Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Mall (da..da...dum)!

I'm not a shopaholic. I hate buying clothes for myself or anyone else. If I can't find it at Target or Walmart, I will find it online. I don't really venture outside of West Jordan, if I can help it. I guess I'm not the typical (if there is a typical) girl. I HATE SHOPPING unless it's shoes! Well, I have a good friend, who is also my lifting partner. She is obsessed with any kind of comic character...her fav being Batman. My husband really wanted a Ramones t-shirt. There is a store at the mall called...Hot Topic. Why do I know this? Well, I've been there a time or two for a couple of t-shirts that I pretty much wear only at home....or to Shawn concert..lol. I needed to get my friend a t-shirt for Christmas (yes, I'm late) and I wanted to get Dan a Ramones shirt for Christmas (yes, I'm late, cause he broke the rules, NO EXCHANGING GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS). So, I pile all 4 kiddo's into the van and make my way across the stinkin valley to Fashion Place Mall. The word fashion alone scares me and causes massive anxiety. We get to the mall only to find every parking spot taken, I kid you not! Even the kids are commenting on the fact that it is very busy. So we park out in Nevada and make our way through the parking lot into the mall. Anxiety is gripping my soul at this point, as kids are hanging on for dear life to my hoodie, hands and purse (not enough hands for 4 kids). We push our way through crowds and walk clear across the dang mall to the lovely Hot Topic. In the background is serious screaming matched with some pretty cool guitar and drums (why can't the singing match the other talent?). Abby, Rachel and especially Joe are terrified of this place. Joe starts crying and wants to be held and Abby is telling me that this is Satans store (hahaha) and we need to leave. I search and search for a cool Batman shirt but can only find tiny suction cup t-shirts made for girls with perfect figures, of course none of those girls wear those shirts...haha...and finally find a cool action figure comic shirt and then go in search of a Ramones t-shirt. They only carry them in size small...dang it, gonna have to get the Ramones shirt online. So we make our way to the register and wait in the mile long line with some seriously scary folkes with their mothers. We finish our purchase and run out of there...my train in tow. The kids beg me to never take them back there again. I agree.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

This year Christmas was quite eventful! We woke up not only to powerful winds but snow falling. We had no power as well, and no heat. Our furnace has been giving us trouble and with the hustle and bustle of the last few days, there has been no time to replace a sensor in our furnace. My dad is an expert in the heating/air-conditioning field and told us how to "rig" the sensor so that it would work, well, it wasn't working at all Christmas Day. We decided to run our two fireplaces and that actually kept the house pretty warm. We had a fun Christmas morning with candles lit throughout the house. We read a story or two from the Friend and read the scriptures. We drank our orange juice and waited for it to lighten up a little outside. As the snow fell, with no power, the kids started on their stockings. I loved Christmas as a child! My parents made the day so much fun! We had to line up from youngest to oldest, read Luke 2 and we also had to open gifts one at a time. My dad usually had a little treasure hunt for us with an envelope in the tree with clues to our final gift. I now understand how much fun it probably was for him as well! I loved watching the kids have fun with their new things. Yes, they are things, but it still is fun! Dan and I had to laugh all morning at their glee. I took a funny picture of Dan reading the instructions to Joe's new transformer...and Joe waiting in anticipation for him to figure it out. Christmas is seriously the most tiring day but the most joyous!

Later in the day I began to feel very sick. I was in bed the entire day with nausea and a headache. Later that night the kids were complaining of the very same thing. The next morning (today) we found that our fireplace downstairs was leaking carbon monoxide. Scary! We turned it off and aired it out and are all feeling much better! Carbon Monoxide detectors are so worth the money!

With more than a foot of snow on the ground and still falling outside, this truly was the most memorable Christmas! I hope your was all you hoped for and more!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Oh my goodness, we had the most fun sledding on Tuesday with my brother Matt and his family (wife Steph, kids: Sammy, Parker, Aubrey, & Haven). They have a great park with perfect hills and we must of been sledding for about 2 hours! Here are the pics!

