Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2008

Greens Up Across the Board: Nanos

Whooee! Well friends an' foes, pollster NickyBoy Nanos has some new figgers and since I'm just as much a hack as the next guy, I'm only too happy to mention polls when they say good things for the Green party. Green Party support is up in every region and among committed voters. The GPC is the only party that was up in every single category and region.

Here are the numbers:
Committed Voters - Canada (N=847, MoE ± 3.4%, 19 times out of 20)
Liberal Party 34% (-2)
Conservative Party 33% (-3)
NDP 15% (+1)
BQ 11% (+3)
Green Party 8% (+2)
(*Note: Undecided 16%)

Committed Voters - Ontario (N=266, MoE ± 6.1%, 19 times out of 20)
Liberal Party 43% (-7)
Conservative Party 33% (+1)
NDP 17% (+4)
Green Party 7% (+1)
(*Note: Undecided 16%)

Committed Voters - Quebec (N=223, MoE ± 6.6%, 19 times out of 20)
BQ 40% (+5)
Conservative Party 23% (NC)
Liberal Party 22% (-1)
NDP 5% (-8)
Green Party 9% (+3)
(*Note: Undecided 11%)

Committed Voters - West (N=279, MoE ± 5.9%, 19 times out of 20)
Conservative Party 42% (-9)
Liberal Party 33% (+5)
NDP 18% (+2)
Green Party 8% (+2)
(*Note: Undecided 18%)

Committed Voters - Atlantic (N=80, MoE ± 11.1%, 19 times out of 20)
Liberal Party 42% (-9)
Conservative Party 26% (-5)
NDP 22% (+8)
Green Party 10% (+7)
(*Note: Undecided 18%)
The big surprise for ol' JB was the big jump we got in Atlantic Canada. The Dippers got a big jump down east, too. I'm thinkin' our good showin' might be on accounta the gal I adore, Earth Mother Lizzie May, is a down east gal and she's runnin' against the increasingly unpopular Petey MacKay in Nova Scotia. Us Greens is also gonna hold our Annual General Meeting in New Glasgow, NS. I had thought our anti-seal hunt stand might hurt us in this region but the numbers say no.

Another interesting thing about these new poll numbers is that the Con's an' Grits mostly went backwards. Most of the support picked up by both Greens and Dippers is comin' at the expense of the Grits and Cons. I reckon this speaks to a desire for that most precious political commodity: change.

I reckon Canajuns have realized the HarpoonTossers is as corrupt and secretive and unaccountable and opaque as the Grits were. The Grits have been doin' everything in their power to turn off voters with the abstentions and incoherent policies and lacklustre leader.

Now, the Grits are tryin' to turn around their fortunes with a bold, new plan aimed at winning Greenies back over but Canajuns who care about ol' Mother Earth ain't about to jump at that baitas quick as the Libs are hopin'.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Stop Canada's New Government from Calling Itself Canada's New Government

Whooee! Well there's plenty of discouragin' stuff in the news and on the boogs this mornin'.

The HarpoonTossers been doin' polytickle 'pinion pollin' an' they ain't tellin' what they polled about even though it's the law an' they spent a $100,000+ on the poll. How many other polls have they been doin'?

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so dang hypocritical. The Cons is all up on their hindlegs huffin' an' puffin' about the Grits 'pinion polls when they was callin' the shots.

An' they been doin' more untendered buyin' fer the army. They just spent $8.8 million on some new armoured vehicles that'll help keep our army guys from gettin' their asses blowed off while they're fightin' the good fight fer Taliban Hamid an' his opium-financed warlord regime. Now, there's a cause worth ruinin' Canada's international reputation for. There's a bunch worth trustin' to treat prisoners humanely.

When I started this boogin' rant, I was mainly gonna write all about this funny petition I seen over to Cerberus's fine boog. The petition is fer gettin' the HarpoonTossers to leave off callin' 'emselves "Canada's New Government." That ain't the funny part. The funny part is when the petition sez they hafta start callin' 'emselves "Canada's Newish Government."

Here's a link to the petition.

Last week, there was a petition presented to the House o' Comments wantin' Bigfoot on the endangered species list. Maybe this petition'll make it to the House. It'd be good to see if the HarpoonTossers can laff at themselves. I ain't seen much self-deprication in polyticks so I ain't holdin' my breath.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Canadians to Cons: "You'll get the keys when you prove you can drive."

Whooee! Well friends an' foes, I was just over to Red Tory's boog. Red's got one o' the best boogs in Canada, sez I. He gets some o' the best yammerin' gabfests goin' on in his comments department. Today, Red posted up a boog story on the latest publick 'pinion polls an' how the HarpoonTossers been stuck at pretty much the same place since they come in.

I left me a comment over there to Red's boog an' I'm reducing my boogin' workload by re-usin' that comment here on my boog in a recycled version.

I figger we're treatin' the Cons like adolescents. We still ain't sure if we should trust 'em with the keys to the family chugmobile. We're lettin' 'em drive but we ain't lettin' do it without some backseat drivin' from the opposition. If the Cons could convince Canajuns they got the right stuff an' they're haffway qualified to steer, they'd probbly get a majority an' the keys to Canada.

The way they been lurchin' an' swervin' on AfghanaStreet ain't instillin' any confidence.

They ain't helpin' themselves with all the stallin' an' stop-startin' an' wrong turns they been takin' on GreenStreet, neither.

I reckon they oughta start listenin' to the backseat drivers. They sure need advice on how to keep 'er in gear.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dion's Got Problems

Whooee! Well friends an' foes, I was watchin' the Lloyd Robertson TV News Show last night an' they were yammerin' on all 'bout this here new 'pinion poll that don't look good fer the GrittyBoys. This here poll sez the Liberals lost 8% support since back in December an' most o' that support - 5% - went t' Earth Mother Lizzie May an' the Greenies. The ConMen picked up 3% an' the Dippers an' rotten separatist BlocHeads didn't budge.

Mebbe now that the Dips see us Greens ain't takin' from them but from the Grits, they'll lay off in the bad-mouth-the-greens department.

Accordin' t' that poll, the biggest troublem fer the Liberals is their leader. Dion comes up short in jest about every question havin' t' do with leadership. Bad news, sez I.

I figger Dion's got two bigass problems an' here's what they are --

  • His personality. Dion seems like the kinda guy you'd want fer a next door neighbour - quiet, timid, unassuming, intelligent, MYOB type, cuts his grass with a non-powered mower, rakes leaves instead o' usin' a bigass blower. You know. Good neighbour stuff -- not bossman o' Canada stuff.
  • His English. It ain't good. Sure, Harpoon's French ain't great but Harpoon don't need French-speakin' voters as much as Dion needs English-speakers. Everybuddy knows Dion's a university perfessor an' we expect better English from him than we accepted from Chretien. Folks say it ain't that he's incapable o' learnin' but that he never thought it was very important. It is, sez I.

I never woulda thought Harper's personality would be on the plus side fer the cardboard guy who shakes hands with the kiddies. When Harpoon wins in personality, it can only mean there's sumpin' wrong with the other guy.

If the Grits wanna pull their fat outta the fire, they gotta put a new suit on Dion an' they gotta get him a language coach. If they don't whip him inta shape, they're gonna have their own Kim Campbell on their hands -- 'cept Dion won't even get t' be PM like Kim did.

I ain't bettin' the Grits'll take my advice an' that's jest fine an' dandy on accounta the Grits' loss is the Greens' gain.

Yores trooly,