I figured I better record this story somewhere, before I start to forget things about it, so here it goes! On Friday, July 12th I went into the Dr. for my usual appointment. I was a day shy of 39 weeks, and not much had been happening on the baby front except that I was getting fatter. My Dr. informed me that he was going to be out of town the whole next week, but if I wanted he was fine with inducing me, and I wasn't too keen on the idea of having another Dr deliver Cannon, if I could help it. He let me choose if I wanted to do it the next day or the day after. I opted for Sunday instead of Saturday to give us a little more time to get everything ready.
Sunday morning we went into the hospital at 7:30. My nurse got my IV going, but not my pitocin for some reason. My Dr. came in and broke my water, said I was at a 3, and told my nurse to get me going. He was kind of annoyed that the pitocin wasn't already started. He also told me he thought I would be the first to deliver that day, so I had to be. I make everything a competition, including child birth. Then we SAT THERE. I did have some contractions on my own, but nothing too exciting or consistent. FINALLY at 10:30 my nurse got the pitocin going and I informed her that I didn't feel the need to be tough this time around and I was probably going to want my epidural in the next hour or so. She said I was next in line and the anesthesiologist should be in in about 15 minutes at 11:00ish. Then 12:00 rolled around without anything happening and I called the nurses station because I was in quite a bit of pain. I remember several times telling Josh to shut up because he was talking during a contraction. Ha ha. They hurt pretty bad at that point.
I got my epidural at about 12:10 and I asked to only have part of the initial dose because I didn't want to be numb forever like I had been with Reagan. Not my smartest move, only my left side went numb. So then I pretty much wanted to die until the anesthesiologist had me push my rescue button. At about 12:45 I was numb (yay!) and my doctor came in and checked me. Low and behold, I was completely dilated and ready to push. They asked me if I minded having some EMT observe and I said it was okay, but really I didn't want any extra eyes. He informed me that it was all good cause his wife had had 4 kids and he had delivered 3 in the field, that didn't really make it any better but I focused on other things...until it came time for me to push and the nurse grabbed one of my legs and Josh was going to hold the other, but the EMT guy did. Yeah, that was weird. I started pushing at 1:10 and came to find I wasn't totally numb, if you catch my drift, so that was fun. 7 minutes later Cannon was born!!! He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. He had quite a bit of dark brown hair and was pretty calm about the whole thing. I had him in about 2 1/2 hours (from the start of the pitocin). Not too shabby. Just think, if my nurse was on top of it, he would have been born before lunch. P.S I totally won, I was the first to deliver at the hospital that day. Go me! :) P.P.S I really liked all my other nurses, just not the first one. I actually got a new one about 20 mins before I started pushing, so that was good.
So far Cannon had been a real fatty. He eats every 1 1/2 to 2 hours round the clock (I might be a little exhausted). He is a pretty mellow guy, except for when it is time to eat (again, he is a fatty). At his two week appointment he had already gained a whole pound. He is so different from Reagan in that regard, and the whole being mellow thing. We are so glad he is here and are excited to continue to watch him grow!
3 cool kid(s):
It's funny how a nurse can make such a difference on the time of delivery with an induction. I swear I would have had Zack at least 2 hours earlier if my pitocin hadn't been dripping on the floor instead of in me. :) That really was a pretty fast labor though. Way to go Heather. And as far as that baby goes, he is so adorable! We really need to come meet him in person.
Haha! I laughed at the EMT comment (grabbing your leg--awkward!). All my boys were fatties, which was good, because they needed that fat as they got older--since they can't seem to put on any weight now! :) You'll love his chunk. . .after all, if there is one time in their lives when they can be chunky it's now, right? :) Love all the pictures. He really is so stinking cute!!! Give him (and Reagan) a love from us! Miss you guys.
:) loved this!! He is perfect!
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