Steph and Abby
Steph and Joe

Dan & I

Matt, Parker and Joe

Dan (head first)


Matt watching Abby and Joe

The Kid Train (Sammy in front with Parker behind, Hailey, Rachel, Aubrey? Some kid hanging out with us at the park, we didn't even know...lol)


Abby in Back, Sam in front, Parker standing

Adult Train Dan in front, Parker, Matt and Me

Another Adult Train: Not sure who is in front, then Parker, Matt, Rachel, Dan, Steph

Monday, December 22, 2008

An Unexpected Day...

Now, I knew going into this day that is was going to be a long one...but maybe it was hormones or maybe it was the fact that I had too much to do, I don't know, it just started out not so good. Anyone who knows me will understand the fact that missing a day at the gym is like missing a day taking a shower. It just doesn't happen...LOL. So, because of my long day, I had to be at the gym at 5 a.m. Yes, I'm insane. I was home in time to make a quick breakfast and run out the door, still in gym clothes, to take Hailey and Abby to the dentist. Hailey is great at the dentist, very brave and grown up. Abby, however, was ballistic, stressing all night about this event. The girls had cavities. In all of our moving around and lack of dental insurance, we haven't been up to date on our visits, so now we're all paying for it ;) Abby is very afraid of anything new! We said a prayer before we left and told her with the laughing gas (those words alone freaked her out, even with lots of explaining), this would be a breeze. Well, for 15 minutes our wonderful dentist explained how he would help her feel happy with the laughing gas, that she would laugh and enjoy her movie and he would paint her teeth (NO SHOTS, she was assured), and it would be fast and painless. She sobbed and sobbed and wouldn't do it. Now, this is like worse than having your kids throw eggs in the grocery store, seriously, you'll never see those people in the grocery store again and you can go to a different store. It's no big deal, even tantrums in the grocery store weren't as bad as this. Abby is 8 and she is loud! She was not going to do it, NO MATTER WHAT! The dentist and I agreed she needs a pediatric dentist. My insurance doesn't cover much when it comes to pediatric dentists....retarded! The second we went back in to have Hailey finish getting her 1 filling, Abby was still sobbing loudly and saying she was sorry. You know, I'm sympathetic to the fact that the dentist is scary, really, I am! I hated the dentist growing up and we never had the option of laughing gas. I know it's scary but life is scary, we all have to muster bravery in order to just survive each day. Unfortunately Abby will not be eating candy at all for a while. Coming home to a messy house and 5 trillion loads of laundry and a grumpy hubby, cause the house is a mess and the kids aren't picking things up like they should, and I'm grumpy from dealing with a child who refused to get her teeth fixed and a huge upcoming bill for a new dentist, was just more than I could bare. It was officially not a good day.

Around 6:30 tonight Dan and I sat down with the kids to read Luke 2 and to watch The Nativity and read a Christmas story or two, to sing songs, and pray together. The spirit is invited into our home for the first time today. I'm warmed by it and find myself so incredibly grateful for my sweet kids, no matter how messy, how loud, or stubborn or afraid. They are unique and individual and I couldn't ask for more!

8:30 or so...a knock, kids opening door and bringing a big sack full of gifts downstairs. It is full of presents for the children and envelopes for Dan and I. No note or name on the tag as to who it is from. This is such an unexpected, kind and wonderful gift. Whoever you are, THANK YOU! This is yet another reminder to me of what Christmas is about...giving...and I have been given so much...words simply can't express.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not Impressed...

