Showing posts with label Aquarius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aquarius. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2011

Surprises and Fun things !

There are a few nice things that have happened
and that I want to share with you all.
I got my first Blog Award !
Thanks to Darlene Pringle / the Dancing Mango
♥ Thanks Darlene ! I feel very special :-)
So the thing about receiving this award is that I have to spill 10 things about myself that some of you don't know, so.......
1- That Pippi Longstocking in the sidebar is me
(when I was a bit younger)

2- I was born on the other side of te globe from where I now live
3- I have one sister
(on the other side of the world and I miss her)

4- I speak 4 languages and can understand
and talk a little in a few more

5- I love scuba diving
6- I am an Aquarius
7- and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac (you do the maths)
8- I love spicy food
9- and have a sweeth tooth
10-I have 2 adorable kids

also I get to nominate 7 creative blogs for this award
mind you I could nominate many more, there are so many lovely blogs around, but these are a few of my favs, so yes I am nominating 8...
My Art Journal - Diane Salter
Milda Malin - Malin Walkeby
For the love of little things - Jane Davenport

Borealis Shine -
Sol Santiago
Doings of Doone -
Donna Louise Rogers
Ottilias Veranda -
Eva-Liisa Eriksson
MegansCreativeBliss -Megan Suarez
Journey of a Mermaid - Goog G

Each of you can pick up your AWARD and post it to you blog, linking it back to me and tell ten things about yourself we did not know.. then choose 7 blogs of your choice.
Thank you.. Enjoy my friends..

another great thing that happened was that my folks came to visit
(yes from the other side of the world)
I found out about the Strathmore FREE online workshop
(Pam Carriker's Visual Journaling class)
by reading Jane Davenport's blog entry about this workshop,
so I signed up, yeah !
and I am so very much looking forward to starting with that class
And so the new year has hardly started
and I am already looking for that "Time-Tree"
(ummmmm, that "Money Tree" would be great too hahaha)
anybody has the seeds for a tree like that, or knows where to acquire them?
But hey, go check out some of the blogs I nominated, it's awards time !!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I will be doing quite a few
and such in the coming weeks
.ooOoo~~ Blub Blub oo00O00oo ~~.
I had already done some Mermaid paintings and ATC's recently,
but joined Suzi Blu's La Sirena group now as well.
I am so looking forward to this, learning more techniques again
and sharing my stuff with the others and You!
So keep an eye on this spot

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spoiled again

I feel blessed, I really have some very special friends.
Eventhough their "thing" is not really Art, but more Craft like patchwork and quilting, they have made such a grand effort choosing my gifts for my Birthday !
They must have spent hours wondering through the Art supply store and gifted me some beautiful Soft Pastels, crayons, palet knives and a Pan Pastel !!!
All this beautifully packed in a box with chocolate hearts
("you have to have hearts on a Valentines Birthday")
and....there even was a voucher !
for me to choose something off my Art wish list.
So today I went and bought some more Pan Pastel colours and some markers.
Again I feel so spoiled ! but I feel wonderful !

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Amigurumi sidetrack

A dear friend of mine gave birth to a baby girl (a fellow Aquarius chicky yeah!) She really likes the Amigurumi animals, but does not know how to crochet. So I thought I'll give it a try.
I have crocheted before, but never made an Amigurumi before. I made this Giraffe, what do you think ? Like all things handmade and precious, it takes quite a bit of time.I used Merino babywool, very nice and soft, but maybe I should use cotton next time. I'll do some more Amigurumi's for sure and with my thing for froggies, I would love to do a Frog Prince of course, just for myself to day, I've got paintings to finish first too.