Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Kids

Just wanted to update on my kids and what they are doing these days. This is kinda like my journal so I need to try and do better at this blogging thing! So here goes...

**HANNAH** now 5yrs old. Turned 5 this month. She is such a sweet little girl. Loves to help out with her brothers. She always makes sure Caleb doesn't run out in the middle of the street (she's always concerned and doesn't want him to get hurt)..precious! Jacob she just picks him up and carries him around. She plays "ride little pony" and bounces him on her lap. Just so mothering! I'm so glad she's around to help.

The latest thing is is that she has 2 loose teeth. The middle 2 on the bottom...I still think we have some time before they fall out. Also she has started MDO (pre-k) 1 day a week and she LOVES it. I'm so excited for her. I think this will help her and me get ready for school next year. Can't believe she's gonna start kindergarden next year. WHOA.

She eats everything I feed her, and usually always wants 2nds. Such a good eater and always has been, I'm so thankful for that! Sleeps great, all night...and now when she wakes up she just comes in turns on TV..and lets us sleep. AWESOME.

Oh he is turning into such a big boy. He is 3yrs and 3mos. Fully potty trained and has been for a long time. We wear pull-ups at night just in case but he is dry for weeks at a time, with only an occasional accident. He is turning into a pretty picky eater. He doesn't really ever want to eat meat anymore...sometimes he will eat chick-fil-a nuggets but he just doesn't like meat much. LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now wants me to make them into the shape of a train (cut out we have). Drinks from a regular cup all the time. Still LOVE his blanket. Sleeps great all night and LOVES to take naps. He still naps 2-3hrs everyday! I love this.

He loves mommy best I think. He is my cuddly baby. He would sit with me for hours and rock our lay with me on the couch. I love this. Such an affectionate little boy. I hope he is like this for a long long time.

More big news...he has sucked his 2 fingers on his right hand since he was born. Every time he has his blanket he has his fingers in his mouth. Well for 3 days now...NO FINGERS. Seriously Hannah had to have an appliance put in her mouth to make her stop sucking her thumb...had it in for about 5mos, and wasn't cheap. Anyway it was a long shot but I said "Caleb don't suck your fingers're big now and don't need to do that. Your fingers get gross and it might mess up your teeth". He said I want to suck them. I said I'll give you and M&M if you stop...and that was it. FOR REAL!

I give him an M&M randomly throughout the day if he has his blanket and isn't sucking. Then he gets 2 M&M's if he doesn't suck them at nap or bedtime. Seriously I guess he loves M&M's. This was the easiest thing ever...not sure how we lucked out. He had a blanket that he kept in the car...we took that out (so no sucking in the car) and that was that. I'm so thankful.

Oh my sweet baby...who isn't really little anymore. He is 14mos now! Walking (almost running) everywhere. Started walking right about 12.5mos. He loves milk and does great from his cup. Went straight from nursing to cup...pretty easy transition. I nursed him up to a year and then he went to whole milk and did great. He eats EVERYTHING. Not picky, eats all table food and loves it. He is a messy eater, loves to rub it in his hair, and has not started throwing, no CHUNKING his food, I mean all the way across the kitchen :) Maybe he'll play baseball one day :)

We have just recently gotten out of 2 naps a day :( He will usually take a good afternoon nap when Caleb naps...usually 2hrs or so. He loves is green blanket. And now he has a monkey that he really likes. My kids have all had "their" blanket. He is in size 4 diapers (5 night time) , size 7 shoes, 18mos clothes. He got his first haircut October 4th. He had beautiful curls on the sides but his hair was so long in front. He did great for his first haircut and looks so handsome!

He has 4 teeth on top, and 3 on bottom. Says: mama, daddy, bye bye, bite, ball, more. He can sign more, please, and eat.

My kids are just growing up so fast. I love this stage in life and am trying to remember all of it! We are adjusting well to being back in Waco. Something else I love is that my kids are doing AWANA at church...and both Caleb and Hannah are memorizing verses and starting to understand what they mean. Simple truths about Jesus and is so precious. Caleb recites his verses (he knows about 8 now). I love to hear him say it. Hannah is so smart...she is learning new ones all the time and helping Caleb learn his. Precious!


Andrea said...

oh great update Kel! I absolutely LOVE & ADORE these kids! Pawpaw and I are soooo thrilled to have you all back in Waco!- Love you all so much!

Cindy said...

Sounds like they're doing great. They are all so so cute!! Now you need to update on you and Jeremy!

lauren said...

Hey! It's Lauren (Robinson) Satterfield (I think we went to MHS together). I saw you at the grocery store this morning, and then went to comment on Suzanne's blog and saw your profile picture! Just thought I'd stop by and say hi! Your children are beautiful!

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Keep on working, great job!

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