Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Kids

Just wanted to update on my kids and what they are doing these days. This is kinda like my journal so I need to try and do better at this blogging thing! So here goes...

**HANNAH** now 5yrs old. Turned 5 this month. She is such a sweet little girl. Loves to help out with her brothers. She always makes sure Caleb doesn't run out in the middle of the street (she's always concerned and doesn't want him to get hurt)..precious! Jacob she just picks him up and carries him around. She plays "ride little pony" and bounces him on her lap. Just so mothering! I'm so glad she's around to help.

The latest thing is is that she has 2 loose teeth. The middle 2 on the bottom...I still think we have some time before they fall out. Also she has started MDO (pre-k) 1 day a week and she LOVES it. I'm so excited for her. I think this will help her and me get ready for school next year. Can't believe she's gonna start kindergarden next year. WHOA.

She eats everything I feed her, and usually always wants 2nds. Such a good eater and always has been, I'm so thankful for that! Sleeps great, all night...and now when she wakes up she just comes in turns on TV..and lets us sleep. AWESOME.

Oh he is turning into such a big boy. He is 3yrs and 3mos. Fully potty trained and has been for a long time. We wear pull-ups at night just in case but he is dry for weeks at a time, with only an occasional accident. He is turning into a pretty picky eater. He doesn't really ever want to eat meat anymore...sometimes he will eat chick-fil-a nuggets but he just doesn't like meat much. LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now wants me to make them into the shape of a train (cut out we have). Drinks from a regular cup all the time. Still LOVE his blanket. Sleeps great all night and LOVES to take naps. He still naps 2-3hrs everyday! I love this.

He loves mommy best I think. He is my cuddly baby. He would sit with me for hours and rock our lay with me on the couch. I love this. Such an affectionate little boy. I hope he is like this for a long long time.

More big news...he has sucked his 2 fingers on his right hand since he was born. Every time he has his blanket he has his fingers in his mouth. Well for 3 days now...NO FINGERS. Seriously Hannah had to have an appliance put in her mouth to make her stop sucking her thumb...had it in for about 5mos, and wasn't cheap. Anyway it was a long shot but I said "Caleb don't suck your fingers're big now and don't need to do that. Your fingers get gross and it might mess up your teeth". He said I want to suck them. I said I'll give you and M&M if you stop...and that was it. FOR REAL!

I give him an M&M randomly throughout the day if he has his blanket and isn't sucking. Then he gets 2 M&M's if he doesn't suck them at nap or bedtime. Seriously I guess he loves M&M's. This was the easiest thing ever...not sure how we lucked out. He had a blanket that he kept in the car...we took that out (so no sucking in the car) and that was that. I'm so thankful.

Oh my sweet baby...who isn't really little anymore. He is 14mos now! Walking (almost running) everywhere. Started walking right about 12.5mos. He loves milk and does great from his cup. Went straight from nursing to cup...pretty easy transition. I nursed him up to a year and then he went to whole milk and did great. He eats EVERYTHING. Not picky, eats all table food and loves it. He is a messy eater, loves to rub it in his hair, and has not started throwing, no CHUNKING his food, I mean all the way across the kitchen :) Maybe he'll play baseball one day :)

We have just recently gotten out of 2 naps a day :( He will usually take a good afternoon nap when Caleb naps...usually 2hrs or so. He loves is green blanket. And now he has a monkey that he really likes. My kids have all had "their" blanket. He is in size 4 diapers (5 night time) , size 7 shoes, 18mos clothes. He got his first haircut October 4th. He had beautiful curls on the sides but his hair was so long in front. He did great for his first haircut and looks so handsome!

He has 4 teeth on top, and 3 on bottom. Says: mama, daddy, bye bye, bite, ball, more. He can sign more, please, and eat.

My kids are just growing up so fast. I love this stage in life and am trying to remember all of it! We are adjusting well to being back in Waco. Something else I love is that my kids are doing AWANA at church...and both Caleb and Hannah are memorizing verses and starting to understand what they mean. Simple truths about Jesus and is so precious. Caleb recites his verses (he knows about 8 now). I love to hear him say it. Hannah is so smart...she is learning new ones all the time and helping Caleb learn his. Precious!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mabe I'll start again... I haven't blogged in months! I was looking at all the old posts and pictures and TOTALLY got a little nostalgic about everything. Especially since tomorrow is Jacob's 1st birthday! I watched the video from Caleb's 1st b-day. Saw the picture of when Caleb was littlle and pulled all the kleenex's out of the box. Jacob has done the same thing..but I didn't take pictures...I think well I've missed so much or haven't blogged the past however many months. But it's not too late to start again!!!!

