Dans new dirt bike. He has wanted one for years and after our tax return, I told him it would be now or never. He's so excited about it, he goes outside every night just to start it...lol.

This is me trying out my new camera for my b-day!!!! Dan also bought me a scanner, which I have wanted for years because I have so many pictures that are not digital. It came with Photoshop Elements (the cheaper version), and I love it, even though I still have to figure most of it out!

This is Rachel watching t.v. on the kitchen floor...lol. I have been so sick lately that all the kids do is watch t.v. and play outside. I feel terrible about this, but I just don't have the energy to entertain them. She's so cute all bundled up!

These two have found a new hobby....wrestling. They are constantly tackling each other and giggling like crazy. Instead of yelling at them to stop fighting, I have to yell at them to stop giggling so much! They are cute buddies!

When did she decide to grow up?! This girl will be 11 in just a couple of short months. She is growing into a young lady more and more every day! I can't believe my oldest will be this old! I was her age when my little brother Shawn was born. It was seriously the greatest thing in my whole life having a baby brother at this age. Hailey has shared her concern about how her friends will feel about them coming over with "all these kids in our house" and having to share a room, etc. I told her that's just part of being in a family and part of being more self-reliant and learning to share space and save money. She's now worrying more about what kinds of clothes to wear and spends wayyyyy to much time on her hair and steals my brush and straightener all the time. She is totally into cooking and anytime I let her, she will pull out a recipe and follow it with occasional questions but pulls it off pretty good! I'm beginning to have serious flash backs! Yikes, people! She also has so much more on the ball than I ever did! This girl is smart beyond her years in many ways and right on track in others :) I can't wait for a new little one in our house and hope that it does good things for her, just like having a new little one in my house at the age of 11 did for me. Pray for me, friends, I have a pre-teen BIG TIME!

oh man your kids are so dang cute! I LOVE YOUR NEW CAR! and am still soooo sooo sooo excited you are having another baby! im glad our babies will have a buddy! I totally remember throwing a fit about sharing a room, I would kick everyone out when i had friends over though haha!!
I love your blog and seeing all of the great pictures of your family! You have the cutest kids ever and get to have another, YAY! My son, AJ, is 8 and he STILL won't let me spike his hair! He likes to comb it down and it drives me crazy! That Joe is going to be a heartbreaker! :)
You look great and I love your hair! Nice new car too! I will be in my van until it dies because we turned our old one in for this new one, and now we owe more than it's worth! We just got it last year though and I love it! It's a Toyota, Sienna w/ a dvd player for the kids, so that's a life saver! I can't imagine driving anything else right now knowing that I am going to have two little ones to get in and out of car seats. One day I'll get to be back in a fun and more sporty SUV! I am happy for you and I am sure you are enjoying it!
Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments on my blog! Your kind words were very comforting and reassuring! It's nice to know I am just normal and not too terrible for taking a moment or two to complain!
Flashbacks are you kidding me. When I was 11 my parents told me they were expecting #5 I cried. I was so worried because we already had the most kids out of anyone at school. It all worked out and I gained mad baby skills. When #6 came along it didn't phase me - what did phase me was the embarassing van we had - not a mini van - the kind with captain's chairs, track lighting and curtains.
oh, did I mention the personalized spare tire cover?
I can't believe you are running when prego and sick!! I was for sure giving up on running with my fav running partner in Logan!! Just take it easy and enjoy being prego!!
You are so cute! I love all your posts! :) Your kids are just darling and so are you! :)
OKay, i have been off the blogging wagon for SOOOO long and just now getting caught up. YOU ARE PREGGO?????????// I am so excited for you!! I can't believe it, I thought you were done. Congrats! Oh, and great pictures and way to go running while pregnant, you are awesome!
I love your new Pathfinder!! very nice. I bet you were so excited to get out of the van. I love all the pics of your cute kids.
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