Monday, May 24, 2010

New House Construction

So we have started to build our house in American Fork. It all happend so fast. They dug the hole on the 7th of April and the last picture on here was about 2 weeks ago. They are moving right along. They originally told us they would probably be done around the end of July and now they are saying they are pushing for the end of June. It has been very exciting and very stressful. We were told we could stay at our current house that we are renting until the end of July and then we found out that we had to be out the end of May so we are moving into my parents house the end of this week. That should be interesting. Hopefully the house is done the end of June for our sake and for my poor parents sake.

I am hoping they will do the stucco this week so I will have another picture when that is done. Me and the kids drive by the house usually 2 times a day. It has been just so fun to see all of the progress. The last 2 weeks it has just been stuff inside the house so we cant see the progress as visable as we were but the next few weeks we should really see big things being done.


Kelsey K. Hartley said...

How exciting! We are a ways off from this stage in life. It's fun to imagine that it might happen, maybe, someday.

Andrea Templeman said...

Yeah for a new house! I'm so happy for you guys.