SO..back to taking pictures of everything. My kids are growing up so fast and I don't want to miss any of it! I love this to kinda be my journal of things going on. So here's to trying to blog again... Don't know if I have any readers out there...but I love reading friends blogs, so maybe i'll join the ranks again.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Cut...

Well these first 2 pics are random because I had to get a picture of the boys in here because they are just TOO CUTE. The rest of the post is about Hannah. So for those that have known Hannah since she was born, she has TONS of hair. She was born with a lot of hair and remind you she just turned 4yrs old in October. I myself have cut off about 8 inches of her hair in the past, but today we cut 9inches and donated her hair to help other people who need it. So you get the picture...lots of hair, I'm sure we'll do this again sometime.

For Locks of Love you have to have 10 inches of hair, we had 9 we donated through Pantene (all online). We sealed her hair in a ziplock bag, put it into a padded envelope and took it to the post office. She was pretty excited. I told her that her hair will go help someone who needs some hair like maybe some kids or ladies who are sick with cancer. We saw a picture of a bald person on the computer and as we were taking her hair to the post office she said "I bet they're really ready to get some hair". So cute I thought. So below are pictures of the day. Before, during, after.

I had kinda been wanting to get her hair cut for awhile just for something different, so today after everyone was convinced this was a good idea we went to see Brandy. She used her chi to get all the kinks out and to get it really straight when cutting. Hannahs hair is SO SO thick. I mean seriously as a 4yr old....she has so much hair. We washed it last night, so it's kinda big but will tame down I think. I love it, Hannah loves it, Daddy does too. Caleb never even said anything. She brushed her hair this morning by herself and said "MOM no more tangles"...we're all so happy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Long overdue Update!

Not sure what we were looking at but this pictures is so FUNNY. Love the expressions.

Ok so I know I haven't posted in if I have any blog readers left I'm gonna update. Lots has been going on at the McCarver household lately, I'll give updates on each of the kids first:

Hannah: I love this girl! I was talking to Jeremy the other day about her personality and character traits that I"m noticing. She really is very patient and doesn't really ever get too frustrated. Of course there are sibling issues but for the most part she is really easy going. For example in the mornings she wakes up early 7am...our routine is for daddy to go get her "set up " in the living room which means, drink, dry cereal to snack on, and puts in movie. She will watch while we got totally back to sleep. But lately if it's TOO early we say go sit on the couch and wait. She will sit patiently and entertain herself for 30min sometimes. Sometimes she colors, or she'll just sit and play with her baby. Such a good girl! She is so sweet..I'm so thankful for her.

Caleb: Ball of energy! He loves to, and throw things, especially balls. Total boy and I love that I get to experience both a son and daughter. This week we are potty-training and he has done SO SO well. We started on Tuesday morning, and today NO accidents and he pooped in the potty twice...AMAZING! Such a funny thing...tonight when he pooped well you know we make a HUGE deal about it, dance and jump up and down and everything. This is what he said, "Good Job, poo-poo in the potty, Shout to the Lord". SO SO funny. Don't know where the "shout to the Lord" came from but it was priceless. I think I may have said "PRAISE THE LORD" earlier when he went because I was so who knows.

Jacob: Oh such a precious baby. The past week and a half we have had "sleep training" for him. He has NOT been sleeping well at all, waking up every 2hrs most every night. Not necessarily wanting to nurse, just wants me to hold/rock him. So after talking to my friend Amber I just felt I need to do this now. With Hannah we waited until 11mos and it was really hard, she cried and it took 3 full weeks to get her trained. With Jacob he cried for 2hrs the first 2 nights...I would go in and pat every 10min, but after that he would sleep. He has done AMAZINGLY well. Really he sleeps all night now no more waking up, no more nursing in the middle of the night. We are all much happier around here. Anyway, besides sleeping, he is just so happy, smiles and laughs a lot...loves to watch Hannah and Caleb run around, they totally keep him entertained. I started baby food right at 4mos (in hope to help his sleeping), we have done rice cereal, greenbeans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, pears, peaches...pretty much everything but meats. He eats 2 meals a day and does great. At our 4.5mos checkup he weighed 16.8lbs. Growing well and he does NOT SPIT UP. This is so new to me. My others spit up for the first year, so I'm loving this!

I was thinking I haven't posted since the end of october, so since then we've had Thanksgiving AND Christmas...we went to Waco for both holidays and spent time with family. It was great to see everyone.

Now for some pictures...these are just random pics from things we've done the past couple of months. Thanks for reading. I would say I'll try to be a better blogger...but really maybe not. I"m just busy...and I'm actually on facebook more these days but don't post pics there. SO my blog will be for the pics. Thanks for reading...hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Patch and Friends

Well it is EXTREMELY difficult to get a good smiling pic of all the here you go.