So, am I the only one who was NOT impressed with the new "Twilight" movie? It was almost painful to watch...actually it seemed Edward was in pain. It made me...oh, what's Stephanie Meyer's favorite word...GRIMACE. Course, I guess he kind of was in pain, but I don't know, I just didn't think it would be that painful to watch (pun-da-dum-dum). I was expecting Mike (the kid with the crush on Bella), to be much more good looking, not such a doofus. Carlisle and Jasper were also not what I expected as well. I envisioned Carlisle as being sort of Italian or Greek but not Baywatch blonde...ew. I also pictured Jasper differently as well. I don't know how, he was just not what I thought he would be. I thought that Kristen Stewart was great as Bella! I loved Alice! I wasn't too impressed with Edward though. I mean, I didn't find him dreamy, but then again, maybe we all just have different "types". What did you think?
I don't know, maybe I need to see it again, just to be sure...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

6 Years Ago Today...

...My sweet baby Rachel was born! She was the sweetest baby! She was very calm and gentle, until she hit 1...lol. She's super feisty but also still has that super sweet streak. I just love this girl! She has the green eyes that melt me every time and the most infectious giggle. It's the Ballard laugh, lawl! You get the Ballards (my dad's side) of the family together and it's like a room full of laughing hyena's, seriously, the funniest sound you'll ever hear. She has that laugh. She loves dresses, still, and has since she was born. If she could live every day in a dress, she would. She is very feminine and loves everything pink and sparkly. She loves to color, read and sing. She loves to tease. She loves to ride her bike, jump on the trampoline and help me in the garden. I'm so grateful the Lord sent this amazing little girl to me, I feel so lucky!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Who knew texting could be so dang fun?! I feel so young...'sigh'.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had so much fun this last weekend! Dan's brother Dave & wife Lynette and their 5 kids came to stay with us for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun having Thanksgiving with the Johnsons! We ate and ate and ate and ate...lol. The kids just couldn't get enough of their cousins and we enjoyed spending time with Dan's parents and Dave and Lynette, we don't see them often! There are a few pictures of Thanksgiving dinner...then some pictures of all of us visiting Temple Square. It was a zoo, but we enjoyed seeing all of the lights! D & L and their family left Saturday morning :( We then celebrated another Thanksgiving with my family on Sunday night at Matt & Stephs home. I really like the two Thanksgiving ideas...more food for me and a nice break from the uber healthy eating schedule I've been on...haha! Can I just say Cheesecake is da bomb?! I think I am super grateful for...CHEESECAKE! Well I hope all of you had a great weekend, I look forward to reading more from you ;) (Chels, Kristi...that means YOU! hehe)

lol...sorry Emmie, I only got your beautiful eyes!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Human Day Race

Thanksgiving Day 5K...it was a blast!
(left to right) Ron (dad), Tammy (my cousin!), me, Brent (brother), Jeanine (mom)
After...it rained the whole time! But at least it wasn't super cold! Thanks for coming with me guys!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Feeling Grateful

Some days, maybe the result of an experience or conversation with someone, do you just feel grateful for where you are and what you have? Today was one of those days. I am extremely grateful today, like close to tears grateful. I have an amazing husband. I wish he knew how amazing he is, maybe the fact that he doesn't know that makes me think he is even more amazing. I honestly can't believe that we have been married 11 years! (No, today isn't my anniversary...lol) He is not one of those men that isn't too maucho that he doesn't express how he feels, or isn't afraid to shed a tear (I'm sure he doesn't want that broadcast, oh wait...to late!) He helps me around the home, loves to spend a great deal of time with our children, and is always concerned with making sure my needs are met. I love Dr. Laura Schlessinger's book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. I have the hardest time being around women or listening to women who rag on their husbands. Now, I'm not perfect...I've made little comments about my own hubby on occasion, but I hear from him at a later time how that made him feel bad. Is he less manly for telling me so? No! I think us women share small stories about our men, hoping to find that we aren't the only ones who feel a certain way, but does this do any good? No! I agree with Dr. Laura...the more we encourage, love and build our husbands up, the more willing they will be to please us. If you have not read that book and you are married...go read it :) It will change your view and promote a healthier marriage....I promise!

Another thing I'm incredibly grateful for...friends. As Anne of Green Gables would say "kindred spirits". Oh how I love that expression! How often do you find "kindred spirits"? Not often, I think. I'm not saying that there aren't oodles of good people out there...but sometimes I think there are people you just feel like you knew before you were born! Sometimes I marvel at these friends and think...why in the world do they like me so much? These friends are unconditional in their friendship with me. How grateful I am for this! I don't have to worry about my body image, or how I feel about something, I can cry in front of them and express myself without worrying how this person will feel about me when I'm through. I hope these people in my life know how I feel about them!

