Some days, maybe the result of an experience or conversation with someone, do you just feel grateful for where you are and what you have? Today was one of those days. I am extremely grateful today, like close to tears grateful. I have an amazing husband. I wish he knew how amazing he is, maybe the fact that he doesn't know that makes me think he is even more amazing. I honestly can't believe that we have been married 11 years! (No, today isn't my He is not one of those men that isn't too maucho that he doesn't express how he feels, or isn't afraid to shed a tear (I'm sure he doesn't want that broadcast, oh late!) He helps me around the home, loves to spend a great deal of time with our children, and is always concerned with making sure my needs are met. I love Dr. Laura Schlessinger's book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. I have the hardest time being around women or listening to women who rag on their husbands. Now, I'm not perfect...I've made little comments about my own hubby on occasion, but I hear from him at a later time how that made him feel bad. Is he less manly for telling me so? No! I think us women share small stories about our men, hoping to find that we aren't the only ones who feel a certain way, but does this do any good? No! I agree with Dr. Laura...the more we encourage, love and build our husbands up, the more willing they will be to please us. If you have not read that book and you are married...go read it :) It will change your view and promote a healthier marriage....I promise!
Another thing I'm incredibly grateful for...friends. As Anne of Green Gables would say "kindred spirits". Oh how I love that expression! How often do you find "kindred spirits"? Not often, I think. I'm not saying that there aren't oodles of good people out there...but sometimes I think there are people you just feel like you knew before you were born! Sometimes I marvel at these friends and think...why in the world do they like me so much? These friends are unconditional in their friendship with me. How grateful I am for this! I don't have to worry about my body image, or how I feel about something, I can cry in front of them and express myself without worrying how this person will feel about me when I'm through. I hope these people in my life know how I feel about them!
I am grateful for my Savior. I often think of that story in the New Testament where the Pharisee's came to Christ with a woman....wanting to stone her for adultery. As Jesus wrote in the dirt he replied"...he who is without sin, cast the first stone at her" (John 8:7) As they began to leave the scene one by one...he then said to the woman "...woman, where are thine accusers, hath no man condemned thee? She said no man Lord. Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more." How powerful is that?! How loving and kind He is! He loves us regardless of what we do. Does he want us to live right? Yes, because he wants us to be happy, but He will love us no matter what our choices may be and if we are humble and contrite, he will forgive us ALL our trespasses. If only, we truly understood that!
Now, aside from all the hokeyness today, I am grateful for laughter...sometimes in life...all we have to do is just laugh...laugh at ourselves, laugh at our circumstances, laugh when our children have meltdowns in the middle of the store or pull the fire alarm during sacrament meeting. I mean, these things are funny, really...think about it...they are! Things would just be boring all the time if we didn't just have a good laugh.
You're awesome Jenny, I love your blog! Also, I LOVE Dr. Laura--I have read almost all of her books and my favorite is "Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands"--it's fantastic! (I really should pick it up again).
You guys are great!! There is so much Truth to what you say. Don't ya'll ever stop being YOU!
AMEN to everything! I recently read somewhere about the laughter's sooooo true. it reminds me of Marjorie Hinckley who said "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache." haha love it!
Hi Jenny!! You are so sweet. I just found your blog last night. I found Stephanies blog through a hair blog and then I found your blog through Stephanies blog. Anyway....It is fun to see a little glimpse of your life. Your kids are so cute!! I see Dan all the time at work, but I haven't seen you FOREVER or your 2 youngest kids EVER. Love Annika
Jen- You are so amazing and so is Dan. I can't believe that 11 yrs has come and gone since our weddings. I actually haven't read that book so I will have to check it out. Thanks for ALWAYS being an amazing "kindred spirit" to me and all those around you. Have a wonderful and family filled thanksgiving! :-)
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