Friday, July 24, 2009

It's been awhile

So it's been awhile again, I'm just not a blogger. Retreat for Girls just ended, and it was great. We decided to build on to our house as well this summer, so we were out of house for a month, not the best timing right before retreat, but we made it. Now we are back in the house, but it is a mess. It will be nice when it is all done! Here are a couple of pictures from Retreat.

Every year at Retreat the counselors do a silly, fun fashion show. My girls were in it this year, dressed up like pioneers. We couldn't convince Trey to do it this year.

We rented a hand cart for an activity for the girls. The activity turned out really good. They learned all about the handcart pioneers and each group had a chance to pull the handcart up old main hill. We couldn't get Trey to smile, notice the pose. I guess this will be a short post, I suddenly have to run. More sometime later!


Julie said...

Hey! So great to catch up with you! I forget you have a blog too! Cute kids and I love your hair-- I don't think I have ever seen it that short. Trey just looks like a real pioneer with the "serious" face on.

Sounds like you have had another busy summer-- we have to get you guys over for dinner sometime!