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire.
1938- German Nazis attack Jewish businesses and burn Jewish Synagogues on Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass.)
1945- Nazi Germany is defeated.  The Atomic bomb is dropped on Japan thus ending World War II.  Japan signs peace treaty the same week of the end of the Shemitah year.
1945- The United States becomes a military super power. The U.S. dollar becomes the world standard currency. The United States is the richest country in the world, and the world's largest lender nation.
1973- The United States Supreme Court declares that America's can kill their unborn babies.
1973- The World Trade Center is completed which is a symbol of Americas economic strength.
1973- America loses its first war to Vietnam.  Nixon takes America off the Gold standard.  This sets in motion the decline of the U.S. dollar.
1980- The U.S. Supreme Court bans the posting of the Ten Commandments in Public Schools.  Thus God is now completely banned from our public schools in America.
2001- The World Trade Center buildings (the symbols of Americas economic strength) are destroyed by an Islamic terrorist attack.  One week later Wall Street has one of its greatest collapses on the last day of the Jewish Shemitah Year.
2008- Exactly seven years later, Wall Street suffers its largest decline.  America is now the world's largest debtor nation.
2014-2015-  In Sept of 2014 we start a new Shemitah Year.  This happens in connection with a Tetrad of 4 Blood Moons which all occur on Jewish feast days.  As the United States has turn away from God and endorsed many sins, it is very possible that God's judgment will fall on America during this year of the Shemitah.
*Above list from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's book The Mystery of the Shemitah.

Why America?

Some will argue the Shemitah applies only to Jews, or only to the nation of Israel. But this list shows major events in America and Jewish history happen according to the year of the Shemitah, and often to the day of the Shemitah when debts are released. The largest economic collapses in America occured in 2001 and 2008, exactly on the day of the Shemitah. God is quite in charge and has left his handprint on world affairs.

Why is God so concerned with America? Isn't this law really for the nation of Israel? The law was given to the ancient nation of Israel, which consisted of 13 tribes. Judah, father of the Jews, was only one son of Jacob, aka Israel.  The northern tribes of Israel dominated by Ephraim became known as Israel, while the southern tribes became known as Judah.  First, Israel was taken captive, then Judah.  Judah returned to the land, but the ten tribes of Israel were apparently lost to history.

But they aren't lost. The tribes of Ephraim and Mannaseh became Great Britain and the United States, while the other tribes settled in Europe.  The current country of Israel could not be the sole focus of so many prophecies.  When Israel, Jacob, or Ephraim are mentioned in prophecy, those prophecies apply to America and Great Britain. Read more at The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy [14] or Two Nations That Changed the World – America & Britain [15]. Most Americans, especially the nation's founders, are the direct descendants of Israel, and if that weren't enough, our founding fathers dedicated this nation to God, even thinking of the country as new Israel The New England Soul [16], Ha Eretz [17].

Signs In the Heavens and on Earth

Signs in the Heavens [18]

So the signs keep piling up on the Shemitah year of 2014-2015. As it says in Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars". Four back to back lunar eclipses, also called Blood Moons, all four known as a Tetrad, occur in 2014-2015, three of them during the Shemitah year, all of them on Biblical holy days. The removal of the dead Ground Zero Tree of Hope happened on the first Blood Moon of the Tetrad, Passover 2014. A blood moon is considered a sign to Israel. March 20, 2015 saw a total solar eclipse, the middle of the Shemitah year. Solar eclipses are considered a sign to the world.

And the completion of the new World Trade Center.

And the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of gay marriage.

And the first death from Ebola on American soil.

And China surpassed America as the largest economy in the world.

Calves "Benjamin" and "Shemitah" born in Shemitah year

And the birth of the two cows with the number 7 on their foreheads, born at the beginning of the Shemitah year, The "7" Cows [19]. Could this hearken back to Pharoah's dream of seven fat cows swallowed up by seven skinny cows?

How to Prepare for the Shemitah

The Shemitah day, the last day of the Shemitah year when debts are cancelled, is Sept 13, 2015 according to the Hebrew calendar.  I am not a prophet, and I don't play one on TV, and God is not bound by anything I write, but so many signs point to that day as a day of judgment on America that one can't ignore it.

What should be our reaction to all this? How should we observe the Shemitah? Not plant or harvest your crops? Forgive all personal debts owed to you? Tear up your mortgage? Let your slaves go free? In a world that doesn't keep the Shemitah, it's kind of late in the cycle to do anything to prepare for this Shemitah which ends in less than two months. The sixth year was meant to prepare for the seventh, and I can imagine stockpiling produce to survive the seventh and part of the eighth year. In a developed world, stockpiling might be done on a large scale so there is produce for sale in the seventh year. It's also late to plan on forgiving debts, but not impossible. The world runs too much on credit, and everyone would make different decisions if they knew debts would be erased in the seventh year. No, you can't tear up your mortgage. Yes, you have to let your slaves go free. I don't really know how an individual or a family, much less a community or a country would begin keeping the Shemitah, but I would welcome discussion on it. We do have the example of Israel - "According to the laws of shmita, land owned by Jews in the Land of Israel is left unfarmed. The law does not apply to land in the Diaspora." Wikipedia (Shmita) [20] Personally, I think the law does apply to America as Israel's descendants.

How should we prepare for the judgment of the Shemitah? First and foremost, as Jonathan Cahn says "get right with God". Another way to say it "turn away from evil". Or simply "repent". Sadly, America is increasingly Bible illiterate, and people don't know good from evil, or what to repent of. It may be too late now, but there are verses that say God is willing to forgive upon repentance.
Jer 18:7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed,and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.
2 Chr 7:14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Again, I don't know if anything will happen or when, but  "a prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself" (Pr 27:12). But how? That would depend on the kind of calamity, be it a currency crisis, a stock market crash, or crop failure, or epidemic, or war, or drought, or famine, or terrorism, or hurricanes, or earthquakes, or more than one. Do your best to prepare, but hide in the Lord.