I am grateful for my Savior. I often think of that story in the New Testament where the Pharisee's came to Christ with a woman....wanting to stone her for adultery. As Jesus wrote in the dirt he replied"...he who is without sin, cast the first stone at her" (John 8:7) As they began to leave the scene one by one...he then said to the woman "...woman, where are thine accusers, hath no man condemned thee? She said no man Lord. Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more." How powerful is that?! How loving and kind He is! He loves us regardless of what we do. Does he want us to live right? Yes, because he wants us to be happy, but He will love us no matter what our choices may be and if we are humble and contrite, he will forgive us ALL our trespasses. If only, we truly understood that!

Now, aside from all the hokeyness today, I am grateful for laughter...sometimes in life...all we have to do is just laugh...laugh at ourselves, laugh at our circumstances, laugh when our children have meltdowns in the middle of the store or pull the fire alarm during sacrament meeting. I mean, these things are funny, really...think about it...they are! Things would just be boring all the time if we didn't just have a good laugh.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Key Drop Outs

My little Brother, Shawn, has his own band called In Key Drop Outs (click on link...don't mind an occasional swear word *shocking gasp* Slow Down and Spiders are my favs). They are a Ska/Punk band. I love their music! Shawn is super talented at the piano, guitar and composing his own music. I'm so jealous! I can play the piano/violin/viola but I can't compose music very well. I do love to take hymns and arrange them differently but that's where the talent ends. I've been bugging Shawn to tell me when he would be having his next show and he told me last week that they would be performing at Boing. Boing is a house downtown where several people live and they open their home up to several bands on occasion. This house was cool, I thought. They have mattresses up against the windows to block out most of the sound (they are in a neighborhood and it is LOUD!) They also have a vegan cafe as well. The people were very nice! I have to admit I was slightly nervous going down there but super excited to see In Key live. Can I just say that it was SUPER KOOL! They ROCK! I couldn't believe how well they sounded live! The entire crowd skanked and moshed and sang to the top of their lungs when he was on. Shawn is lead guitarist and does most of the vocals. He also composes most of the music. His drummer, Anna, was awesome and the bass guitarist, Casey was great as well. I can't believe how talented he is! Dan and my parents came with me. We, seriously, were completely out of place but I don't care! I teased Shawn that next time I will wear my Big D and the Kids Table (their Obama Song is retarded...just so you know) t-shirt and dye my hair purple (oh wait, it already is purple! It will have to be blue then!) It was a blast! I tried hard to get my dad and Dan to Mosh, because they are big guys and would seriously kick trash, but they refrained...geez you'd think they were old or something, course I'm one to talk...hahaha! I'm excited for his next show! You PWNT Shawn!

Shawn is behind this dude staring at the camera. He's the one behind the mic with the glasses.

This is a small clip of the show...can't hear much and it doesn't do it justice but it's sort of fun to see.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Race

For anyone interested in running or walking a 5K with me on Thanksgiving morning...here's the link. Register and let me know!

Annual Christmas Candy Houses

This year, our family decided to do our houses early. It's nice to enjoy the houses during the holidays! No one was missing, which is getting to be a rarity. I love watching my brothers and my Dad to see what kind of houses they come up with. Mom never makes a house and if she does it's an outhouse (LOL). So she just played with the kids and made oooo's and awwww's when we would add something new. Everyone's house turned out great this year....although Dad and Brent kept their houses low key...Matt's was my fav. He always creates these monstrosities. My dad made a neat little old fashioned car by his house (I didn't get a picture, dang it). Dan and I built our house together. Brent and Cortnie's new little baby Malloy is growing so fast and he is soooo cute! I love having my sister-in-laws around. They are pretty much all I have for sisters and I really enjoy all of my sister-in-laws and love it when they want to hang out with me!