A little better, but nobody is looking at me. And I love the "genuine" smiles we have here.

He was sound asleep when we got to he's looks a little sleepy, but so SWEET.

Just beautiful and her true smile...I love this pic.

This is Hannah and my best friend from college (Amber's) little girl. My friend Amber had a little girl, then adopted 2 older boys. After 4yrs of infertility, no drugs used, she is now expecting TWINS. Such a miracle and blessing from the Lord. It's fun when our kids get together and precious. We would never have thought this 12yrs ago at college!

Happy Birthday Hannah

Hannah turned 4 on October 3rd...I can't believe she is so big. She really is so fun to hang out with. She's pretty happy most of the time, and she likes to do "big girl" things with mom. Painting toenails, fixing hair etc...I'm so glad God gave me a baby girl!

Birthday Girl waiting for her party to start!

Blowing out candles... this was the 2nd time I think, Caleb blew them out for her the first funny!

Her little friends. Caleb had to join in too...he is her best bud!

Her party was fun it ended up being kind of a princess theme. They colored princess pictures and we made bead bracelets. They could spell their names on the bracelets which Hannah thought was kinda neat. I made strawberry cupcakes and they were ALL gone by the end. SUCCESS.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Individual Personalities

3 years old
Isn't she the most beautiful little girl you've ever seen. I just love her to pieces. We went to the track at the park last night and walked/ran/jumped and just played. The kids had a great time. It was good weather and we had fun as a family. I was thinking my kids all have such unique personalities and characteristics. I like this picture of Hannah because it shows her little smirk. It's the look where she is happy and excited that I'm taking her picture, but she's kinda shy about it too (the way she has her tongue and mouth). Little details I guess only a mom would know. But Hannah is so thoughtful. She always wants to make sure I have everything I need when I nurse Jacob. She wants to bring me my water and make sure I have a sandwich so I don't get hungry. So sweet! She is also definitely a leader and she has a plan..all the time. She informs Caleb of her plan and he just willingly follows. She also likes to tell me how things are gonna be. I then gently remind her that I am MOM and she needs to obey me. But thanks for sharing her ideas. She is so loving as well and such a nurturing 3yr old. Yesterday Jacob was crying so she went over to his bed and started singing "Jesus Loves Me" on her own to him, and he stopped crying. I peeked in to see, and she saw me and just smiled really big. SO SWEET! I didn't want her to stop so I're doing a great job, thank you for helping him feel better. PRECIOUS.

2 years old
Just such a sweet boy. Caleb loves me and loves for me to still hold and cuddle with him. His favorite things are his blanket, doggie, and his cup. He usually carries all 3 of them around at the same time. Even though those are kind of "baby" things he is getting so big. He LOVES Hannah the most I think. He loves to play with her, when he wakes up in the morning he wants to know what SHE is doing. He copies everything she does all day long. He follows along well at this point and is still easily persuaded. He is loving and wants everyone to be "OK". If Hannah or Jacob are crying he really wants to know that they are "OK". He kind of hovers around until they stop or he can see that things are gonna be fine.

5 weeks old
Well let me say he's really not as fat as he looks in this picture, I just love it! Cracks me up! So in Jacob's short little life I can say so far he is a pretty passive little baby. Content most of the time. Is starting to sleep better. I usually have atleast a 4-5hr stretch at night which is AWESOME. Thank you little one for letting mommy sleep some! I can't wait to see what your little personality will be like.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Babies!

They were "getting married". They both love to wear my shoes (why are kids so fascinated with this) and walk up and down the hallway, that means that they are now married. Pretty cute even if Caleb is wearing a princess crown. Jacob will grow up soon enough and they can play trucks.

Look at his precious smile. He has just recently started smiling on purpose at me and I LOVE it. With the light from the camera, makes me think his eyes may turn out to be kinda blue too (click on the pic to make it bigger). Go figure. Where is my brown-eyed baby?

Some days everyone just wants mom. I love it!

Growing Family

I had my 5wk post-partum appointment this week and I finally got a picture with nurse Pat and Dr. Suarez. Dr. Suarez delivered Jacob and Pat was wonderful during all my OB visits. She would always call back immediately and was so nice to talk to. Dr. Suarez was nice, never really said much and was VERY relaxed about this whole pregnancy thing. I guess he did a good job because I have a very healthy baby boy!

They love their brother!

Daddy and Jacob.

Just look at those cheeks! We had him weighed yesterday, and are you ready for this... he now weighs 10lbs 12oz. Thats is like 3lbs in 3 weeks.... YAY for Jacob! He still is not spitting up, so he is digesting everything which is wonderful. I will count my blessings!