Friday, February 15, 2013


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Catch-up!

I have been a bad blogger, and this has been a busy month. So I just caught up with four different posts. Enjoy!

Party Month!

We've got lots of birthday around these parts in October. Johnny the 2nd, Lucy the 10th and Liv & Grandpa the 16th. 4 birthdays in 2 weeks!
We threw a friend party for Lucy. All the girls dressed as princesses and the 2 boys were super heros. I think they had a blast.

The boys had to rescue the princesses from the 3-headed dog. It was a hit. Especially for the boys who got to beat up on Johnny.

Lucy was spoiled by her friends. So nice.

We decorated cupcakes and ate cheetos. Every kids dream I'd say!

Then Liv and dad's birthday came. Aunt Neenee (all the kids call Sherstine this) made witches brew and an awesome graveyard cake.
Lucy ADORES Livia.

The birthday kids. 50 years apart to the day. So awesome.


My mom had a great friend from high school that shes recently reconnected with. Lori. Well, she was kind enough to invite us out to her amazing house and property to play a few weekends ago.
Lucy and Liv helping clean-up the carriage to go for a ride. Lucy was so excited for this. Just like Cinderella's carriage, she would say.
This massive dog diesel, very friend;y, very slobbery. Jenna could not get enough. have I mentioned she LOVES animals? Especially dogs. She was in heaven here.

That pond is part of Lori's property too. So pretty!
Getting so excited for the carriage ride!
Uncle Jake and Lucy the dog.
We got to walk around some miniature donkeys, Juan and Don Carlos. It was super funny. the kids loved it. Then the donkeys got loose and Johnny was a sprinting hero to get them back in. SO FUNNY.

It was a gorgeous day. So much fun!
Cousins! Except Bennett. Well, actually, there he is in the back with Sherstine.
First carriage ride, grandma and all the kids.
After all the fun we picnicked out on the green lawn. Perfect day!
I love Wayne giving Diesel the eye in this one. Don't even think about stealing my lunch. Ha!


It's not Halloween until tomorrow, but I've been bad at blogging lately, so I'm putting up the Halloween festivities we have had so far.
Friday night we went to Erika's ward trunk-or-treat (for some reason our ward did nothing for Halloween). It was super fun. 
The girls were geishas or "chinese princesses" as Lucy calls herself. I got the dresses from a used childresn clothing store for $4 and $3.50. Score.
I thought Lucy would struggle with me covering her face with make-up. Nope. She loved every second of it. In fact she was so excited I had to keep telling her to hold still.
I didn't even attempt white  make-up on Jenns. I knew that would be a disaster.
LtoR: Emmy, Liv, Jenna, Lucy, Bennett, Gage, Gavin
All the Spjute cousins at the trunk-or-treat.
Saturday night we had the Prices and the Prices(thats not a type-o. Their last names are all Price, but not related) over for homemade pizza and pumpkin carving.
Lucy wasn't thrilled about pumpkin guts, but she was a good sport to try.
Jenna, the big helper. She only got hold of a knife once. Yikes!
The finished product!!

I have awesome Halloween memories of carving pumpkins for FHE and then lighting them up with Christmas lights and then dad lining them up on top of the roof. The best!
Tomorrow for the actual big day we'll be going to my dads work for some more trick or treating and then soup at my parents and then going to visit Grandma-great. Tonight, pumpkin painting with the Waites! I love the holiday season!!

 Happy Haunting!!!


I LOVE Lucy's love for books.

This sweet girl can go from this... THIS. In seconds. She's a handful, but     I love her!

 Recently it had gotten really chilly here for a few weeks. Which was keeping us from going outside much. Well the last 2 days have been so nice and its supposed to be 74 degrees tomorrow for Halloween. Hooray! We spent the afternoon in the backyard enjoying the last of the warmth.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012