Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1960s. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Both of these Jingle discs are NOT like the other.....

Going through some of the tanner stuff I have, I found 2 5001 Lps.....apparently there was a "R" version of 5001, which I will assume is revision, despite the fact it has a totally different label, or maybe this is where the company decided to change the labels? Who knows.

So, 2 tanner Lps this month, which seems to have different jingles on them. Enjoy!

First just the 5001 disc





And now the "Revised" 5001 Disc.





Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Break for the Jetsam so I can chew my gum away.....


I've decided to take a break this summer with the jetsam. The main reason? I'm moving. I have a LOT of stuff. Only a fraction of it is heard on the jetsam. radio shows, a large vinyl and CD collection, studios for both production and my internet radio stream, all with vintage broadcast gear and computers, you can see where this is going. It takes time to pack and tear down and unpack and rebuild. The weekly radio show "Cheeze Pleeze" ( and the stream ( will be given a bit of priority to be up and running and then the jetsam will be back. I thank you for all the letters and support i've had over the last year with this project, and want to stress, it's isn't permanent, it's just a break. we'll be back in the fall sometime.

Let's throw in one more exhibit before we start the break. Circa 1960s Wrigley spearmint gum jingles from another ET record that had me stand up and take notice when I saw the label. It's from the Universal Recording Corp in Chicago. It's a legendary studio in the city from the 1940s onward started by a man who pioneered numerous recording techniques and tricks and moved to hollywood in the late 50s to start yet another legendary recording studio of his design, Bill Putnam.

You can read more about Universal on the wiki HERE

Well, I suppose records didn't just pay the bills alone...commerical jingles certainly helped too.

I've put all 8 60 sec spots on one mp3 file.

Enjoy! and have a great summer!


Monday, October 18, 2010

The BIG Sound Of Richard H Ullman.. (Pt 1)

First off my apologies of not updating the jetsam more frequently. It's been a busy month, and I also do my weekly radio show/podcast and work on audio for my internet radio stream. I occasionally watch classic TV shows on DVD, take care of my 9 budgies and clean the house, hang out with the wife...well, you get the idea. It's been busy.

One of the issues with the jetsam is that posting a tape or a vinyl disc with a lot of cuts eats up time, often hours. You transfer the cuts, cut them up, name them, mp3 them, post them, create the links, write the details, and so on. In an effort to cut down on some of this time to make the posts more frequent, I shall put multiple cuts of one tape or disc side in one mp3 file and let you cut them up as you see fit. If you don't have a audio editor, may I suggest AUDACITY a great freeware program which will do the job nicely.

But on with The BIG Sound...

I couldn't find much about Richard H Ullman (the jingle producer) on google, in fact I couldn't find anything that really gives the history of the company, but the way I know it, They produced jingles for radio, both customized ones for radio stations (they produced a package called "Wonderful Cities" in the early 1960s that was used by many stations around the world) and obviously, as posted here, some generic off the rack stuff which can be customized for a local client

I confess, I find this stuff so campy it's fun and would love to hear it on the air today, if for no other reason but to spice up the rather homogenized sound of commerical radio. This stuff would stick out like a sore thumb, in a very good way.

Looking back at this Jingle for a chain of Canadian Bakeries which to my knowledge is not long out of business, it really can lean towards the naughty if your mind is occasionally in the gutter like me.

From The Early 1960s?, Open End Commerical Jingles
Produced by Richard H Ullman Inc, New York City, NY Disc # JOE-5-R

11 Cuts of Various Lengths

01-Real Estate
02-Grocery Store
03-Finance Company
07-Savings and Loan
08-Shop Downtown General
09-Shop Downtown-Xmas
11-Shopping Center


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let's talk...ok SING..about Wieners......

...Get your mind outta the gutter will ya?

This LP cover in a window in a record store I stumbled on in Portland Maine on vacation in May when it was closed made me itch to visit the store when it was open. I was determined to buy this record. why? come on. The title made me fall in love at first site. Like some curvy young female with lots of T and A to a record collector with a love for the odd and not so common, even unusual, it was like finding the holy grail. OK, maybe not exactly the holy grail, but close to it. Fortunately, I left the store some $50 poorer but with some great finds I would never have found if it weren't for this record. Cool eh? well I think so.

From 1971, one can only wonder why there records were pressed, as the label says "not for broadcast" but I can't think of a better purpose then promotion. It's not something I'd play over and over on the console stereo in mom and dads rec room as me and my friends sit down and eat a oscar meyer weiner that mom cooked up for lunch. Still, it gives an idea of diversity that marketing will go to to get their product out to as many people as possible. enjoy.

Oscar Meyer Jingles (1971)

Agency: J Walter Thompson Company

"Six Wild ways to say-I'd Love to be an Oscar Meyer Weiner"

(from the LP Liner notes)

Bossa Nova


Country and Western








Vienna Symphony


Monday, May 24, 2010

Goo Goo Ga Ga......Some 60's Camp....

It's been a bit since I posted some spots, for a variety of reasons, one of was a trip to the good ole USA. I lucked out at a record store with some strange and weird records (which I usually go for and often use on my weekly salute to the wacky warped and weird at but this site benefits here too, with some ET's. (or electrical transcriptions) of commericals of the 1960s.

The Term Electrical Transcription goes back to the late 1920s-early 30s method of recording radio programs ahead of time for air. Most went out live, but some did get recorded to a technology that failed to put sound to motion picture, but grew into the main format for recording for radio for decades. the 16 inch transcription disc was the father of the "LP" record perfected in 1948 by Columbia. The Transcription also played at 33 1/3, had a 15 min capacity on each side (LP's ran 15-20 minutes usually) and instead of using a "microgroove" stylus that the LP used, it used a 78 style needle. Keep in mind, this is all before tape was perfected by the Germans in the 1930s, adopted by the americans in the post world War II period of the late 1940s, and put into widespread use in the mid 1950s. Until Then the ET Ruled the radio airwaves with radio programs, recorded music, and also, commericals.

As the technology changed radio with the Broadcast Tape Cartridge in 1959 (the father of the 8 track, but that's another story!) so did the ET. it reduced to the equilvalent of the 12 inch LP record. It was still a practical way to get recorded material out to stations, be it full programs or commericals. Once it got to the station, it was often rerecorded to cartridge for actual air, and the disc put on the shelf and kept on hand until it was outdated. Eventually, reels of tape, then CDs and now mp3's would eventually replace the ET, but thanks to that format we have some material to post today on the jetsam. Over time, I will post all of the ET formatted spots I found in the US, but let's start off with one.

From 1966, an incredibly dated and influenced by the Folk craze of just a few years previous, comes this series of spots for Gerber Baby Foods, a company who's been around for at least since 1928, when the actual baby was introduced. Agghenanged as they are on the one sided disc:

Agency: D'Arcy Advertising Company, NYC

Gerber Products Company
Gerber Baby Foods
From ET # 2354

Baby Specialists GF-10


High Meat Dinners GF-3


Strained and Junior Foods GF-7


Rice Cereal GF-8


Variety GF-9