Blood donation
I had extra blood in my body (lol) so I decided that donating blood is good for health. Started looking for blood donation drives close by home but found none.
Then my brilliant brain (lol lol) said that why not just walk in to any government hospitals and for sure there will be some sort of blood bank that will accept blood donations. The brilliant brain too was thinking what will happen to all the blood that are donated to private hospitals? Sold back to people?
I had to find out the hard way the following fact:
In Kuala Lumpur at least there are only 2 platforms to donate your precious blood
1. Go directly to Pusat Darah Negara (google location)
2. Wait for blood drives (official calender here) organized by PDN and some "dai sam je".
Don't forget to bring your little red book too for your own reference and theirs. ;)
Happy donating people! Help save lives!